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  1. musterion

    Spring cleaning

    On top of fixing what needed fixing around the house from over winter, I've removed all the news tabs I had on my browser homepage. I don't need the time-wasting stress and contention anymore. Just one small step, but it's a step.
  2. musterion

    Future Democrat voters

    They grow up so fast, don't they? The bottom line of the mother's response: Raw video in comments here:
  3. musterion

    Trump weasels on pledge to support the Republican nominee, whoever it is The slow, managed implosion continues, exactly as predicted. So does this look good to you? Do you stand by your man on this? Or does this...
  4. musterion

    About those Muslim no-go zones in Europe which do not exist...

    This is just one of 55, and that's just in Sweden. Every nation that's taken in Muslims ("refugees" or not) has them, even if they won't admit it. But those Lutheran no-go zones are scary worse.
  5. musterion

    "How he gonna get his money?"

    FINALLY. I've been waiting for someone to eventually say it outloud, and she does. Utter and complete lawlessness is near.
  6. musterion

    re: Trump and punching people in the face

    re: Trump and punching people in the face Let me see if I got this straight. Trump says what many people think regarding professionally astroturfed protesters. But when Cruz and others call him out for possibly inflaming what was already bound to happen (violent, bused-in lefties in...
  7. musterion

    Lion 1, Liar 0
  8. musterion

    ECT Imitating's probably not what you think
  9. musterion

    German schools on their way to being halal

    Pork outlawed. Coming soon to the rest of Europe.
  10. musterion

    "The Marijuana Industry's Dirty Little Secret" Greedy sellers selling poisons to stupid greedy stoners. Who coulda predicted it.
  11. musterion

    "Does Immigration Mean the End of Western Civilization?"

    Short answer: as far as Europe goes, short of bloody continent-wide revolutions it's looking like a sure bet. A truth that the average liberal cannot even fathom, and which the global leftists who control them are depending on their being unable to fathom...
  12. musterion

    Come and see the moldy "Jesus" cookie

    It certainly appears to be mold in the dish. So much for Psalm 16:10.
  13. musterion

    Theology Club: "A Symphony of Praise" by Jon D. LaVier

    I'm not posting a link to where I found it, just to give AMR something to do.
  14. musterion

    ECT Must one "go to church" to be with God?

    This is not asking about fellowship with like-minded others. The question is, must one "go to church" - some designated physical structure, wherever it is or whatever it's called - to be with or to please God?
  15. musterion

    The odds of another Earth-like planet

    In short...not good. A short but tedious read. Money quote from the blithering heathen author: EXCEPT THAT WE KNOW THERE IS NO GOD.
  16. musterion

    Conversation with an ex-abortionist

  17. musterion

    "The Myth of 'Brain Death'" Acolytes of the death cult won't like this one bit.
  18. musterion

    ECT "Abiding Faith"

  19. musterion

    Moves in Michigan and California (!) to re-outlaw sodomy Am I against it in theory? Nope. Question is, who is behind it now, and what's their real motivation? My first guess, since it's Michigan, was caliphate-minded Muslims. California, I had no...