Dad goes off on school board for teaching the 5 pillars of Mohammedanism


I identify as a Christian
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And let's face it, Musty and CS are far from being MENSA candidates. They're that blinkered by their own bias and dogma they're incapable of approaching anything objectively. Far easier just to label people who aren't wayyyyy to the right wing as 'leftists'.
Please add something of substance to this thread or I am going to boot you from it. All you are doing is picking at folks that don't hold to your view.


Pillar number one:

“And he shall be as a wild *** among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell over against all his brethren.”
??Genesis? ?16:12? ?ASV??

There's your proof of biblical inerrancy

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Well-known member
Oh I didn't rely on school to find out about these kinds of things.

But what she said isn't even the point.

Schools are teaching what Mohammedans say will make you a Muslim. Kids are reciting the shahada in classes, as part of any of those kids believe it and consider themselves to be converted to Islam? Probably zero do.

But that's not the point. It is a fact that whenever a school has this as part of the curriculum, THE CONTENT OF A RELIGIOUS FAITH, SPECIFIC TO HOW ONE CONVERTS TO THAT FAITH, is being presented to the whole class, even though any similar discussion regarding Christ can and has gotten district threatened with lawsuits.

When Mohammedanism is so presented, it is de facto the promotion/establishment of ONE religion by the government, via a government school.


New member
1: It's Islam and 2: God forbid you might learn something at school.

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No problem teach Christianity at school also you hypocrite since Islam is a religion.

The left are so hypocritical because if creation by God was being taught you would have a snow flake melt down over separation of Gov. and religion.


I think some of these folk are disappointed that they weren't 'raptured' while Obama was in power...

“And he shall be as a wild *** among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell over against all his brethren.”
??Genesis? ?16:12? ?ASV??

This verse teaches that the Arab will be characterized as the aggressor and will constantly be waring against his brethren

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New member
Which the fanatical equate with anti Christian propaganda. Oh noes, children are being taught there's more than one religion in the world and they're being brainwashed into it!


lol, Muslims are so nice they only kill their daughters if they do not comply with the dad's demands, Throw acid in the faces of little girls if they dare go to school, rape little boys they dress up as girls, and would be more than happy to KILL you if they had the opportunity if you rejected the moon god worship of Islam.

Their prophet mudslime was a child molester he married a 6 year old BABY. Not to mention he was a murderer ,thief, and all around inhumane pig.


Well-known member
I would happily be an anti-Christian bigot if the founder and center of Christianity was a rapacious pillaging murderer who enslaved and raped people, and who said lying and violence were God-pleasing acceptable means to bring about conquest of the entire world in his name.

If THAT is what you think lies at the core of the biblical Christian faith, then I applaud you for your staunch, flint-set faces against it.

But if you know that is NOT what lies at the center, yet hate it even more than you hate Mohammedanism, then I will applaud when you are cast into the Lake of Fire.


like marbles on glass
I think some of these folk are disappointed that they weren't 'raptured' while Obama was in power...

It's posturing. They want a theocracy and it's not going to happen, we're a pluralistic society. They can home school, they can send their kids to private school, or they can send them to public school where they might *gasp* learn about cultures other than their own. Which won't turn them into a Muslim, that's simply fear-mongering.