Wide Load Wants to Control Your Food


Well-known member
Food control mean hitting my mouth with the fork!


They can take my fries when they pry them from my cold dead greasy fingers!


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Is reducing childhood obesity really such a bad thing?

No...but to tell you the truth they are taking the "easy" and thoughtless way out here. This generally is true to the habits of the "regulator". Bake sales have been going on since schools and related have needed to raise money and I hate to tell everyone but school lunches have always been garbage. There were Happy Meals when I was a kid. Now we have a generation of fatties coming up.

What's changed?

The problem isn't that they are eating garbage and indulging in sweets but rather they get absolutely no exercise to speak of.

I've grown rather bored with people who think the answer to everything is to pass a law to "restrict" things which they perceive to be "bad". Particularly when these laws very seldom go to the root of the problem, but instead just pull off a few leaves. :plain:


TOL Subscriber
No...but to tell you the truth they are taking the "easy" and thoughtless way out here. This generally is true to the habits of the "regulator". Bake sales have been going on since schools and related have needed to raise money and I hate to tell everyone but school lunches have always been garbage. There were Happy Meals when I was a kid. Now we have a generation of fatties coming up.

What's changed?

The problem isn't that they are eating garbage and indulging in sweets but rather they get absolutely no exercise to speak of.

I've grown rather bored with people who think the answer to everything is to pass a law to "restrict" things which they perceive to be "bad". Particularly when these laws very seldom go to the root of the problem, but instead just pull off a few leaves. :plain:


Every once in awhile I drive past a grade school, high school or a college and yes I see some fat kids out there but the average seems to be within reason. I can understand the schools becoming concerned in what they serve but I saw yesterday where the First Lady is applying pressure on restaurants and fast food faculties to make menu changes and offer a healthier selection?

I always went to the restaurant that served the foods that I like and I am able to push away from the table before I eat too much or before I get a craving for something that may not be a great thing for me to eat, but it is my choice and I am responsible for my actions!

Have Americans become so stupid that they need government intervention in order to eat right at a restaurant?


A government agent standing next to the park taking names to make sure we all go jogging?

If the fat boy wants to eat himself into the grave, have at it...if the fat kid doesn't like being picked on, get off your butt and go for a walk or play outside, but get away from the couch and the VCR controller, hey Mom and Dad you paying attention?

Stop whining or we'll have the government watching us 24/7..wait, they already are.......have a good day:D


Well-known member
I'm getting pretty uncomfortable with this new theme of attacking the First Lady. What's next? Are we going to start attacking the girls, too?

I was a strong opponent of George W. Bush as a president. I think he was one of the worst presidents we've ever had. But I would never have attacked Mrs. Bush or his daughters, and I would have been adamantly opposed to anyone who did. If the vitriol of conservatives gets so intense that they think it's OK to attack Michelle Obama or their children it will be proof positive that they have sunk to a level beneath contempt, and have completely abandoned whatever moral principals they claimed to revere.


New member
"Wide load"..."Big rig"...:idunno:

Michelle says French fries are her favorite food. She is free to eat them but we are not. :rolleyes: Is there any area of our lives that Leftists are not attempting to control?

"Big government makes for a small citizen (Prager)."

You think Mrs. Obama is going to outlaw french fries? Really?

Also, "wide load" is a derogatory and inappropriate term, as well as inaccurate in this case.


I'm getting pretty uncomfortable with this new theme of attacking the First Lady...
I'm getting pretty uncomfortable with The First Lady :DK: involving herself in policy decisions. :Commie: Rev. 13:11–17 No one voted for Michelle Obama. :rolleyes:

"What's next? Are we going to start attacking the girls, too?"
:AMR: Why does she talk about their BMI? :freak:
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Eh? Where do you get that logic? No one has posters of Kirstie Alley on their wall.

I dont know, i think some guys used to have this one...