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  1. musterion

    Thoughts on, and related to, dispensationalism

    From past and present, a continuing series (maybe). A. P. Adams (1845-1925)
  2. musterion

    Smilie story contest

    Set the bar kinda high there, dincha. ;)
  3. musterion

    Unexpected confirmation for why we keep our daughters away from social media and TV

    Linked from Drudge: That a homosexual author is apparently making this point primarily for homosexuals is beside the point. Accurate description of a situation is accurate description...
  4. musterion

    ECT "Kingdom of Heaven," "Kingdom of God" as used in the Gospels

    The terms seem to be used interchangeably in the four Gospels. Matthew uses KoH almost exclusively while the others mostly KoG. Do you see a distinction between them or are they talking about the same thing? And extending that to Acts and Paul, same question. Whoever wants to answer, you...
  5. musterion

    ECT General question

    If you entered a church building and noticed what looked like a gigantic eye in the stained glass, what would you think?
  6. musterion

    "Why We Hate You," honest Muslims tell the truth unvarnished truth The above is from the slick webzine put out by ISIS. Jump to page 30: Read the whole thing, especially if you've got one of this smug, self-satisfied COEXIST stickers on your Prius or...
  7. musterion

    Challenge to all tongues talkers

    This is in response to the challenge laid down by AndyC. It's very simple. 1. Record yourself, audio or video, "speaking in tongues." If you do video, feel free to disguise your face if you like. 2. Post the video online at Youtube or wherever you like. 3. Post a link here. 4. If you're...
  8. musterion

    Wayne Grudem on why Christians (and everyone else) should vote for Trump As mere details and description of the current situation, much of this is dead on (not that that's hard to do...just look around and pay attention). It's the appeals backed by...
  9. musterion

    Terrorists accused of siphoning off funds given to a big Christian charity

    Maybe nothing to it, maybe there is.
  10. musterion

    Paul couldn't keep the Law AND live for God - it was one or the other

    “For through the law I have died to the law, SO THAT I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ…” (Gal 2:19) Paul said he had to DIE to the Law in order that he might live for God. Meaning he couldn't do both. If Paul couldn't live for God and keep the Law, who are you (those of...
  11. musterion

    Yet another Roman Catholic curse that is still in force today

    "Witch town" in Spain still under the voodoo hokum of Rome. So the Council of Trent's many anathemas aren't the only official curses still on the books. But instead of trying to see these people saved with the Gospel of grace, the RCC cursed them instead. Wonder why the RCC would do that...
  12. musterion

    Odd thing for a Christian to say about the Koran

    Local Muslims refuse Islamic burial for terrorists A surviving nun speaks: " I respect the Bible." :think:
  13. musterion

    Woman sues for not being allowed to marry animal Regardless of whether this is a leftist publicity stunt or not, who could possibly have predicted this? WE DID. "Bah, it'll never happen," they lied when we said it damn well would, and...
  14. musterion

    ECT An observation on hating falsehood and those who don't

    He makes a good point. Psalm 119:128 David Cloud,
  15. musterion

    The five original lies, from which all other lies flow

    These are the lies of Satan in the Garden, taking two basic forms. But first, Satan tries to open the mind to doubt what God has said: Once that door is open, the lies come. DENIALS OF WHAT GOD HAD SAID 1) denial of the reality and the curse of death ("Ye shall not surely die") 2) denial of...
  16. musterion

    An example of what yoking yourself with unbelievers can look like Posted for those who still assume that the GOP is, or ever was, "the Christian party." 2 Cor 6:14-15 Eph 5:7, 11
  17. musterion

    Colorado: Don't smoke pot? That's okay, have a glass of water

    File under "unintended consequences."
  18. musterion

    ECT Wrath of God/Wrath of the Lamb: comparing Ezekiel 14 with Revelation 6

    Ezekiel ch. 14 Revelation ch. 6 Things to notice: •Ezekiel shows four judgments coming as the wrath of God. •Revelation shows four judgments coming as the wrath of the Lamb. •The wrath of the Lamb in Revelation mirrors the wrath of God in Ezekiel. •In Revelation, it is expressly the...
  19. musterion

    2 Timothy 3 manifesting more and more every day

    Together 2016 UMC bucks its own rules, votes in homosexual bishop Canadian Anglicans OK with homosexual weddings UK United Reformed votes likewise
  20. musterion

    Cops don't want all black people dead
