Fascinating new data : Sexual Orientation

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

A relevant post from another thread:

Okay folks HERE are the FACTS:

The correct type of "therapy" for homosexuals is along the line of AA for alcoholics.

The similarities between the two are that there is no "cure", and its a disordered desire.

AA offers support and a support group, a place to talk with people who suffer from the same condition. Its not a treatment or a cure, because there is no such thing. When an alcoholic feels like drinking they call their sponsor or talk with someone from their support group. And an alcoholic will tell you, once an alcoholic always an alcoholic, yet many stay clean and sober for years, even decades.

Homosexuals need the same thing. Not some shock therapy or drugs, but a support group. The truly tragic thing here is that liberals and democrats have lied and convinced people that there is nothing wrong with this disorder of same sex attraction, so there is no support groups for the ones that seek them.

Or IS there................... ? ? ?

Welcome to "Courage" - http://couragerc.org/

About Courage

Courage is an international apostolate of the Catholic Church, which ministers to persons with same-sex attractions.

Persons with homosexual desires have always been with us; however, until recent times, there has been little, if any, formal outreach from the Church in the way of support groups or information for such persons. Most were left to work out their path on their own. As a result, they found themselves listening to and accepting the secular society’s perspective and opting to act on their same-sex desires.

His Eminence, the late Terence Cardinal Cooke of New York, was aware of, and troubled by this situation. He knew that the individual dealing with same-sex attractions truly needed to experience the freedom of interior chastity and in that freedom find the steps necessary to living a fully Christian life in communion with God and others. He was concerned that many would not find this path and would be constantly trying to get their needs met in ways that ultimately do not satisfy the desires of the heart.

In response to this concern, he decided to form a spiritual support system which would assist men and women with same-sex attractions in living chaste lives in fellowship, truth and love. Knowing of Fr. John Harvey’s extensive ministry experience in this field, he invited him to come to his Archdiocese. With the help of the Rev. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., and others, Fr. Harvey began the Courage Apostolate with its first meeting in September, 1980 at the Shrine of Mother Seton in South Ferry.

With the endorsement of the Holy See, Courage now has more than 100 Chapters and contact people world-wide, over 1500 persons participating in its ListServs, and hundreds of persons per week receiving assistance from the main office and website. It has become a mainstream Catholic Apostolate helping thousands of men and women find peace through fellowship, prayer, and the Sacraments.

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New member
When I was young I explored caves, trails, even smoked a joint or two. The last thing I would have done is explore some guys anus. Thats SICK and PERVERTED.

I'm sorry, but there is something twisted already in the mind of a kid who thinks of that as "exploring."

Maybe so, but many still do it. It's hard to keep mainstream society from influencing kids and making them unsure about their orientation.


New member
Their orientation is known as soon as the ultrasound can show it. What a stupid thing to say....
No, not really. In a society that promotes fluid sexuality, you will get a lot more confusion and a lot more experimentation. Statistics bear this out.


New member
Their orientation is known as soon as the ultrasound can show it. What a stupid thing to say....

That's what many people say. Go take it up with them. Impressionable youth influenced by the media isn't anything new. It might be dumb but what can you do beyond mentoring young people.

One Eyed Jack

New member
exactly the same was said in the 1960's about how interracial couples weren't being discriminated against because they could marry people of the "correct" skin color.

Interracial couples weren't being discriminated against, because they could marry someone of their own race? Only a millenial would be stupid enough to think this argument made any sense.

BTW I'm several years older than you

Sure you are, kid.