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  1. musterion

    If the current admin wanted to weaken the U.S. by any possible means...

    ...could they be expected to do something like this?
  2. musterion

    Yet another sign of the times

    Consider the implications.
  3. musterion

    Scientists baffled by a perfect example of Biblical kinds The answer to their confusion is found right there in Genesis 1:
  4. musterion

    Who will be the first ban from the new TOL?

    Just kidding. I'm liking the new layout.
  5. musterion

    Update from the proto-caliphate called Europe

    Man in custody for wearing a hat. Discuss.
  6. musterion

    TOL Ignore function as demonstrated by cats

  7. musterion

    Place yer bets

    The fields start to tighten up so this is the unofficial POTUS poll with no closing date. If you were a betting man (or woman), who'd you put your money on? This is not "who you going to vote for" or "who do you want to win" but "who do you believe will win?" (or in my case, "Who has already...
  8. musterion

    Utah guv: Give anesthesia to babies during abortions He's not defending or mitigating abortion. Because it's legal, his view is that the pain of murdered babies should be lessened as much as possible in the interest...
  9. musterion

    "The Intent of Lent" by Win Johnson

    From a very old Gospel tract that I forgot I had...
  10. musterion

    Lent is ungodly and sinful

    Once a year you choose to give up, for a brief period, something you normally enjoy. In and of itself, that's neither good nor bad. But if you're honest, you who observe Lent will explain and justify your observance with one or more of the following: a. it gives you that sense of quiet pride...
  11. musterion

    Hats in the Bible

    Please post examples. Battle helmets, women's headscarves or veils, priestley ceremonial headdresses or similar accoutrements excluded.
  12. musterion

    Rich man in walled castle says building border walls "not Christian"

    Typical Catholic hypocrisy.
  13. musterion

    Updates from conquered Europe

    German woman apologizes to Muslim invader for raping her UK police arrest man for thoughtcrime
  14. musterion

    The Beepocalypse has been averted The media would never have flogged non-stories into catastrophes...for instance, that global warming is killing bees...just to drive viewers, traffic and revenue. Would it?
  15. musterion

    British leftist comments on London

    As a child of the post-war British decline, John Cleese made his career as a subversive leftist. He has become a 1%-er as a result; so much so that he could afford to relocate to the U.S. to avoid onerous British tax rates. In his comfortable decline he is now far enough removed to admit, in a...
  16. musterion

    Is this article racist?

    The white version (one of them) of The Talk. If it is racist, specifically how and why? If not, why not? Follow up question: Are black versions of The Talk racist? If so, how and why? If not, why not?
  17. musterion


    Come one, come all. Post yours here. Mine: We've now entered the Winner Takes All phase. Scalia is only one of a few judges who could bite the dust or become incapacitated within the next few years. Even one is pivotal, especially an anchor like he was. Every single leftist, even our otherwise...
  18. musterion

    ECT Catalog of Pentecostal scandals

    An enlightening article. I'm surprised I forgot to include Hobart Freeman, the one guy TBN would never mention, but maybe he'll add him in later.
  19. musterion

    Leftist pie chart of rape causes

    If this is accurate, by the same logic this also is accurate.