Wide Load Wants to Control Your Food

The Barbarian

There's a perfectly good reason why it's good to eat protein with carbohydrates. It maximizes the use of protein for building your body. If you eat only high-protein, much of it is diverted to producing energy.


Well-known member
Log your workout online: "...[P]articipants can begin logging their workouts, which will garner prizes for numbers of days participated, as well as weekly random-drawing prizes and eligibility to win larger sweepstakes.

...[R]egistrants can get tips about exercise and nutrition, find motivational information and compete against friends, neighbors and fellow Coloradans.

"We're trying to make this really accessible and fun and appealing," says Tracy Faigin Boyle, vice president of marketing and communications at LiveWell, which has partnered with its founding funder, challenge sponsor Kaiser Permanente, on the event..." Full text: Colorado Get Movin' Challenge :DK: a statewide effort for health :peach:

Also see:

Greek values

Obamacare :Nineveh:

Do you do telemarketing too? Or just the internet spam?

:Commie: You love :Nineveh: the Marxist. :Shimei: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


Spartan women :DK:

Obama of Borg presidential pledge

No, you must have misunderstood me. I asked if you do telemarketing as well as internet spam, not if you were bat guano crazy.


Michelle's Newest Initiative: Using Hip-Hop to Fight Obesity

Also see:

Hip Hop White House


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
"Michelle Obama has warned that the government can and will step in. “No one gets off the hook on this one,” Obama said in a presentation this week...

So what does this mean for food manufacturers and restaurants that push value meals, obscene portions and misleading marketing regarding their nutritional value? A higher standard that will eventually gain legal grounds. When it comes to advertising, companies have done everything they can legally get away with in order to draw in customers.

Many legal initiatives are already under way, including a California county that’s looking to ban toys in fast food Happy Meals to decrease the amount of “marketing perks” that could sway a child towards making unhealthy meal decisions..." Full text: Michelle Obama Adds Muscle to the Fight Against Child Obesity

"While she crusades for organic foods and puts government pressure on corporations to stop marketing fast food and junk food to children, Mrs. Obama herself profited from the very same processed food industry she now demonizes..." Full text: Michelle Obama: Food Profiteer Turned Food Cop

Is Michelle Obama going the way of Al Gore--profiting from policy? :rolleyes: Rev. 13:11–17.

Wide Load. LOL.


New member
In our age of socialized medicine, I wouldn't complain if the government slapped an excise tax onto sweeteners. And, I would vastly prefer that over outright bans on large portions or toys in meals.

Also, let's create a two-child policy and fix anyone who violates that policy (as determined only at the time of application for welfare benefits or at time of arrest of any immediate family member for a crime). In a socialist society, we have a right to such requests.

*if someone declines being fixed, then 18 years in prison.


New member
This thread, taken on its own without the substantial weight of evidence collected throughout the other threads, demonstrates well the immense waste of good oxygen due to the continued existence of snakebird. Please feel free to shovel as much garbage as you want down your throat. Quick extinction of some species may be desirable.

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The Barbarian

It's typical of serpent that she falsely claims the employer said the WH complained when an employee compared Michelle Obama to characters in "Planet of the Apes."

In fact, Univision pointed out that the WH had said nothing at all to them about it.

The Barbarian

From serpent's source:
Presidential Approval
President Barack Obama
Approve 51%
Disapprove 47%

Congressional Approval
United States Congress


TOL Subscriber
If the government was concerned about the health of the nation, they would ban GMO’s and food developed using GMO's.