Time is unidirectional. It is not a limit on omniscience to not know a nothing (the future is not there to know). Simple foreknowledge assumes the future is there to see. This is illogical.
Knight is correct in his arguments. Try to follow the principles he is reiterating.
I took a free lesson on Kabbalah on the internet. It was a well done website, but very deceptive. It is a false religion, popular at the moment ('red string'; Madonna, etc.).
They said that God is timeless and that the past, present, future exist all at once. This sounds like the 'eternal now' view of classic Augustinian theology. They used an example/analogy of a 30 floor building. We see the 15th floor, the present, but the lower and upper floors are also there, but not perceptible to us (unless we pay for more Kabbalah courses!). The problem with this false analogy and conclusion is that time is not a thing, place, or space. They are using a spatial building to prove a time concept ('timelessness'). This only proves that a building exists in the present with many floors. It has no bearing on the nature of the future and omniscience.
Time is simply duration, sequence, succession. Timelessness and simple foreknowledge are not coherent. They are assumptions. Compatibilism vs incompatibilism are doctrines relating to classic predestination and libertarian freedom. The latter seems to be more Scripturally and philosophically sound (google for more info on their definitions).