Dad goes off on school board for teaching the 5 pillars of Mohammedanism


Well-known member
Mohammedans are free to leave class and go to prayer rooms whenever directed by their religion to do so. During instructional time.

After school clubs = after school. And some have tried suing to get even THAT eliminated.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Evolution is a lie created by Satan and believed by lost and hell bound folks ! Not to bright are you ?

Oh yes indeed Dodge. It must be a vast global conspiracy whereby all accepted scientific theory is being manipulated by Lucifer himself in order to dupe the majority of mankind and only stalwarts like yourself are bright enough to see through the transparency of it.



New member
Hall of Fame
Bigot much?

Ever heard of after-school Christian clubs, like Good News clubs?

Youre the bigot, shown by this post, showing you agree with prayer rooms during school hours for the wife beating acid throwing, sword conversion no women education terrorists, but christians should be relegated outside of the school day.

The bigot much, is about yourself.

Youre getting like granite - the selling yourself off to evil is making you bitter.


Well-known member
So much stupidity and hatred when they (children) are being simply taught ABOUT a religion not converted to the religion in question. You cannot recite the Shahada under duress or by mistake. It must be intentional. As for evolution, it is the means by which God made all that God made.


New member
Hall of Fame
If you were consistent, you would be okay with orthodox Catholic kids being able to have a prayer room to pray the Divine Office, during the school day.

And thats the truth. Shes knows it too, she knows she has a totally hypocritical position, her bitterness has brought it on.


like marbles on glass
If you were consistent, you would be okay with orthodox Catholic kids being able to have a prayer room to pray the Divine Office, during the school day.

That wouldn't bother me at all, although it's not something you usually see kids doing, and it's not a religious requirement for them.


Well-known member
Why not say "after school" for the terrorist religion of islam? Are you a hypocrite?

Do you see yourself secretly desirous of a burka?

1: Some Islamic Clubs do meet after schools. 2: A religion cannot be 'terrorist' only a person. 3: Your inability to see why a person might champion learning about differing faiths / groups without wanting to be in those groups says a lot about your lack of empathy.