Why Sexual Assault Victims Delay Coming Forward

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I;m called a misogynist on here for the same reason one goes around calling another a racist, a xenophobe, a 'bigot', anon anon. Any opposition with you all's loaded standing is met with such, which is by definition 'fascism' on a silver platter.

Because it's been the truth since the dawn of man. Woman can't do anything beyond serving men, as everything they know and do has been prescribed and ordained by men.

I don't need to downplay anything, you all just have a 'hangup' with reality. I'll be damned if women are going to sit there and act like they have it so bad and try to protest ME when men have assured that they have it made- even over their own selves, who has more a right than them.

And then there's 'men' like you, who are the unfortunate product of feminist insanity which, as well, gave rise to sodomy and mass divorce.
There's a reason why the Bible refers to corruption so often as a woman- the Idolatress of Babylon couldn't be more accurate :rolleyes:

Yep, who could possibly call you a misogynist and be justified in doing so?


You really are sad. The fact that you only view women as being good for breeding is your own loss in the long run, although it certainly isn't theirs.


New member
Hall of Fame
She tried to imply that no woman would ever touch me- a completely ridiculous, random 'jerk' statement by her- but you completely ignored that and pertained to my response, which was what she deserved in return.

Wow what a lying snake in the grass you are

Here is what i said again (in response also to your claim of groping):

Women grope men, and there are virtually zero cases where a woman has been scrutinized for it, let alone gotten in legal trouble. That's because men don't embrace 'victimhood'.

I have a real hard time believing you have been groped in any unwanted way by a woman.

Do tell how being groped by a woman = never touched by a woman

Grope- feel or fondle (someone) for sexual pleasure, especially against their will.

Weird, its no wonder you hate women so much, you dont seem to know the difference between touching and groping, perhaps youve been smacked for not knowing that difference a few times, eh?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This is coming from people who thought it was cool for feminists to declare that "Men need to be taught not to rape".
Now you appear to just be typing bumper sticker bits unrelated to my remarks.

So it's perfectly fine to be called a born rapist who needs to unlearn it, but it's 'misogynistic' and 'unfounded' to tell them they are stupid and to cram it up their rear
I haven't told anyone they were born rapists. That would be an ignorant position to hold. I'd say the better label for the last part would be ill-mannered and immature, but then that's not what gets you the misogynist label. I already related what the root of that was, so address it or not. Suit yourself. I omit the next couple of random synaptic misfires or precanned bits unrelated to my remarks. If you want to rebut, fine. If you want to blog, go do that.

They learned it all from men, and do not excel over men in any area, period.
Well, no. In general, women do better at academics and any number of things then most men, though men tend to have more abject failures and unbridled success within a great many fields. Given the relatively brief amount of time, historically, that women have had anything approaching an equal opportunity that success is more surprising than the other part. Until fairly recently the highest recorded IQ belonged to a woman.

Men are the masters of literally every subject from mechanics, math, philosophy, anon anon. Even art.
There really isn't a literal hierarchy in most fields, especially the arts. Women have produced genius in any field you can think of, whether or not your bias allows you the ability to appreciate it or not.

Like St. Augustine said over 1500 years ago, the truth still remains exactly as it did then.
Great men sometimes say stupid things and can be as bigoted as anyone, sadly. Especially if they come up in a period where the cultural norm is bigoted. Wilson, the eventual dean of Princeton, was an avid supporter of the KKK. Jefferson, who penned equality, remained a slaveholder who believed the black his inferior in every way.

So stop laboring under the stupid delusion that women have a right to complain or protest.
Everyone has a right to be heard and to advance their cause by reason. And then there are people like you, who can only take advantage of the first part and abuse the obligation of the latter.


Wow what a lying snake in the grass you are

Here is what i said again (in response also to your claim of groping):

Do tell how being groped by a woman = never touched by a woman

Grope- feel or fondle (someone) for sexual pleasure, especially against their will.

Weird, its no wonder you hate women so much, you dont seem to know the difference between touching and groping, perhaps youve been smacked for not knowing that difference a few times, eh?

Trying to backtrack and change your semantics doesn't help you at all :wave:


Now you appear to just be typing bumper sticker bits unrelated to my remarks.

Your statements are, in and of themselves, dead platitudes that many are tired of hearing while they are harassed and taught that they owe women for being better than them.

I haven't told anyone they were born rapists. That would be an ignorant position to hold.

And yet, that's the nonsense you defend.

