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  1. musterion

    ECT Anti-ES is humanism

    If Christ can lose any of those who become members of His Body when some of them sin away their salvation and are cast into the Lake (as CrossReference, LA and several others insist will happen), then He's a weak loser and a liar. So is the Father and so is His Spirit. *The Son buys with His...
  2. musterion

    "[God] will have all men to be saved..."

    1 Timothy 2:4 Poll question. Feel free to explain your choice.
  3. musterion

    Muslims may not have to fight to conquer Europe

    This is reported as captioned with “Children in Dutch primary school De Vinkenbuurt are being taught Islam.”
  4. musterion

    Right wing rag calls for Merkel's ouster, closed borders and deportations

    Whoops. Did I say right wing rag? Typo, sorry. I meant the NYT.
  5. musterion

    A sad but practical lesson on gun control If you have to ask what the point is, you're probably part of the problem.
  6. musterion

    Secret of the Crying Indian

    Sounds like a Hardy Boys novel, don't it. Some of you are old enough to remember either of those references. Crying as someone throws Chipotle out the window and splatters e. coli on his buckskins.
  7. musterion

    Anger at mass Muslim rapes = mass Muslim rapes, IF NOT WORSE This is why Europe is terminal.
  8. musterion

    Facebook is run by hypocrite leftist scumbags

    In case you didn't know that already. Some Israelis put up two Facebook pages. They were pretty much identical except that one was anti-Israel, the other anti-Palestinian. The Israelis simultaneously ramped up the rhetoric on each, then flagged both on the same day to see what FB would do...
  9. musterion


    That's what she called it, anyway. Every day for a year, I watched a woman at work eat this for lunch. On plain white bread. Grossest thing I've ever watched somebody eat.
  10. musterion

    Nork H-bomb

    Maybe they do, maybe they don't. One guy doubts it though why anyone would believe anything Doctor No says about nuclear power is beyond me.
  11. musterion

    Mass sexual assault in Germany

    Police evidently still refusing to confirm what hundreds of German citizens saw and dozens of German women experienced (some salty language, shield yourself). But as always, "That's different." PS Comment #6 is not me, btw. Could be, but isn't. PPS...
  12. musterion

    Congress repeals meat original label laws

    Actually, they did last month. Retailers could still voluntarily label where meat comes from, if they know. But they don't have to. It's possible suppliers don't even...
  13. musterion

    Speaking of rape double standards

    THIS is a double standard. Had you even heard of this guy? No? What did this guy - who IS guilty - have that Cosby (who may yet be found guilty) does not? Take a guess. No, it's not white skin, either...
  14. musterion

    Anti-immigration song tops the charts in Germany Meanwhile, America's Leftists want this played on widescreens all across our borders: hBlB8RAJEEc
  15. musterion

    Fed court destroys man's potential career for his liberal viewpoint

    What do you think, Leftists? Right decision? Wrong decision? No answer?
  16. musterion


    Post them.
  17. musterion

    ECT Calvinism's version of God = Allah

    Impossible, you say? Allah is speaking: Surah 32:13-14 Note the striking similarities: •Allah says that he COULD have enlightened and saved all. This is true of the god of Calvinism. •Allah says that he willed not to save all. Instead, he preferred to fill Hell with men (and demons)...
  18. musterion

    Old style shaving

    Is there anyone else here who shaves with old style shaving equipment? Straights, double edge Gillettes, injectors, soap, mug and brush?