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  1. musterion

    Pot related crime up in Colorado

  2. musterion

    Parents found guilty of murdering child Found guilty, they should hang. So should these have.
  3. musterion

    Mind-reading machine (supposedly) If this is ever perfected, it'd be interesting to see it hooked up to PVS patients...or if anyone would voice objections to trying it. If hooked...
  4. musterion

    Muslims suing to impose Islam on private company Bet you any amount the company gets shafted, opening a flood of similar suits. Meanwhile, the government sees to it that professing Christians dare not bake...
  5. musterion

    Proud homo and self-described "perv" busted for purchasing rape of 6 year old boy

    Proud homo and self-described "perv" busted for purchasing rape of 6 year old boy Needs it's own thread because it has the elements TOL leftists insist are impossible: a homo who self-describes as a pervert, and who badly wants to rape a child...
  6. musterion

    Online quiz, "Are You Going To Heaven?"

    How'd you score?
  7. musterion

    Still think voting R will save the nation?

    You're now part of the problem.
  8. musterion

    ECT Romans 3:30 (for STP)

    You commented this to someone in passing the other day and wonder what your thoughts are on it..."by faith" and "through faith." What's the distinction? Thanks in advance for whatever you'd like to share.
  9. musterion

    ECT Why preterism can never be taken seriously by Bible believers

    Preterism is a system of Bible interpretation with two main forks. One fork teaches that some or most Bible prophecy - including prophecies regarding the return of Christ - have been fulfilled. The other says all Bible prophecy has been fulfilled. This is the main identifying feature of...
  10. musterion

    ECT Comments from an ex-charismatic preacher

    This is from an email I saved over 10 years ago. It was accompanied by a list of charismatic superstars who had fallen into gross immorality, got caught engaging in criminal activity, or who just up and died of diseases they'd gotten rich telling people God had to cure if they just had enough...
  11. musterion

    Target suing guy for stopping in-store murder

    Target: a microcosm of suicidally insane Western Civilization.
  12. musterion

    Another homo marriage activist found to be a pedo Happens so often it's not news anymore.
  13. musterion

    What nominal, futile belief in "Jesus" looks like

    A good example, anyway. At least he evidently doesn't have a false gospel in the way.
  14. musterion

    ECT Who was not ransomed?

    “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus; who gave Himself a ransom for ALL, to be testified in due time” (I Timothy 2:5-6). If you believe all here doesn't literally mean all, but really only means some, explain this passage. Who was not ransomed...
  15. musterion

    ECT Ever wonder why dispensationalism has become increasingly despised?

    Have you ever wondered about this? Fact: for many in Christendom, even the suggestion that, someday, God will once again deal with a nation called Israel is the most offensive and infuriating thing to tell them. Preterists are royally ticked off by this but they're hardly alone. This has...
  16. musterion

    Legalized pot - this wasn't supposed to happen. Leftists -- there's nothing they won't destroy.
  17. musterion

    ECT Preterist sex cult!!!!1

    Wild-eyed fanaticism...lascivious's all here... What happens when you mix kingdom theology with eating utensils and a liberal dosing of fornication? What happens when you shamefully place innocent, trusting butter knives in the company of those brazen hussy dessert...
  18. musterion

    The future of charismatic/Roman relations, in one photo
  19. musterion

    Your picks for alternative POTUS candidates

    Have fun with it.
  20. musterion

    Theology Club: re: the breaking off and Acts 28

    re: the breaking off and Acts 28 This is part of an exchange I had with a PAD (post-Acts dispensationalist/28 believer). I asked this question of him because an ex-28 said this is the most sensitive bullseye when discussing things with a 28er. Sure enough...unless I've overlooked it...I don't...