Originally posted by Clete
The Bible seems to pretty clearly depict God as not knowing everything; even some current events which He apparently chose not to pay any attention to (Gen 18:21). The text also makes it quite clear that there are some locations where God is not present either. So it is my belief that the Biblical evidence seems to most strongly support the position that God is where He wants to be when He wants to be there and knows what He wants to know when He wants to know it. The only qualification to this that of rationality; that is, God cannot go to a place that does not exist, even if He wants to, nor can He know the unknowable, etc.
Hi Clete,
I was never impressed by Gen 18:21 as being substancial but a dictation from human perspective/perception....not Gods.
It may be seem reasonable that God can do as He pleases within the parameters of liberty deemed sound to mans reason. However, I have been exploring another perspective of who and what God IS.......and it is quite far from human inventions and prescriptions of orthodox religion....and the traditional interpretations of holy writ. I concur that God can only be present in the Existential and can of course...only know the knowable. I have been approaching God thru the modalities or qualities of 'Being' and 'Consciousness'....and coming from these perspectives may modify or alter some interpretations of how we view the omni's of God. So....our definition/understanding of God Him/Her/ItSelf and divine nature will influence our conclusions/logics.
Originally posted by Clete
Is there any Biblical support for your thesis that "there is nothing that exists outside of Him....and He encompasses the All that IS....the entirety of Existence.....being the Sole Original Intelligence/Being/Reality in which all things/beings inhere"? It's a very pious sounding thing to say but I'm not at all certain its Biblical.
You are assuming that something must be 'biblical' to be true - this is understandable in your tradition/logic of thought....but so much is loaded into what is perceived as 'biblical' and all the underlying suppositions within such a statement. But asides from those relative you suppose that something exists outside of God? Does not the whole of All that IS exist within the Infinity of God? Does not God encompass the Entirety of Existence?
My current reflections have been exploring Theos in terms of 'being' and 'consciousness' - these I find are the most direct experiencial and real portals to direct access to Reality as it presently IS. I am amazed to find the spiritual journey always in God is truly dynamic. How we define/understand and intuit God affects everything doesnt it?
The journey is most wondrous....and certainly in my experience extends beyond yet surely includes traditional, orthodox fields of theology and metaphysics. It just so happens that the traditional, orthodox constructs are not necessarily I find myself probing the dimensions of God, who I see as the very Ground of Being and the very Seat of Consciousness Itself. All explorarions of mind and spirit inhere in these two aspects of Reality.
In summary.....we may suppose that God knows all...because He is All! 'God' in my current View and at present is knowing all because He is the only Being in which all being exists...and the Only Consciousness that IS the Whole of All Awareness NOW. As far as God IS and in that expanse/ divine Recognition. He is He not? In the LIGHT....ALL things are manifest to Him. He knows all actuals and potentials in existence....because He is the Only Consciousness that IS. (all light, revelation, gnosis, perception exists because God is LIGHT...and in that light....there is nothin hidden from him). - of course one may surmise that God does not have exhaustive foreknowledge of actualities as they may transpire in the future....but He nevertheless knows all potentialities in existence...thru-out Eternity.
You may answer the above questions if you desire to explore.