Fascinating new data : Sexual Orientation


New member
As always, this was a bs story: Really just an ad hominem attack. :madmad: It was 45 years ago, and while the student was a minor, she was certainly not child enough to make Wall a pedophile. She may have had hebephilic tendencies, which is attraction to adolescents. I hate it when those two terms are mixed up. Pedophiles tend to like children between 3-6 and up to age 10. Not adolescents.

Besides, how does this negate her ex-gay therapeutic success? 'Twas what I asked about. :think:


New member
1.. There can be LGBTQ taught in schools, but there must be a counter-teaching just as available and just as strong.
"counter-teaching what exactly?

4. Media and entertainment can promote gays, but there must be strong media and film venues which are allowed to show the opposing side.
again promoting gays is like promoting blue eyes

5. Rules to protect minors must be enforced (vis a vis certain displays at Pride displays) without ruling out the parades altogether.
does that include rules about photo shopped pictures?

6. Scholars such as Brian Brown and Peter LeBarbera
- Scholars???? :crackup:

6. Scholars such as Brian Brown and Peter LeBarbera - truly educated men who do not explode at you or harass you when you disagree with them, such as a certain extremist I know - should not be labeled as "haters", but simply as traditionalists who do not celebrate homosexuality or promote gay culture.
Just like racists are educated scholars who are simply as traditionalists who celebrate white heritage.

7. The physiological and psychological health risks of the gay lifestyle must be made public (as they are at present).
you mean how gays enduring hatred and discrimination leads to psychological health risks?


New member
"counter-teaching what exactly?

again promoting gays is like promoting blue eyes

does that include rules about photo shopped pictures?

- Scholars???? :crackup:

Just like racists are educated scholars who are simply as traditionalists who celebrate white heritage.

you mean how gays enduring hatred and discrimination leads to psychological health risks?

1. Counter that it is absolutely healthy and normal
2. No one has ever promoted blue eyes. What effects would that have on society if they did?
3. No photos were photo-shopped - unless that monster acw did so :think:
4. LaBarbera is very refined. :AMR1::AMR1:
5. Race is not a part of the sexual anarchy movement. :nono:


1. Counter that it is absolutely healthy and normal
2. No one has ever promoted blue eyes. What effects would that have on society if they did?
3. No photos were photo-shopped - unless that monster acw did so :think:
4. LaBarbera is very refined. :AMR1::AMR1:
5. Race is not a part of the sexual anarchy movement. :nono:
Did you know that LaBarbera as a name means "the other woman"?


New member
Gays have the same rights and legal protections everybody else does. It's not like I can marry someone of the same sex, and you can't. The same rules apply to both of us.
exactly the same was said in the 1960's about how interracial couples weren't being discriminated against because they could marry people of the "correct" skin color.

I'd think it's pretty hateful to support the abuse of any child. Of course, you're from a weaker generation and would undoubtedly find more things abusive than I would.

reparative therapy techniques:

Children are forced to remove all clothing during both individual and group therapy sessions

cuddling and intimately hold others of the same-sex including between young clients and older counselors

violently beating an effigy of the client’s mother with a tennis racket

going to the gym locker rooms in order to be nude with father figures.

Fathers being instructed to shower with their children of both genders

Children being subjected to ridicule as “faggots” and “homos” by "therapists and their parents being encouraged/instructed to do the same outside of sessions

would you tolerate any of this being done to your children?

BTW I'm several years older than you


New member
Did you know that LaBarbera as a name means "the other woman"?
Interesting. It is a lovely Italian name (Sicilian). It actually means both "wife of a barber" and "prostitute". I am sure he didn't pick it, though. :crackup:


New member
As always, this was a bs story: Really just an ad hominem attack. :madmad: It was 45 years ago, and while the student was a minor, she was certainly not child enough to make Wall a pedophile. She may have had hebephilic tendencies, which is attraction to adolescents. I hate it when those two terms are mixed up. Pedophiles tend to like children between 3-6 and up to age 10. Not adolescents.

Besides, how does this negate her ex-gay therapeutic success? 'Twas what I asked about. :think:

the child was in junior high. so I guess that makes it OK then


New member
the child was in junior high. so I guess that makes it OK then
There was far less public awareness of this type of thing in the 1970s. There was far less litigation and far less assumption that anyone had been victimized. Trust me. I went through it myself.

Do you think a lesbian having an affair with her ruined the student's life?


New member
1. Counter that it is absolutely healthy and normal
why would anyone want lies being taught to their children?

2. No one has ever promoted blue eyes. What effects would that have on society if they did?
my point. "promoting homosexuality is just like promoting blue eyes

3. No photos were photo-shopped - unless that monster acw did so :think:
aCW has a long history of posting photo shopped pictures. weather or not he did the photo shopping is immaterial.

