Dad goes off on school board for teaching the 5 pillars of Mohammedanism


New member
Hall of Fame
WWJD? Kill in the name of Christianity?

When Christ comes back, the non believers will be slain. Didn't you ever read your bible, Anna?

As for this worthless slave, throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 25:30).

When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of his glory All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25:31,32).

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Islam is not a "nuisance".



Well-known member
So you are the same deluded nut then. Thanks for confirming it at least.


If someday someone posts a sticky that Artie Brain was crushed by a Mohammedan jacking a lorry, or stabbed in a random melee by Mohammedans, I want you to know that I truly believe I won't feel the slightest sympathy for you. For whatever family you have, yes...but for you, I'll consider it a textbook case of dramatic irony.



like marbles on glass
If someday someone posts a sticky that Artie Brain was crushed by a Mohammedan jacking a lorry, or stabbed in a random melee by Mohammedans, I want you to know that I truly believe I won't feel the slightest sympathy for you. For whatever family you have, yes...but for you, I'll consider it a textbook case of dramatic irony.


I truly believe you wouldn't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for him, based solely on the evidence of 'Christian' behavior I've seen from you.


New member
Bigot much?

Many people are not stupid enough to want to bring folks to the U.S. that want to kill Americans that is a special kind of stupid.

Then again many snow flakes have gone right past stupid to full blown potato.

Ever heard of after-school Christian clubs, like Good News clubs?

The idiotic left has accepted Islam with open arms, and that because they are blind to history and are brain dead.


New member
Oh yes indeed Dodge. It must be a vast global conspiracy whereby all accepted scientific theory is being manipulated by Lucifer himself in order to dupe the majority of mankind and only stalwarts like yourself are bright enough to see through the transparency of it.


Eph 5:11
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Nope not a conspiracy. Same old same old Satan calling God a liar just as he did with Eve in the garden ,and folks have been dying ever since. You are not to bright are you you fell for the same !


New member
So much stupidity and hatred when they (children) are being simply taught ABOUT a religion not converted to the religion in question. You cannot recite the Shahada under duress or by mistake. It must be intentional. As for evolution, it is the means by which God made all that God made.

You have passed stupid and went straight to full blown potato.


Well-known member
Sadly i see more "i used to be a christian" coming from those who "used to be catholic" and are now atheists, than any other group claiming to be christian.


Oh, by the way...

Atheists temporarily shut down voluntary elementary before-school Bible club

Money quote:

“This club, which functions as a Bible class, is unconstitutional because public schools may not provide religious instruction,” FFRF asserted in its correspondence.

Replace "Bible" with "Islam" and nothing happens.


New member
Hall of Fame
As per your own link, the older grades' group is continuing, because it's not being led by teachers or staff. See your own link for legal details. As soon as the younger group obtains an outside sponsor, it'll start back up again.

Why would a teacher leading it bother you, since you think Islam is ok?


like marbles on glass
You only use Jesus as window dressing to hide your dead heart and spiritually dead condition.

Right. Christians here will ignore a threat by a Christian to murder a Muslim... wage a Christian jihad against him. You're no better than they are if you're willing to do the same as them. And there are definitely Christian jihadis here.


New member
Right. Christians here will ignore a threat by a Christian to murder a Muslim... wage a Christian jihad against him. You're no better than they are if you're willing to do the same as them. And there are definitely Christian jihadis here.

Mudslimes will never accept the constitution or accept the American way of life. They should have NEVER been brought to America NEVER.They only accept Sharia law are you ready for a burka and to live under the thumb of ALL mudslime men ?