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This (story/video)was featured last night on 20/20. Because of things I have read happending across the Country in Public Schools regarding lunch including if the school deems your home lunch "unhealthy" they force your child to eat their lunch and charge the parents....I decided last night I am taking a trip up to the tot's school and viewing for myself what they are serving up.
I have not seen a public school lunch in 22 years. I remember them (ick) but have NO clue what they are like now. Thank you 20/20 you are prompting me to see "what the government thinks my child should eat". The cost of this lunch for an Elementary School Child is $2.20.
If the schools take Federal $$ for anything, they must follow the Federal Guidelines pertaining to accepting that $$. My experience in State Government has taught me .....most State's will dance whatever dance they need to get that (Federal)moooooney.