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  1. musterion

    Denver Broncos are of the Devil!!!1

    That's the extended logic here, anyway. False Prophet Claims Panthers Win in Super Bowl Will Usher in Third Spiritual ‘Great Awakening’ Charismatics. Hoo boy.
  2. musterion

    Theology Club: Differences btw Old Covenant, New Covenant and Fellowship of the Mystery

    Very interesting article. Would like to see Spanky (Tet) attempt to refute it point by point.
  3. musterion

    PP cold busted doing what everyone knows they do

    "I'll take you up on that." 4U9mZyRCisM
  4. musterion

    ECT Qs for Christians

    Is Christ's work for your sin and justification finished? If not, what does He still need to do to deal with your sin and to justify you? If His work is finished, is it all-sufficient? That is, by itself, has it saved you on His merits alone? Or is there something alongside His finished work...
  5. musterion

    Lawmakers intro bill: women must register for draft No logical reason to deny this now that they're being put into combat roles.
  6. musterion

    Your boat (T or F)

    Agree or disagree?
  7. musterion

    Christian intolerance on display in England

    I mean, how intolerant can you get. fA6XcyXsxXU Racist too, since Islam is a race and all.
  8. musterion

    Poll question for TOL's leftists

    Saw a news item where German women have begun arming themselves with anything they can lay their hands on to ward off constant harassment and threats of rape by the Muslim invaders delivered to them by their own government. Please do not vote if you're not a self-described leftist, you'll skew...
  9. musterion

    Bernie the bum And a small percentage of TOL wants to let him tell everyone what they can't do with their own money.
  10. musterion

    “diversity is more important than your security.”

    Some predicted it would come to this, and so it has. The Left is behind the true war on women.
  11. musterion

    ECT To all who say God doesn't impute Adam's sin to us

    Two questions. 1. Did He not (in a sense) impute Eve's greatly increased pain of childbirth to all mothers? 2. Did He not impute our sins to Christ (Rom 4:25; 2 Cor 5:21)?
  12. musterion

    Episcopalian "bishop": We will not recant

    You know if the liberalized Anglicans tell you that you have a problem, you really have a problem. And yet... 2 Timothy 3:1
  13. musterion

    Even more cultural enrichment of Europe

    No trigger warnings, you'll have to face the real world like an adult. Eww. The punchline:
  14. musterion

    Why the case against Cosby is weak The opinion of a legal analyst for CNN. However, he concludes by saying it's what Cosby himself has said that is the biggest threat to his defense.
  15. musterion

    359 sex assault reports, 821 complaints All purely coincidental, donchaknow. Happens every NYE in Germany. The only common factor? Assailants with mysteriously indeterminate religious identities that, even if known...
  16. musterion

    A snapshot of Catholic dating

    Can't tell if this is meant to be wry commentary on something (if so I'm not getting it) or straight up factual. Maybe one of the local Catholics can opine...
  17. musterion

    Women claim alien babies

    Draw your own conclusions.
  18. musterion

    The Men's Rights movement

    I wasn't aware of this before happening across a link to this. HK7n_XA40V8
  19. musterion

    ECT Thoughts for the upcoming week

    Things are likely to get uglier across the whole world, and indeed seem to be getting uglier even now. But...