Wide Load Wants to Control Your Food

Bubba Switzler

New member
I just googled her. Why do people call her wide load?

That's my point: she is wider than the anorixic ideal but women should be wider than men! (Especially if they're going to be breeding but also for purely aesthetic reasons.)

And last I heard, medical advice is that women who have extra weight below the waist are healthy, the problem is women who are carrying extra weight in the mid section.


New member
It seems to me you are saying that most women you see are skinny, and what I see is most women are big, buxom, full-figured and fat. Why is this the case? Do we live in different worlds?

I attend IMO the world's most preppy university, where bigger women are like an endangered species.

My wife went to class with me one day, and afterwards gave me permission to ogle big women on campus, because the likelihood of me SEEING one is about the same as the likelihood of seeing a California Condor: if you see one, you'd better enjoy it, because it might be the last time you do.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There is another interesting possibility: you are each carrying different measuring sticks in your head.

Let's define the measuring stick. Most women I notice would be less than 5'9" and weight in excess of 200 pounds. It seems about half the women fit this description here in Missouri and slightly less in the lakes area of Georgia.


New member
Utimately, there is no substitute for self-discipline. What, after all, is the incentive for the government to create incitives for farmers to create incentives for healthy eating? Are politicians the only people with free will here?

I would say that with all the debt the government has piled up on us, it's in their best interest to work with the agriculture industry so that we all live long enough to pay it off! :chuckle:

I think in the big picture, some people are just oblivious to their own self, Bubba Switzler. Some people are used to the government taking care of them, so the government needs to ween them towards a better lifestyle. Unfortunately, the government never wants to let go of any inch it gains on it's people. I guess maybe the whole situation is hopeless.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I attend IMO the world's most preppy university, where bigger women are like an endangered species.

My wife went to class with me one day, and afterwards gave me permission to ogle big women on campus, because the likelihood of me SEEING one is about the same as the likelihood of seeing a California Condor: if you see one, you'd better enjoy it, because it might be the last time you do.

LOL! What preppy college is that? You do have a point, here, your environment is more youthful and your perception focuses on a different age curve than mine. I look at women age 40 and see young, looking at 20 I see baby girl.:crackup:

It is a natural process, we see those who are most like us. I also do not make a habit of seeking out fat people, I do shop at some mauls, as I like the carts and I probably under-scan young people. I think many here would agree that Wall-Mart has many large people.

Bubba Switzler

New member
Let's define the measuring stick. Most women I notice would be less than 5'9" and weight in excess of 200 pounds. It seems about half the women fit this description here in Missouri and slightly less in the lakes area of Georgia.

The 50 percentile height/weight of mature women in the US is about 150 lb. 200lb is above 75 percentile. So either you're hanging out with a lot of fat women or you're noticing them more.

But my claim is that even if you and Traditio were looking at the same sample of women you'd probably see them as fatter than he would. (And that bias might be influencing your weight estimates.)

It's an empirical fact that women in women's magazine advertiements are skinnier than women in men's magazine ads.


New member
There is another interesting possibility: you are each carrying different measuring sticks in your head.

I think there is some truth to this. For me personally, I consider someone like Shakira or George Clooney to be in good shape and quality health. I know that is unrealistic expectations in reality as all people are different, but that is something to work towards so people can get to their idea weight.

Bubba Switzler

New member
I think in the big picture, some people are just oblivious to their own self, Bubba Switzler. Some people are used to the government taking care of them, so the government needs to ween them towards a better lifestyle. Unfortunately, the government never wants to let go of any inch it gains on it's people. I guess maybe the whole situation is hopeless.
Well, it's certainly hopeless as long as you are thinking in that rut. It's a classic example of trying to dig yourself out of a hole or saw your way to a longer board.

Bubba Switzler

New member
I think there is some truth to this. For me personally, I consider someone like Shakira or George Clooney to be in good shape and quality health. I know that is unrealistic expectations in reality as all people are different, but that is something to work towards so people can get to their idea weight.

It's important to remember the diminishing returns of weight control. There are certainly people who need to reduce their weight (and now more than ever) but it's not a linear relationship. A medically "ideal" weight is simply that which doesn't increase the liklihood of health problems. So focusing on beautiful people is worse than unrealistic, it's unscientific and even dangerous when it drives otherwise healthy people to undertake unhealthy diets.


So is wrath, but I never see you getting upset about people who prefer to solve their problems with their fists.

All you ever do is gripe about fat people...when you're not drinking yourself into a stupor and rotting your ears on Metallica.

You didn't read the anti-war thread(s)/post(s) that I wrote? :plain:


Resident Fiend
You didn't read the anti-war thread(s)/post(s) that I wrote? :plain:
Haven't followed your posting history that closely, to be honest. Your (excuse the pun) belly-aching about fat folks seems to stand out more.

And, given that I tend to be a "thinks-with-his-fists" type, an anti-war thread is unlikely to catch my attention unless it's pointed out to me.

Besides, war is just too profitable and too much fun for human beings to ever give it up! :banana:


Are you calling Michelle Obama "wide load"?

"Wide load"..."Big rig"...:idunno:

Michelle says French fries are her favorite food. She is free to eat them but we are not. :rolleyes: Is there any area of our lives that Leftists are not attempting to control?

"Big government makes for a small citizen (Prager)."
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New member
Isn't gluttony a sin? If not a sin, it's disapproved by the Bible:

* Proverbs 23:20-21 "Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags."
* Proverbs 28:7 "Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son: but he that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father."
* Proverbs 23:2 "And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite."

I'm not sure about 28:7 but the other proverbs seem pretty clear.


New member
It's important to remember the diminishing returns of weight control. There are certainly people who need to reduce their weight (and now more than ever) but it's not a linear relationship. A medically "ideal" weight is simply that which doesn't increase the liklihood of health problems. So focusing on beautiful people is worse than unrealistic, it's unscientific and even dangerous when it drives otherwise healthy people to undertake unhealthy diets.

I disagree with you, there. Celebrities are no different than anyone else, some of them just put in more work is all. Anyone can trim their body fat % or beef up some, there is nothing special about celebs. Diet and exercise routines are very scientific. It's the person's fault if they somehow think celeb A got an amazing body magically, and then try to cheat to get it. They lack any education on the matter, which programs designed to give it can fix.

Bubba Switzler

New member
It's the person's fault if they somehow think celeb A got an amazing body magically, and then try to cheat to get it.
It's not "magic", it's selection: one of the prerequisites to being a celebrity is to be a beautiful person. Celebrities are not randomly selected from the population at large.

They lack any education on the matter, which programs designed to give it can fix.
There is absolutely no reason to expect that a government education program will provide the right education to the right people.