In general, women do better at academics

They do better at passing tailored exams, and still don't get to the top because memory does not serve over understanding.
You all have passed that off as 'patriarchy' :rolleyes:

There really isn't a literal hierarchy in most fields, especially the arts. Women have produced genius in any field you can think of, whether or not your bias allows you the ability to appreciate it or not.

Geniuses change the world with their findings and skill- there's a lacking number of women in that regard. What you all have done is shove the mere idea of female equality in this and any other sense as reality.

Great men sometimes say stupid things and can be as bigoted as anyone, sadly.

People have been saying the same thing throughout all history and then all of a sudden, after men have built everything and completed civilization, you all go and say it isn't true.

Women are their own proof against 'equality'. Where they come short, they either attempt to handicap and berate men or demand special privilege to give an illusion of equality.
And you all fall dead for it- there is no face palm mighty enough for it really. 1st World modern man is stupid, and woman have taken advantage if every facet they can to emasculate you.

Do you see any of this happening in the 2nd or 3rd Worlds? No, you don't. And you don't see rampant divorce or sodomy either- wonder why that is :idunno:
If you stop being an imbecile, you will see the cost of the unmerited, so called 'liberation' of women has caused.


^ Boy, you're catching it from all sides. I know the feeling.

They don't want to accept reality, they rather think it should be mandatory to accept fantasy or be anathema. The feminist agenda is no different than any of the others, and therefore deserves no more than the next one.

They are all fixed on prejudice, and they all deny their prejudice. That's why women can say or do whatever, just as blacks can say or do whatever, or gays, or Smurfs and goat people- and there is always a similar result and response from liberals.


New member
Saint Augustine is one of the most important theologians in Christian history. I doubt you'd be capable of understanding his works- you need something written in crayon, with flashy things like raptures.

You keep saying 'sodomite' as if it carries the correct meaning you are using it as.

Feminists are one of the leading sodomite supporters that exists. In fact, the most significant reason why sodomy and otherwise sexual deviance are acceptable now is due to feminism.
In fact, if one looks at history and even places around the world today, where patriarchy doesn't exist there is sodomy. It's right on the money to- 100%. The more insight one gains, the more those as yourself just look like tools.

Closet issue :chuckle:
You're the one with an apparent bondage fetish.

Go look up Stockholm's Syndrome.

More of your baseless stupidities from within your vacuum.

I suppose you blame the every day accepted as norm within which sodomites were viewed within the very male warrior class/cultures of ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, and Japan's Samurai - each of which held women in low regard.

Do the history, you jerk. Many a so called church leader way back then...liked the boys.

In this, Augustine's vile statement...is not surprising.

Lol - I suppose you would blame that history way back then on today's feminists.

Feminism having been nothing more than an over reaction, not to a strong male culture, but to an over dominating one, you incompetent.

Genuine strength recognizes interdependence between both sides.

In contrast to overly dominant; which is nothing more than narcissism and insists on co-dependence or else it points its "what's wrong with YOU" finger.

What...an..idiot...you are...in your...sodomite like...petty jealousy against women in general.

Where is this poor view of yours in Scripture?

Where is it in the Lord's dealings with women?

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 5:24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

5:30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

5:32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 6:2 Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;


New member
More of your baseless stupidities from within your vacuum.

I suppose you blame the every day accepted as norm within which sodomites were viewed within the very male warrior class/cultures of ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, and Japan's Samurai - each of which held women in low regard.

Do the history, you jerk. Many a so called church leader way back then...liked the boys.

In this, Augustine's vile statement...is not surprising.

Lol - I suppose you would blame that history way back then on today's feminists.

Feminism having been nothing more than an over reaction, not to a strong male culture, but to an over dominating one, you incompetent.

Genuine strength recognizes interdependence between both sides.

In contrast to overly dominant; which is nothing more than narcissism and insists on co-dependence or else it points its "what's wrong with YOU" finger.

What...an..idiot...you are...in your...sodomite like...petty jealousy against women in general.

Where is this poor view of yours in Scripture?

Where is it in the Lord's dealings with women?

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 5:24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

5:30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

5:32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 6:2 Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;

Feminism was a reaction to more prosperous times and more free time with which to become educated and civically active.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Your statements are, in and of themselves..
I cut you off because that's what you do, make claims without quote or substantiation. Demonstrate it or don't bother. Declarations are just sounds absent that.

And yet, that's the nonsense you defend.
No, it isn't, which is why you'll claim it but never quote me remotely do it. That's what you do. And by and large all you do.

