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  1. musterion

    Ohio police officer injured by ground glass in restaurant food Very probably deliberate. If so, prosecute whoever it was for attempted murder.
  2. musterion

    Woman and daughters stabbed by man of indeterminate religion He reportedly said it was because they were too lightly dressed. And you know, who are we to judge his culture...whatever it may be? Unless he's some kind of...
  3. musterion

    Mohammedan axe attack, "motive not established" We'll never know what motivated him.
  4. musterion

    What it will take to win

    I choose to believe this is true since it accurately reflects what many of us have heard from those who were there. Do not read further if you're sensitive to blunt language.
  5. musterion

    Toddler knows more about Mohammedans than his liberal dad does

    On the one hand the fake punchline is funny. On the other, I'm a dad and I'm angry that this fool father is deceiving his own son with this lethal fairytale, even though the kid knows in his gut that what his dad told him does not add up.
  6. musterion

    BLM leader is bought and paid for by Soros Is the big picture of recent current events starting to make sense yet? Remember the Illinois Nazi's speech from The Blues Brothers: "The Jew is using the black as muscle." In this case it's...
  7. musterion

    The sickest "homos in love" story you'll read this year (probably)

    Want to say "unbelieveable" but these people are capable of LITERALLY anything.
  8. musterion

    Could French govt general lack of response push people to civil war? Wouldn't be the first time.
  9. musterion

    Another prediction coming true re: perverts When talk of letting queers into women's rooms first started over a year ago, there was a thread where some of us predicted it would only be a matter of time before some dude in drag used it as cover to...
  10. musterion

    Possibly the most astounding leftist hypocrisy yet

    Seriously, this is one for the record books. Watch it all the way though.
  11. musterion

    BLM spokesfool embarrassed by a very simple question

    Jump to 16:17. She can't compute an answer to the most relevant question BLM can possibly be asked...something most people are asking... "What is it exactly that you want from white people?" SHE DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION. So after an humiliating pause, she reverts to attack...
  12. musterion

    ECT Some Reformed person (not Nang) please explain this to me I've read the article twice and still have no clear idea what is going on here.
  13. musterion

    Should Cinemark pay up anyway? The Cinemark theater chain was sued by some of the families of the victims of the 2012 Aurora shooting...
  14. musterion

    TOL's leftists will LOL These inbred demonic b******* should be hunted down, have pig hooves stuffed in their mouths and shot in the head. Now watch: TOL's leftists will focus on my comment in order to ignore the...
  15. musterion

    Man with heavy security details calls for mass forced gun confiscation

    Except for his own heavily armed security details, of course.
  16. musterion

    Another German leftist covers up being raped by Mohammedans

    For the usual reason...thereby inflicting more rapes on German women and children.
  17. musterion

    How a Frenchman has his charity to Mohammedans repayed

    By being attacked with a knife and an axe.
  18. musterion

    Why MADs (and a few others) take the Gospel so seriously

    The Galatians believers had been captivated by Jews who said Gentiles had add circumcision to Christ in order to become right with God. In response, Paul assured the Galatians that anyone -- even an angel! -- who brought them a gospel [good news] different from what he had already delivered...
  19. musterion

    Church sign wars

    About dogs. Proving that Catholics are panspecies universalists and that Presbyterians are humorless prigs. (Signs were almost certainly fakes. Thread is intended for humor. Do not...
  20. musterion

    Yet another hypocritical Democrat stunt

    Heard about that Democrat anti-gun "protest" in Congress the other day? Well... They're...