Fascinating new data : Sexual Orientation


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Statistics please. Proof please.

If there is any religion that hates gays its Islam, not Christians.

Christianity teaches that homosexual sex is a mortal sin, but it does not teach to hate them any more than it teaches to hate any other sinners.

Unfortunately, idiot liberals and Democrats say it is ""hate" to simply point out that homosexual sex is a sin

no it's hate to support the denial of civil rights and legal protections to a minority
It's hate to support child abuse against children perceived to be a member of that minority
it's hate to use religion to justify your prejudice


New member
you mean Christians like me who refuse to support child abuse?
I believe he means the promotion of homosexuality. :salute:

Here is a story for you:

Ex-Gay is Okay

My adventure into the gay scene started with fun and excitement. But years later, it had fundamentally changed me--spiraling me downward into a depression that nearly cost me my life.

How neat it was when I visited my first gay bar and saw a real live "drag show." It seemed that at last, I was truly "finding myself" and "just being me." But in time, that joy left, and my life began to play out like a soap opera. During those long years living on an emotional roller coaster, my personality gradually changed from that of a caring and ethical individual into a hard-hearted, self-centered woman that I didn't like at all. When I looked into the mirror, I'd become someone I didn't even recognize.

I also hated the double life that being a lesbian led me to live--because in my heart, I knew something was wrong with this life. To keep it hidden, I always had to look over my shoulder hoping no one saw me entering or exiting a gay bar.

One night as I sat and watched lesbian couples dancing and socializing in the bar, I pondered over a particular irony of lesbian life: Here were women who didn't like men, acting just like them! Gradually, I began to question what I was seeing. There was something unnatural about this lifestyle, something fundamentally distorted. In a few fleeting thoughts I wondered about the Bible that I had always trusted as my guide--it never seemed to mention people of the same sex having sex.
Deep down inside I continued to feel my lesbian lifestyle was wrong, but I always managed to find some way to justify my behavior. Yet that persistent sense continued to eat away at me on the inside. It became a nightmare, and haunted me so much that I stopped frequenting the bars.

Today, it is my desire that by sharing my journey, others can have the courage to choose to change and discover their purpose in life.

Some who choose change go the biblical counseling route for help, while others participate in secular reparative therapy or live-in programs. For me, the way out was spiritual. I had been raised in a Southern Baptist family with a deacon dad, Sunday school-teaching mom and preacher brother. So when I was at the end of my rope, I knew it was the Lord that I needed.

Often I have wondered, "What made this Christian girl depart from the straight and narrow path?" I was minding my own heterosexual college co-ed life when an older woman seduced me. But why didn't I say "no" to her advances?

As a former schoolteacher who once lived life as a lesbian, I realize more than ever the importance of sharing my exit from that lifestyle so that others--particularly young people--know that people can change; there is a choice! I am troubled by the plan of some people to mold schoolchildren's values and worldview so they learn to "celebrate" their sexual confusion as "who they really are." In fact, I am actively working to prevent that from happening.

There has been no scientific evidence to prove that homosexuality or lesbianism is part of our human design, and the fallacy of the "gay gene" theory has been revealed. We must conclude that all of us are designed to be heterosexual, but that something happens in those early formative years in the child that sets the stage for alternative sexual behavior. ... cont. @ link:

Obviously, this woman does not believe reparative therapy harmed her, but the contrary.
If individuals want this kind of therapy, it ought to be available, but without pushing it on anyone.


New member
Maybe so, but my fear is that many young people who in former times would have restrained themselves (from different training; from not wanting to do something "weird") may now feel they ought to do it to be cool or avant garde or whatever. There is so much access to digital porn and on youtube, etc. that prior generations never saw (especially not girls).

Of course some people think such experimentation is a good thing: That it denotes progress and liberation, but even leaving aside religion I am sure it promotes confusion and identity disorder, at an age when those are common enough as it is.

What a society promotes and sanctions, it will get more of (divorce, abortion, cohabitation, sexual behaviors).

I think you raise good points here GFR7.

So what do you propose to combat it?

Edit: My proposition is good parenting.


New member
I think you raise good points here GFR7.

So what do you propose to combat it?
Well, after encountering a certain extremist mindset of a particular poster here -whose explosion terrified me and taught me a lesson - I am now convinced that a gradual counter-educational movement is the answer.

1.. There can be LGBTQ taught in schools, but there must be a counter-teaching just as available and just as strong.

2. People have a right to ban reparative therapy, but a counter-movement has a right to promote it and to fight to repeal those bans.

3. Some Christian Churches want to accept gays, but there must be prominent groups who refuse to do so.

4. Media and entertainment can promote gays, but there must be strong media and film venues which are allowed to show the opposing side.

5. Rules to protect minors must be enforced (vis a vis certain displays at Pride displays) without ruling out the parades altogether.

6. Scholars such as Brian Brown and Peter LeBarbera - truly educated men who do not explode at you or harass you when you disagree with them, such as a certain extremist I know - should not be labeled as "haters", but simply as traditionalists who do not celebrate homosexuality or promote gay culture.

7. The physiological and psychological health risks of the gay lifestyle must be made public (as they are at present).

A new, fresh perspective would begin to emerge (we can certainly NEVER return to the past. EVER.) History follows the Hegelian trajectory of thesis-antithesis-synthesis; it has been forever so and will continue on.

Every attempt to simply return to "the way things used to be" has been and will continue to be doomed to failure, because it always leads right back to the point at which we have now arrived, following the same trajectory. Both movements on either side have arrived at the same historical juncture, and owe their origins to the same causes.

As our founding father James Madison has said, "Ambition will counteract ambition."

