Why Sexual Assault Victims Delay Coming Forward


No, that's your ears/bias. The smarter thing, the political thing for him to have done, given his constituency, would be to voice a more rigidly orthodox approach. It sounds like what it was, an interview on his beliefs.

Priming up for potential candidacy, where being a Christian is an unofficial requirement.

Evasion isn't sitting down and having a conversation about it.

Evasion is going eight years as president and saying exactly squat about Christianity other than how Christians should embrace Muslims.

Well, that's above my pay grade. What I can tell you is what he has to say about it. I'm comfortable discussing the problems with some of his positions in relation to orthodoxy, but I'll leave his soul and heart for Christ to determine.

Having trinkets from multiple religions stuffed in one's pocket doesn't take a professor to figure out why. He has no interest in Christianity, he has an interest in religious commonality.

Your assumptive bias is indeed wasted on me. The last part is just a sad bit of additional distortion. I don't do anythign of the sort, which is why you'll make the charge but never produce a quote to support it.

How do you not have assumptive bias? If I say that I am God, would you accept it because I said it twelve years ago?

The truth is that this consistent gambit of people like you is out of wanting to encourage a faux Christianity.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Priming up for potential candidacy, where being a Christian is an unofficial requirement.
All the more reason to toe a uniformly bland and orthodox line, which he didn't do.

Evasion is going eight years as president and saying exactly squat about Christianity other than how Christians should embrace Muslims.
But that's not what he did either. He simply didn't use it like a political tool or talisman. And that's part of your problem. On the one hand you attribute his declaration of faith to political, cynical manipulation, then immediately charge him with evasion, which runs contrary to your own thought.

Having trinkets from multiple religions stuffed in one's pocket doesn't take a professor to figure out why.
You still haven't sustained that he does it, let alone why. Cite to source, again. Where did you learn it and what did he say about it? I know that he has said he values the search for faith and God, for truth in other religions, so it wouldn't surprise me, but I'd like to know the source so I could examine it myself.

He has no interest in Christianity, he has an interest in religious commonality.
You're a unicorn. See how easy that sort of thing is? Anyone can do it. It only signifies our assumptions absent more.

How do you not have assumptive bias?
Everyone has bias, the trick is to be able to see it and to think through it to a conclusion that isn't predicated upon an assumption generated by it. That's why I value rationality and logic. It's a great cleaver to move fat from bone.

If I say that I am God, would you accept it because I said it twelve years ago?
I wouldn't accept any absurd claim, except as evidence of mental instability. Now if you said you were a conservative twelve years ago I'd believe that you believed it, even if I had a different understanding of what conservative thinking should be. Why else would you say it? And if you said it to deceive I'd expect you to sell that deception, not to treat it as something that didn't need daily affirmation to others, as something more integral to you than that.

The truth is that this consistent gambit of people like you
Whenever you find yourself doing that you've substituted bias for substance on a point that demands more. You don't know me or likely many here, really. This place is a distortion by its nature, a boxing ring isn't a place to get a depth of insight into anyone. Absent a good bit of side bar and association,you only see flashes of the good and failings in people you meet at points of conflict. You don't really see the people.

I don't know you at all. I know a few of your tendencies. I know you appear to have had some profound emotional trauma regarding the opposite sex that has seriously impaired your ability to approach them as a subject. I know that you protect yourself with judgment and declaration. So you're a bit sensitive, which isn't a bad thing, so long as you extend the reach of it beyond yourself. I know a few things, or surmise a few about your education and interests, but I can't say I really know you at depth, not at all. And reading you,understanding the limitations of our contact, I'm dead certain that you don't know me.

It would be a foolish thing for either of us, strangers that we are, to attempt to judge the other's intent, desire, salvation or spiritual state. It would be hubris and in conflict with good sense to say nothing of our shared faith, however different it might be in the realm of the non-salvic.

is out of wanting to encourage a faux Christianity.
What I want (and the way to find that out is simply to ask) is for everyone to find themselves among the faithful, reliant upon grace and walking in sufficient humility of spirit that we leave the disposition of our souls to the God who called us and work, instead, on a better expression of that faith among us...it's an approach I fail daily, but it's the light in the harbor I mean to steer toward, even if I becalm myself too frequently.


New member
That Church of Christ Obama was supposedly saved at preaches a works based salvation.

Theirs is the same heresy on Paul's "work out your own salvation" as the RCC's erroneous notion that Paul is talking about working to earn and or maintain eternal life.

Likewise wih Hillary's so called Methodist beliefs.

Trumps so called religious background is just as bad, if not worse.

He was raised in the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale's "You can if you think you can" New Ageism.

Today's Joel Olsteen is nearer to "the gospel" than Peale ever was.

And Olsteen is clueless.

And then there is each's history.

Trump's being one long history of corrupt real estate deals via political corruption all the way back to his late teens and Tammany Hall.

Hillary's being politically corrupt long before she returned to Washington as President Slick Willy's wife and cronie.

Obama's being very little strong experience to speak of when he first talked his way into office, plus that black cloud of a corrupt Law firm as his former employer hanging over him when he first ran for Pres.

It's the same old, same old.

Countless, willfully compromised individuals running for political office.

And even more countless individuals as voters willingly turning a blind eye to their particular candidate as next their next "this is the one - this one is...our Messiah."

And all we end up is...in conflict with one another...instead of against said political hacks.

Seems we...never...learn.

Which is fine, as far as these ever uncertain characters we are ever so certain in our vote for...are concerned.
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