Fascinating new data : Sexual Orientation


New member
Has anyone else noticed that Christian Liberty hasn't spent much time on TOL since GFR7 joined?

Seek spiritual and psychological help Jr.
If I have to stay off your thread, you have to stay off mine (and not accuse me of sock puppetry) :AMR1: :madmad:

And our relationship is NOT working!!!
GFR and a Christian Warrior
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I have the same theory. Promoting LGBTQ has caused more bisexual/homosexual experimentation among some types of youth who would have abstained/not been tempted in prior eras. Youth identifying as bisexual, statistically, have increased.

Perhaps, you have cause and effect reversed though? Nature or nurture?

Promoting LGBTQ may just be promoting a natural state of affairs ..... biases notwithstanding.


New member
Perhaps, you have cause and effect reversed though? Nature or nurture?

Promoting LGBTQ may just be promoting a natural state of affairs ..... biases notwithstanding.
That's an interesting point. I guess the only argument, if that is true, would be that it may be something natural which is best repressed (i.e., it seems natural for young people to enjoy drinking a lot. But it might be safer if they never started. Just an attempt at a refutation). :think: In fact, that was Freud's argument about repressing our natural bisexuality.


societal standards and mores used to be known and taught by one's church, local government, teachers, parents - virtually anyone in authority

youth had constant reminders of appropriate and acceptable behavior

today? :idunno:


societal standards and mores used to be known and taught by one's church, local government, teachers, parents - virtually anyone in authority

youth had constant reminders of appropriate and acceptable behavior

today? :idunno:

If you're an end product...then we're moving in a + direction. :D


That's an interesting point. I guess the only argument, if that is true, would be that it may be something natural which is best repressed (i.e., it seems natural for young people to enjoy drinking a lot. But it might be safer if they never started. Just an attempt at a refutation). :think: In fact, that was Freud's argument about repressing our natural bisexuality.

Yes, but why....as we know the vices/dangers that can transpire from over drinking. You're objections stem from merely idealistic notions not pragmatic ones.


New member
Yes, but why....as we know the vices/dangers that can transpire from over drinking. You're objections stem from merely idealistic notions not pragmatic ones.
Hmmm, you may have a point. I would have to reflect further on it. :think:


New member
societal standards and mores used to be known and taught by one's church, local government, teachers, parents - virtually anyone in authority

youth had constant reminders of appropriate and acceptable behavior

today? :idunno:
Truth. I read a book some years ago, and the author pointed out that in the present era, if one has good parents all will be well. But if one is left to the schools, the streets, movies, adults in the world, there is an extremely high chance of serious harm (which was not true in the past - people counted on teachers, older people, movie stars, etc. - though we do know now that some bad things went on. But it was secretive, not blatant as it is now.).
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Truth. I read a book some years ago, and the author pointed out that in the present era, if one has good parents all will be well. But if one is left to the schools, the streets, movies, adults in the world, there is an extremely high chance of serious harm (which was not true in the past - people counted on teachers, older people, movie stars, etc. - though we do know now that some bad things went on. But it was secretive, not blatant as it is now.).

Excellent post