They do better at passing tailored exams, and still don't get to the top because memory does not serve over understanding.
You all have passed that off as 'patriarchy' :rolleyes:
Cite to any authority and peer reviewed data that supports your view.

Geniuses change the world with their findings and skill- there's a lacking number of women in that regard
There really isn't and you're wrong about the mentally gifted. They disproportionately impact the world, but many choose ordinary, satisfying lives. Look up Kim Ung Yong. Second highest recorded IQ anyone knows of and he decided to spend his life teaching after an unsatisfying stint with NASA. And then there are more than a few who simply never amount to anything impactful for a variety of reasons, like William Sidis.

People have been saying the same thing throughout all history and then all of a sudden, after men have built everything and completed civilization, you all go and say it isn't true.
People have said all sorts of bigoted things historically.


I suppose you blame the every day accepted as norm within which sodomites were viewed within the very male warrior class/cultures of ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, and Japan's Samurai - each of which held women in low regard.

As soon as Greece and Rome instituted egalitarianism, both abortion and homosexuality stormed in. A scandal of samurais is hardly an argument.

And then Christianity happened and shut all of it down again. Because it's all intrinsically tied together, feminist notions got the shaft where it belonged.

Do the history, you jerk.

I do my history, and without that extreme feminist filter.

In this, Augustine's vile statement...is not surprising.

I know you all consider truth 'vile'. It's better to stick to 'feel good' lies.

Feminism having been nothing more than an over reaction, not to a strong male culture, but to an over dominating one, you incompetent.


Women didn't want liberation until men industrialized and otherwise completed civilization. Then all of a sudden men are 'overly dominant'.
What's funny is that this was realized by anti-feminist women, who you all pretend do not exist.

In contrast to overly dominant; which is nothing more than narcissism and insists on co-dependence or else it points its "what's wrong with YOU" finger.

Men have historically not depended on women for a damn thing other than birthing children. The complete inverse is true, and is still true.

You going to Scripture is laughable, because all you can do is 'cherry pick'. When it comes down to it, women have no authority and were made for the man, plain and simple. Eve deceived Adam, and Eve still deceives Adam- Paul came right out with it, as did the prophets. There are a myriad of Christian theologians in history that have expounded greatly on this matter, but you all prefer your worldly nonsense.

If women desire something, protesting against men is not the way to do it. They didn't do anything but shame men into giving them unmerited privilege, and then rolled over them some more afterward- all the way to now, where you are a 'misogynist' for so much as bringing it up :rolleyes:


New member
Yep, you are in the closet, Crucible :chuckle:

Back when I was in the world, I knew a big mouth like you for a minute; once. Ever asserting man's superiority.

One day I put him up against one after another of some of my newer mma students and each one wiped the floor with him.

The poor idiot comes up to me later and says "I don't understand; I have two black belts I worked hard for and these puny women dusted me..."

The fool never did get the simple principle that women have certain advantages through leverage that men simply do not.

You are a fool who lives in a plastic bubble of his own nonsense.

In short, you're stupid.


Everyone has a right to be heard and to advance their cause by reason.

And no one has the right to manipulate others and not expect backlash.
Unless of course one is a feminist, then it's perfectly fine because *rape*.


'Reason' :chuckle:
There is no reason in any of it, it is complete drivel. They've been debunked on 95% of everything they perpetuate over and over again, and it won't die because people like you protect their lies.


a right to be heard by whom? :freak:

they can complain and protest all they want, but they certainly do not have a right to make me listen to them :nono:

The people in their 'safe space' :chuckle:

They don't want any opposition, and they lose their mind when they do. They don't expect it because they were used to believing everyone cared about them simply because they are woman, and that the world was their glass palace.

You'll see it in different ways with every specialty groups- for example, BLM gets mad when met with opposition because they've gotten used to believing they can lash out without consequence.
But the gays pretty much labor under the same paradigm as feminists, because that's the facet in which they crawled out of.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
They don't want any opposition, and they lose their mind when they do.
Did you mean that or were you simply hoping for a level playing field?

They don't expect it because they were used to believing everyone cared about them simply because they are woman
Are you secretly an embittered Helen Reddy?

You'll see it in different ways with every specialty groups- for example, BLM gets mad when met with opposition because they've gotten used to believing they can lash out without consequence.
Or, they take exception to people taking exception to the idea their lives matter. :plain:

But the gays pretty much labor under the same paradigm as feminists,
The gays? Do you talk about "the rock and roll music" and hitch your pants really, really high. Like mid-rib cage even?

because that's the facet in which they crawled out of
Grammar Yahtzee!