The Theory of God's [lack of] Omniscience


Eclectic Theosophist
with nothing lost...there is nothing to find

with nothing lost...there is nothing to find

Originally posted by lighthouse

I sincerely hope you find God, but you haven't yet. His Spirit testifies to me that you are without Him.

Hi lh,

It may seem that way from the false witness of your co-horts...but it might be wise not to simply agree with them...when they do not express the love that God IS and treat people not only cruelly but unjustly in the 'name' of God (a contradiction in itself). You have a mind of your own...and there are yet greater dimensions of God/Light to discover.....for after all,....He is the Infinite ONE.

As far as finding 'God'.....there is nowhere where God is He cant be lost....and if I am is only because I havent awakened to the fact that I AM already home. God is here now in the fullness of His omnificence, ........being ever-present. Remember God is OMNI. There is nothing outside of Him.

God is the very Ground of Existence in which all being inheres and is forever sustained. All exists in the 'I AM'...for there is no other. God encompasses the Entirety of Existence...and you and I could not exist apart from the ONE that God IS. - therefore an idea of 'seperation' could be challenged (such seperation could exist in theory or simply a matter of ones perception)....but if God is All...then nothing could ever be apart from the All....for nothing could be outside All!

It would do well for a closer inspection and research of ones commentary before one is quick to judge it....and the writer. I thank you for your concern and am always present for cordial dialogue. There is so much more than what some assume is true behind the banners of doctrine - there is a whole infinite realm of God/Mind/Spirit in which to enjoy and discover.



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Originally posted by lighthouse

I sincerely hope you find God, but you haven't yet. His Spirit testifies to me that you are without Him.

Is it His Spirit or your flesh that testifies that I am without Him?

You can judge our beliefs with your mind, but I would not be presumptuous to judge my relationship with Christ based on your subjective feelings and narrow ideas.

I have grave concerns also about freelight's esoteric beliefs.


Eclectic Theosophist


Originally posted by godrulz

I have grave concerns also about freelight's esoteric beliefs.

Hi gr,

What would you have if all your thoughts, ideas, beliefs about God/truth/Reality were dropped? What would be left?*

*just a teaser. I opened up a new thread in the Attributes of God section - 'Exploring the Divine Nature' if any are interested in research into what/who God is.

The observation that 'an idea about/of God is not God' has always interested me. There really may be a distinction.



The Dark Knight
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I am not basing this on the witness of the people here, but on the witness of the Lord, Himself.

It is not that I perceive you to be without God, as I perceive freelight, but that it is abundantly clear that you do not understand God. And you seem unwilling to concede to the truth revelaed in scripture. You would rather go with what seems acceptable to you, or what appears to be what you think God would do. You are stubborn, and it will cost you if you remain this way.