It is like promoting an alternative cure for cancer, such as certain IV herbal concoctions. Yes, we can have them, and we should be made aware of them, and allowed to use them. But the traditional therapies must be allowed to strongly assert their case, as well.


New member
Well, after encountering a certain extremist mindset of a particular poster here -whose explosion terrified me and taught me a lesson - I am now convinced that a gradual counter-educational movement is the answer.

1.. There can be LGBTQ taught in schools, but there must be a counter-teaching just as available and just as strong.

2. People have a right to ban reparative therapy, but a counter-movement has a right to promote it and to fight to repeal those bans.

3. Some Christian Churches want to accept gays, but there must be prominent groups who refuse to do so.

4. Media and entertainment can promote gays, but there must be strong media and film venues which are allowed to show the opposing side.

5. Rules to protect minors must be enforced (vis a vis certain displays at Pride displays) without ruling out the parades altogether.

6. Scholars such as Brian Brown and Peter LeBarbera - truly educated men who do not explode at you or harass you when you disagree with them, such as a certain extremist I know - should not be labeled as "haters", but simply as traditionalists who do not celebrate homosexuality or promote gay culture.

A new, fresh perspective would begin to emerge (we can certainly NEVER return to the past. EVER.) History follows the Hegelian trajectory of thesis-antithesis-synthesis; it has been forever so and will continue on.

As our founding father James Madison has said, "Ambition will counteract ambition."

It is like promoting an alternative cure for cancer, such as certain IV herbal concoctions. Yes, we can have them, and we should be made aware of them, and allowed to use them. But the traditional therapies must be allowed to strongly asser their case, as well.

But how would you bring this about? With legislation?

For example, when you say:
Some Christian Churches want to accept gays, but there must be prominent groups who refuse to do so.

. . .what do you mean by "must"? Do you think that law must require anti-gay churches, or do you believe the free market (so to speak) should be allowed to take care of it?

One Eyed Jack

New member
no it's hate to support the denial of civil rights and legal protections to a minority

Gays have the same rights and legal protections everybody else does. It's not like I can marry someone of the same sex, and you can't. The same rules apply to both of us.

It's hate to support child abuse against children perceived to be a member of that minority

I'd think it's pretty hateful to support the abuse of any child. Of course, you're from a weaker generation and would undoubtedly find more things abusive than I would.

it's hate to use religion to justify your prejudice

I have no particular prejudice against homosexuals -- I just don't agree with the lifestyle. I also don't agree with heterosexuals shacking up. I can tolerate both, but I don't approve of either.


New member
But how would you bring this about? With legislation?

For example, when you say:

. . .what do you mean by "must"? Do you think that law must require anti-gay churches, or do you believe the free market (so to speak) should be allowed to take care of it?
I don't believe Churches should be denied the right to say, "We do not accept homosexuality in practice." Gays can join, but are directed to be celibate (they can always go to a liberal church if they like).

Yes, it is free market or a John Mills-style liberty. If there are gay fraternities and clubs, there should be non-gay ones allowed as well. Labeling things as "hate speech" and "discrimination" is certainly anti-Mills, anti-Hegelian dialectical process, and is gumming up the works.

Short of an apocalypse (which God seems to be tarrying on, and He is speaking volumes with his silence) in America, this is the only way to get out of the impasse. One can call oneself "a culture warrior" but that doesn't mean your agenda will ever come to pass. A police state would be the biggest contradiction America could undergo (on either side).


New member
I don't believe Churches should be denied the right to say, "We do not accept homosexuality in practice." Gays can join, but are directed to be celibate (they can always go to a liberal church if they like).

Yes, it is free market or a John Mills-style liberty. If there are gay fraternities and clubs, there should be non-gay ones allowed as well. Labeling things as "hate speech" and "discrimination" is certainly anti-Mills, anti-Hegelian dialectical process, and is gumming up the works.

Short of an apocalypse (which God seems to be tarrying on, and He is speaking volumes with his silence) in America, this is the only way to get out of the impasse. One can call oneself "a culture warrior" but that doesn't mean your agenda will ever come to pass. A police state would be the biggest contradiction America could undergo (on either side).

I can agree with you here.


New member
This kind of thing is particularly obnoxious as well (of course here we are speaking globally, and of feminist and other sexual-anarchist features.

Why I bring this up here is because there has been a national and global sexual-feminist-LGBTQ program of arrogant "dissent" and protest which is really obnoxious and should be roundly countered: (as I mentioned of other agendas, above)

To repeat what the Moscow-based newspaper The eXile had said, the ***** Riot literally:

“stripped off their clothes and started ****ing in the middle of Moscow’s Biology Museum in an act they called ‘F____ For Medvedev! ‘
“They managed to gather a few photographers and a banner, popped a bunch of Viagra, and f____ on the floor for about 10 minutes before getting thrown out.’”





Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I had long theorized that due to teachings in public schools and Universities, more young people would become/identify as/act as bisexual (which theory goes back to Freud and Fleiss) but everyone always hooted me down.
Freud was exposing stage theory. His letters to Fleiss were his notions of first stage polymorphous perverse, included sexuality without aim.


New member
Freud was exposing stage theory. His letters to Fleiss were his notions of first stage polymorphous perverse, included sexuality without aim.
Exactly. And we know how strongly he believed in the dangers of bisexuality and polymorphous perverse sexuality overtaking the civilized monogamy.


New member
I believe he means the promotion of homosexuality. :salute:
promoting homosexuality is like promoting blue eyes

Here is a story for you:

Obviously, this woman does not believe reparative therapy harmed her, but the contrary.
If individuals want this kind of therapy, it ought to be available, but without pushing it on anyone.

you mean Linda Wall the pedophile?