Fascinating new data : Sexual Orientation


New member
Not sure why anyone being homosexual should concern those of us who are not.

What effect does it have on society?

Shouldn't we be much more concerned about adultery?


New member
Not sure why anyone being homosexual should concern those of us who are not.

What effect does it have on society?

Shouldn't we be much more concerned about adultery?
Yes, we should be concerned about adultery and no-fault divorce and cohabitation, which has also been shown to be bad for children, and an unfavorable precursor to marriage.

People who are gay are none of our business; HOWEVER, the LGBTQ agenda which pushes itself to the forefront in schools and all cultural venues is very much our business.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Can you tell me some of the others? I can think of many, but would like to hear your own opinions. :think:

Kelly Thomas was murdered by them. Nothing was done.

I can guarantee you someone was arrested today for smoking pot, or for exercising his second amendment rights.

Christopher Cantwell (I disagree with his rabid atheism, but its irrelevant to my point here) had his life effectively ruined by a cop who arrested him for DWI. What did he actually do? He did the responsible thing, pulled over, and went to sleep.

There is a thread on this very forum (IIRC Lighthouse posted it) about a cop going undercover trying to bait an autistic kid who didn't have other friends and convincing him to sell him drugs, than proceeding to arrest the kid.

People are regularly ticketed for "speeding", an act which is not violent in nature. While regular people work hard for their livings, cops make their livings by plundering peaceful people who violate technical laws.

A dog is killed by a cop every 98 minutes. You are eight times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist. And if a cop kills you, they will very likely get a paid vacation at the end.

I understand that there are decent people who are sucked into the awful profession for this, that, or the other reason. But as a group they are scumbags.

I say bring on the "gay pride" in law enforcement. Maybe Christians will stop blindly supporting it.

Here's a good article:


For what its worth, I'm usually a little nicer in real life. A little. I still don't pull too many punches. This stuff isn't comfortable to think about. To paraphrase Eric Peters "the idea that all cops are bad is certainly distasteful, but like an accurate terminal cancer diagnosis, nonetheless true." Waking up sucks, but it needs to be done.

Yes, we should be concerned about adultery and no-fault divorce and cohabitation, which has also been shown to be bad for children, and an unfavorable precursor to marriage.

People who are gay are none of our business; HOWEVER, the LGBTQ agenda which pushes itself to the forefront in schools and all cultural venues is very much our business.

I'm with you. But, I see no good reason to fight that battle on the statist's terms. Instead of trying to control government controlled public schools, fight to free the schools from government control. And so forth.


New member
Kelly Thomas was murdered by them. Nothing was done.

I can guarantee you someone was arrested today for smoking pot, or for exercising his second amendment rights.

Christopher Cantwell (I disagree with his rabid atheism, but its irrelevant to my point here) had his life effectively ruined by a cop who arrested him for DWI. What did he actually do? He did the responsible thing, pulled over, and went to sleep.

There is a thread on this very forum (IIRC Lighthouse posted it) about a cop going undercover trying to bait an autistic kid who didn't have other friends and convincing him to sell him drugs, than proceeding to arrest the kid.

People are regularly ticketed for "speeding", an act which is not violent in nature. While regular people work hard for their livings, cops make their livings by plundering peaceful people who violate technical laws.

A dog is killed by a cop every 98 minutes. You are eight times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist. And if a cop kills you, they will very likely get a paid vacation at the end.

I understand that there are decent people who are sucked into the awful profession for this, that, or the other reason. But as a group they are scumbags.

I say bring on the "gay pride" in law enforcement. Maybe Christians will stop blindly supporting it.

Here's a good article:


For what its worth, I'm usually a little nicer in real life. A little. I still don't pull too many punches. This stuff isn't comfortable to think about. To paraphrase Eric Peters "the idea that all cops are bad is certainly distasteful, but like an accurate terminal cancer diagnosis, nonetheless true." Waking up sucks, but it needs to be done.

I'm with you. But, I see no good reason to fight that battle on the statist's terms. Instead of trying to control government controlled public schools, fight to free the schools from government control. And so forth.
Thank you for these remarks. I would agree to free education from government control is a very noble cause.

I myself have become increasingly horrified by what I read about law enforcement in this country; the clouding of due process issues and all is moving into a very dark place indeed. Something is extremely amiss with the police. The story you tell about the autistic kid is horrific, and goes beyond Nazi cruelty. Horrible.


New member
Yes, we should be concerned about adultery and no-fault divorce and cohabitation, which has also been shown to be bad for children, and an unfavorable precursor to marriage.

People who are gay are none of our business; HOWEVER, the LGBTQ agenda which pushes itself to the forefront in schools and all cultural venues is very much our business.

Agree adultery should be a concern, as it impacts a family unit.

What is the concerned with cohabitation? Those family units are often more stable then ones sanctioned by paper.

Recent studies ( not old ones, which would confirm your assertion) indicate cohabitation success rates have increased.


They found that a dichotomous indicator of premarital cohabitation was in fact not associated with marital instability among women and men.

The Horn

Peter La Barbera is one of the most vicious , rabidly anti-gay bigots in America . He's a professional bigot who could not tell the truth to save his life, not that his life would even deserve being saved .
He claims to be a "Christian " , but is really nothing but a hateful, lying piece of crap masquerading as one .
"Americans for truth about homosexuality " does nothing but LIE about it . What an Orwellian name ! This is like Nazis having an organization called "Germans for truth about Judaism ."