4. LaBarbera is very refined. :AMR1::AMR1:
so are plenty of racists

5. Race is not a part of the sexual anarchy movement. :nono:

you really have a problem with independent women. I wonder what Freud would make of that


New member
why would anyone want lies being taught to their children?

my point. "promoting homosexuality is just like promoting blue eyes

aCW has a long history of posting photo shopped pictures. weather or not he did the photo shopping is immaterial.

so are plenty of racists

you really have a problem with independent women. I wonder what Freud would make of that
1. :madmad:
2. Hmmm mmm
3. Hmmmm :think:
4. uh uh
5. Freud would understand me fully, I think.


Well, after encountering a certain extremist mindset of a particular poster here -whose explosion terrified me and taught me a lesson - I am now convinced that a gradual counter-educational movement is the answer.

1.. There can be LGBTQ taught in schools, but there must be a counter-teaching just as available and just as strong.

2. People have a right to ban reparative therapy, but a counter-movement has a right to promote it and to fight to repeal those bans.

3. Some Christian Churches want to accept gays, but there must be prominent groups who refuse to do so.

4. Media and entertainment can promote gays, but there must be strong media and film venues which are allowed to show the opposing side.

5. Rules to protect minors must be enforced (vis a vis certain displays at Pride displays) without ruling out the parades altogether.

Has anyone else noticed that Christian Liberty hasn't spent much time on TOL since GFR7 joined?

Seek spiritual and psychological help Jr.


New member

There are some who have noted, along with myself, just how very Freudian has been the shift from First Amendment protections of gays to Fourteenth Amendment:

And when it comes to remarking on my supposed "insecurity", you would do well to remember a well-known doctrine of 19th century analysis: ( Freud's famous "anatomy is destiny" was based on penis envy in females.) ;)

The dominant political discourse of the GLBT movement has now proposed that sexual orientation is not chosen but congenitally given—in other words, is destiny. [Freud: "Anatomy is destiny." (penis envy of female chidlren)]

As I have pointed out in an earlier post on this blog, this is a significant change from the earlier defense of gay rights in terms of the freedom to choose one’s lifestyle as one prefers.

In other words, it is similar to religious freedom and freedom of speech, protected under the First Amendment. The explanation for the change of discourse is clear:

If sexual orientation is not a choice but a given, it is like skin color, and therefore the movement can wrap itself in the mystique of the Civil Rights Movement. Gay rights are now defended constitutionally, not in terms of free exercise or speech, but of equal treatment under the law (Fourteenth Amendment). The mystique of racial equality has become an important component of the American Creed and as such well worth embracing.

Thus some gays have become quasi-Freudians. Feminists who are lesbians and/or allied with gay men have participated in the paradigm shift. (I am not aware of any apologies to Freud.) This has not prevented other feminists, probably a majority, to derive their discourse from



New member
In any case, in his famous 1935 letter to a patient's mother, Freud said he did not believe homosexuality was anything other than a variation in nature, and that it need not be cured.

However, it is doubtful that Freud could envision the world nearly 80 years later.

He could not imagine things having changed to the point where there are rainbow crosswalks and rainbow flags and embassies flying the colors of the LGBTQ movement;

he could not imagine an agenda reaching into elementary schools (Queering Elementary Education, as it is called); things reaching a crisis in which Reilly makes this statement in Making Gay Okay (Ignatius Press, 2014):

"If homosexual acts are moral as so many insist, then they should be normative. If they are normative, they should be taught in our schools as a standard. If they are a standard, they should be enforced. . . "

The idea is not to go after individuals or their freedom, but to apply a checking brake on a too-large and too-aggressive agenda.
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New member
Reilly had this to say on a radio program, regarding the gradual educational undoing of a gay program that went much further than it ought to have:

Mefferd: So what do you think is ahead for our country? Do you have any expectation at all that the United States will one day wake up and say, ‘Wait a second, we’ve been had, we need to really fight this.’

Reilly: Yes, I think that will happen, it’s just a matter of how much damage will be done before it happens. This will fail because it is against nature. Its principal enemy is reality.


And in line with Reilly's prophesies, LaBarbera - who as a social conservative reported and wrote for Accuracy in Media - may one day be viewed as merely a political-social advocate with Christian-based social conservative views - and not as a "hater" as he has been, I believe, unjustly called.

“I'm so misunderstood that
people misunderstand me
even when I tell them I'm misunderstood.”

― Søren Kierkegaard



“I'm so misunderstood that
people misunderstand me
even when I tell them I'm misunderstood.”

― Søren Kierkegaard


so what he seems to be saying is that people don't misunderstaand him and that he wishes he could still buy a desøtø? :freak:

i don't understand swedes at all :idunno: