Next: Order out of Chaos :DK: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
serpentdove BANNED Banned Aug 28, 2016 #161 Next: Order out of Chaos K: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10 Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
serpentdove BANNED Banned Sep 12, 2016 #162 EU Food and Farming Regulator (EFSA) Creates ‘Plant Health’ Loophole for Banned Weed killers Re 13:11–17
EU Food and Farming Regulator (EFSA) Creates ‘Plant Health’ Loophole for Banned Weed killers Re 13:11–17
serpentdove BANNED Banned Nov 3, 2016 #163 Vid: Why Are Russia and China Buying Up All of America’s Food? Re 13:11–17
serpentdove BANNED Banned Nov 7, 2016 #164 Single Mom Faces Jail For Selling Food On Facebook Re 13:11–17
serpentdove BANNED Banned Dec 19, 2016 #165 Michelle Obama on being called an "angry black woman" K: Re 13:11–17
serpentdove BANNED Banned Feb 10, 2017 #166 Reality TV: Michelle Obama K: to judge child chef competition Re 13:11–17 Flashback: Michelle Obama to Bring Order Out of the Chaos That Hubby Will Create Related: Obama [Gog] :Nineveh:
Reality TV: Michelle Obama K: to judge child chef competition Re 13:11–17 Flashback: Michelle Obama to Bring Order Out of the Chaos That Hubby Will Create Related: Obama [Gog] :Nineveh:
serpentdove BANNED Banned May 13, 2017 #167 Michelle Obama: Trump Wants to Feed ‘Crap’ K: to Your Kids Re 13:11–17