Wide Load Wants to Control Your Food


New member
Lunch lady from hell :peach:


This (story/video)was featured last night on 20/20. Because of things I have read happending across the Country in Public Schools regarding lunch including if the school deems your home lunch "unhealthy" they force your child to eat their lunch and charge the parents....I decided last night I am taking a trip up to the tot's school and viewing for myself what they are serving up.

I have not seen a public school lunch in 22 years. I remember them (ick) but have NO clue what they are like now. Thank you 20/20 you are prompting me to see "what the government thinks my child should eat". The cost of this lunch for an Elementary School Child is $2.20.

If the schools take Federal $$ for anything, they must follow the Federal Guidelines pertaining to accepting that $$. My experience in State Government has taught me .....most State's will dance whatever dance they need to get that (Federal)moooooney.


...I have not seen a public school lunch in 22 years. I remember them (ick) but have NO clue what they are like now...
I was just in a lunch room at a local high school. They had a Subway. :TomO: That is capitalism. :5020: If wide load :DK: gets her way, :sibbie: it will be gone soon. Rev. 13:11–17 :Commie:


New member
The problem is many americans are on the dole and organic and nutrisious foods are EXPENSIVE, espeically to prepare them in such a way that they are palitable without making them unhealhy (spices, sauces, etc). Someone who is a maginal producer in society would have to spend all their income to eat such foods and most people wont do that. They would have to substantially up food stamps to pay for such foods which would raise the national debt.

The cheap low cost foods are what is preventing riots and total social disorder because they can be produced for the masses. IF all that was avalible was healthy foods we would see alot of social disorder because that food is expensive to produce and people would have a fit over it, especially when their govt dole checks did not keep up with teh cost of these foods.


A nanny state isn't a good thing, but at least this might raise the awareness on the obesity epidemic some. Especially among young people, most of which love and adore Michelle Obama.

Government officials making people aware of unhealthy habits comes with the job, (gee Michelle, when are you going to talk about how abortion and homoseuxality are unhealthy?) but as shown in the link the from cradle to grave government of B. Hussein Obama is taking it a step further:

"Should the recommendations not be taken seriously, Michelle Obama has warned that the government can and will step in. “No one gets off the hook on this one,” Obama said in a presentation this week, reports The Washington Post."


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
One of the most desired women (Marilyn Monroe) averaged 130 to 145 lbs. and wore size 12-14 dress. She was 5 foot 5 inches tall.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Saturated animal fat is good for you. Fiber is bad for you. Care to have it explained? Ask yourself why are there so many studies on the two things. Because they don't get the results they expect.

Here is an example.

Scientists have shown through real-life research in third world countries that grain- and legumebased diets high in phytates do the exact opposite of what we incorrectly assume: they generally have a depressing effect on absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, and copper.Non-chelated minerals (minerals not bound to amino acids, which are only available from meat sources) ionize in the gastrointestinal tract. Once this occurs, the “positive” ions combine with the “negative” ions so they often negate each other, i.e., maximum bioavailability doesn’t occur. To make matters worse, the fiber you have consumed binds the ionized minerals into complexes that are non-absorbable and not bioavailable — you excrete them.

The Barbarian

I notice that this was done by one teacher, and after an investigation by the school, the teacher resigned. So I'm guessing that it wasn't ordered from the White House, after all.

Sorry, Serpent.

The Barbarian

Serpent sounded a bit hysterical again, so I took a look at the proposed regulation:

In order to take into account the needs of producers and the requirements of flexibility and proportionality, the Regulation will not to apply to plant reproductive material intended for testing and scientific purposes and intended for breeding (selection) purposes. In addition, it should not apply to material intended to or maintained in gene banks, organisations and networks of ex-situ and in-situ or on farm conservation of genetic resources following national strategies on conservation of genetic resources. Furthermore, plant reproductive material exchanged in kind between two persons other than professional operators is excluded from the scope of the Regulation.

So no threat to freedom of seed. Ironically, the market has done what they are proposing to do; more nutritious plant varieties have crowded out less nutritious ones, as farmers sought to maximize their income.

Moderately useless, but no threat to gardeners or researchers.


Log your workout online: "...[P]articipants can begin logging their workouts, which will garner prizes for numbers of days participated, as well as weekly random-drawing prizes and eligibility to win larger sweepstakes.

...[R]egistrants can get tips about exercise and nutrition, find motivational information and compete against friends, neighbors and fellow Coloradans.

"We're trying to make this really accessible and fun and appealing," says Tracy Faigin Boyle, vice president of marketing and communications at LiveWell, which has partnered with its founding funder, challenge sponsor Kaiser Permanente, on the event..." Full text: Colorado Get Movin' Challenge :DK: a statewide effort for health :peach:

Also see:

Greek values

Obamacare :Nineveh:


Well-known member
Log your workout online: "...[P]articipants can begin logging their workouts, which will garner prizes for numbers of days participated, as well as weekly random-drawing prizes and eligibility to win larger sweepstakes.

...[R]egistrants can get tips about exercise and nutrition, find motivational information and compete against friends, neighbors and fellow Coloradans.

"We're trying to make this really accessible and fun and appealing," says Tracy Faigin Boyle, vice president of marketing and communications at LiveWell, which has partnered with its founding funder, challenge sponsor Kaiser Permanente, on the event..." Full text: Colorado Get Movin' Challenge :DK: a statewide effort for health :peach:

Also see:

Greek values

Obamacare :Nineveh:

Do you do telemarketing too? Or just the internet spam?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I could get behind this movement easy. Personally, I never eat processed foods or fast food. Fish is usually the only meat I ever eat. I do believe people should have the freedom to eat what they want, but raising awareness about obesity and the problems it causes people is a good fight to fight imo. A good diet is important for mental clarity.

Meat is good for you. Its carbohydrates that are not.