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  1. musterion

    ECT When was Job 19:25-27 fulfilled?

    Job 19:25-27 If you believe it already happened, when did it happen? How do you know it happened?
  2. musterion

    Study: Liberals prone to psychoticism

    Simply confirms what most of us have known for a long time.
  3. musterion

    Nah, they don't want other people's kids

  4. musterion

    ECT Dispensation is about WHAT God does more than WHEN He does it

    A dispensation is simply the order of God's dealings with people...why and how He does what He does, in other words...which varies (sometimes drastically) from what He was doing before and will do after. People often focus on the WHEN of a dispensation and try to extrapolate outward from that...
  5. musterion

    Catholics told to pray silently to not offend Muslims

    Charles Martel they ain't.
  6. musterion

    Nearly naked man runs around in front of Christian women's meeting

    He was invited.
  7. musterion

    Then/now photo of 1967 paratroopers
  8. musterion

    Homo shave rape

    Appeal denied. Three years wasn't enough. If fart rape is now taken seriously, then this definitely should be. PS Canada.
  9. musterion

    Question for leftists

    This man will never face the death penalty but if he had, would killing him make us "no better than he is"?
  10. musterion

    One logical result of liberal inculcation

    Psycho-emotional infantalism seen as a good thing.
  11. musterion

    Drunk violent Jesuit plant lets cat out of bag?

    His threat is very interesting...
  12. musterion

    ECT Sacrifices during the Kingdom?

    Been some chatter, accusations and wrong assumptions tossed around lately so here's my very amateur thoughts, just to start a proper discussion. My thinking on this... The dispensation of grace will have ended. Christ will be reigning in His glorified Person. Never to bleed or die again. Not...
  13. musterion

    More Hillsong heathenism
  14. musterion

    Caanadian govt is officially queer
  15. musterion

    How many wrong things can you spot in these stories?

    I see several.
  16. musterion

    Should they be allowed to go?

    Watched the very old movie WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE last night. If you're not familiar with it: a roving star will smash the Earth within a year, so private interests create rocketships to take a handful of survivors to the hopefully Earth-like planet that orbits the star. Pairs of men and women...
  17. musterion

    ECT The whole Tribulation period is the wrath of God

    Revelation ch. 6 teaches that the first part of the Tribulation is as much the wrath of God as the second half. It says, The entire seven-year period is the wrath of God. All attempts to split the Trib, such as the popular wrath of Satan/wrath of God idea, are flat denials of what the Text...
  18. musterion

    ECT Preterism is mythology

    The Word of God alone is sufficient for the faith and walk of the believer. Yet without admitting it, preterists make Josephus and other extrabiblical writings a vital part of their faith. They have to. If not for the AD 70 reporting of Josephus -- which does not match the prophecies -- and...
  19. musterion

    Letsargue's parentheses fetish...coincidence or code?
