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  1. musterion

    Movie theater shooter in Germany

    Good thing Germany, like France, has such strict gun control.
  2. musterion

    "Jesus' Wife" hoax disproved in most bizzare way possible
  3. musterion

    Media sanitizing Female Genital Mutilation

    Just like the Orlando Mohammedan's 911 call transcript was to be scrubbed of any reference to jihad but now will have his mentiones of Allah replaced with 'God' (to show he's just like you bitter clingers) ABC News tries this...
  4. musterion

    "Sharia Kills"

  5. musterion

    Paul Weston on societal suidice This is one of those videos you'll want to save for your kids, as more and more history gets memory-holed and current events are sanitized.
  6. musterion

    Jihad refs in Orlando murderer's 911 calls to be scrubbed for release Now what's the real reason for sanitizing history here? Why does the regime want as few people as possible to know he was a devout Mohammedan? We already...
  7. musterion

    Rape, stupidity, or both?

    A woman (apparently) contacts other women online, wants to refer them for porn shoots. It goes downhill from there. Warning. Fairly graphic, very sordid. The man is an absolute dirtbag but apparently the law there is...
  8. musterion

    Poll: Do you agree with this picture?

  9. musterion

    Russo-Islamic relations

    Real progress being made there.
  10. musterion

    Liberal's personal account of firing a weapon
  11. musterion

    Abortionist shows his true heart

    Pretends he's crazy just to try to get a rise out of the preacher. Clearly he's having fun with it, as is security. That shows how seriously they (don't) take murdering children for profit and, apparently, laughs. God will judge.
  12. musterion

    UK politician murdered in broad daylight

    Well, it's a good thing they banned all guns. Otherwise she might have been shot.
  13. musterion

    The denomination of Americanism

    Together 2016 The money quote: Translation: Come Home to Rome.
  14. musterion

    SBC joins mosque-building effort I like the phrase the author uses: Americanism, as opposed to biblical faith in Christ. TOL is infested with it.
  15. musterion

    "Imperialist homophobia and toxic masculinity" caused Orlando

    Translation: it's all YOUR fault.
  16. musterion

    Morals-imposing theocratic tyrant at work

    Watch: "Oh. Well...that's different."
  17. musterion

    Man threatens L.A. pride parade

    One of the usual suspects? Apparently not this time.
  18. musterion

    Germany: the programming is nearly complete

    Sexually assaulted girls choose not to report attacks can guess why. Semi-translation from original article:
  19. musterion

    Reddit goes hard left on Orlando news

    Gotta say I didn't expect this.
  20. musterion

    Pot, tats and pagan spiritism

    It may be popular but it's not new.