Why Sexual Assault Victims Delay Coming Forward


New member
Funniest. Post. Ever. (see: his signature line and practice).

Since apparently Sod is reporting anything I post today, the above by him, written in response to CC's nonsense about me, is really crossing the line. But then, so was the judgment seat bit.

It seems to me that if TOL is going to have spirited debate there has to be a pretty wide latitude given, but that if it's going to have a Christian context this sort of thing runs contrary to the point and purpose.

You shouldn't call people prostitutes, as CC did me earlier. You shouldn't call Christians evil perverts, as Sod does in this post. It puts the worst possible face on a common faith.

The reason he doesn't see you as having a common faith with him is that you seem to be blind to pure evil and tend to magnify flaws in character to the point where it towers in perception above the truly evil around you. That's where we see a chasm between you and us.

Perhaps you could be philosophical a bit and describe the nature of evil to us and the nature of Christianity.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If you've read one of Town Hairlip's posts you've read them all.

Are you forgetting what I told you yesterday Aunt Bea Arthur?


Your Christian witness just shines through dude. Oh, and the woman in my 'gay' profile pic is a good friend who has been through more in her life than either of us will likely ever know. So if it's possible for someone who professes to have a practicing faith, stop acting like a scumbag and grow up. Try reading Galatians if you need a hint on that score.


Why Sexual Assault Victims Delay Coming Forward

-Not actually being assaulted

It's that simple, but people who obsessively emphasize on it want you to forget the second thing there.

And 'rape' is something a lot of women wear on their shoulders, whether it actually occurred or a false claim, because it's the opposite of humiliation in their cases- it's a sympathy/attention card.

They want you to forget about that as well :rolleyes:
You see, the goal is to infantilize them and yet simultaneously report that they are 'equal' to men.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Your Christian witness just shines through dude........
Why thank you, dudette.
If I thought for a split second that Christian witness would do you any good I would have taken a different tact. But I know it won't, so I don't. Anything else Miss Manners? Now, go away girly boy.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why thank you, dudette.
If I thought for a split second that Christian witness would do you any good I would have taken a different tact. But I know it won't, so I don't. Anything else Miss Manners? Now, go away girly boy.

Nowt more impressive than an internet tough guy eh? You don't give a damn about anybody one way or the other with the way you act. Go and watch a John Wayne film macho man.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The reason he doesn't see you as having a common faith with him is that you seem to be blind to pure evil
If you really believe that's it I'd say you're blind to him. It was, instead, a continuation of his steady escalation of rhetorical malice that began, years ago, under one of his many usernames, as a result of contesting his race baiting. Religion, as he uses it here, is just a hammer, a convenient way to strike at people within the faith and outside of it, who offend him.

I'm not blind to evil. I see it in every man. It's the root of the need for grace and why God told us that salvation had nothing to do with our merit.

That's where we see a chasm between you and us.

Perhaps you could be philosophical a bit and describe the nature of evil to us and the nature of Christianity
I could, but given how dishonestly those you appear to identify with (us) have used honest admissions on other matters, why on earth would I? Chrys asks me if I voted for the President. I tell him. Yes the first time and no the second. I set out why. Some of those you seem to value then truncate it and disavow the honesty except where it serves their intention to advance a distorted image.

So there's no point in a sincere and considered exposition given to people who have demonstrated a dishonest practice in relation to it. If that practice offends you then you should separate yourself from those who aren't disquieted by it.


New member
If you really believe that's it I'd say you're blind to him. It was, instead, a continuation of his steady escalation of rhetorical malice that began, years ago, under one of his many usernames, as a result of contesting his race baiting. Religion, as he uses it here, is just a hammer, a convenient way to strike at people within the faith and outside of it, who offend him.

I'm not blind to evil. I see it in every man. It's the root of the need for grace and why God told us that salvation had nothing to do with our merit.

I could, but given how dishonestly those you appear to identify with (us) have used honest admissions on other matters, why on earth would I? Chrys asks me if I voted for the President. I tell him. Yes the first time and no the second. I set out why. Some of those you seem to value then truncate it and disavow the honesty except where it serves their intention to advance a distorted image.

So there's no point in a sincere and considered exposition given to people who have demonstrated a dishonest practice in relation to it. If that practice offends you then you should separate yourself from those who aren't disquieted by it.

I have never done that to you . Send me a PM telling me what I asked for. I have never spilled the beans or attacked you for such admissions in the past. I won't now and I won't share it with your adversaries.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
If you really believe that's it I'd say you're blind to him. It was, instead, a continuation of his steady escalation of rhetorical malice that began, years ago, under one of his many usernames, as a result of contesting his race baiting. Religion, as he uses it here, is just a hammer, a convenient way to strike at people within the faith and outside of it, who offend him...........

There is a word for guys like you who can't take what they dish out: (edited)
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I never bother with you because you support the cause but this is ridiculous the way you carry on.

Well, he has been on my case constantly recently, so I have been returning his attention in spades. If someone were on you the way he's been on me you might feel a bit differently.

But you know what? For the sake of others - not him - I guess I'll dial it back.


List of candidates who would have won if they announced they would aim to straight up get rid of abortion:


Do you know why? Because you support feminism, and feminism will not allow such a president to get in office.
This is why I laugh at people who call me 'misogynistic', because they are simply lost in the sauce- they don't want to understand how things really are, only scream what it ought to be- and then they get nowhere :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I have never done that to you.
No, I don't think you have, which is why I didn't lump you in, but suggested the "we" was problematic for you.

Send me a PM telling me what I asked for. I have never spilled the beans or attacked you for such admissions in the past. I won't now and I won't share it with your adversaries.
I believe you, but that was a fairly blank canvas that could have me writing for a while. Let's try this then, a gentle, slower approach. I would say that on the whole I'm fairly orthodox in my beliefs. Every Sunday I recite the Lord's Prayer and believe it. Every Sunday I recite the Apostles Creed and believe it. If sin is disobedience to God then evil is its fruit. The cross is a testament to the the fundamental mission and foundation of truth for the Body. I believe that all men are saved by grace through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and that no one who is saved merits that grace.

The beauty of that is that when I consider men as I should, by that measuring and mission, it raises hope in me for everyone, compels me to desire that grace for those I love and for those I should but haven't found the level of spiritual maturity that allows for it yet, at least not in the moment. . . that cross demands a different approach and consideration, and response.

So...thank you for the inquiry. I'm much happier for the contemplation. There was a fellow, Brother Lawrence, who said a number of true things worth a Christian's consideration. Here's one of them: "That there needed neither art nor science for going to GOD, but only a heart resolutely determined to apply itself to nothing but Him, or for His sake, and to love Him only." Out of that love and in that spirit comes a different methodology on the whole than is the meat and rule here given the nature of debate as it tends to play out. It's a spirit I saw a departed great, Psalmist, carry off with alarming regularity. This place really misses him, as do I.

And that's a good start.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And it is to that that I blame your apparent blindness to evil from my perspective. The rest of my rep comment to you TH.
I'm not blind to evil, CL. I think you see evil as a problem of them. I see evil as an us problem with grace and its response as the only real curative. And I'm mindful that many a saint began as the worst of men, as men judge one another. It gives me hope, as the cross gives me a desire for that hope to spread everywhere, that grace to everyone.

And that reminds me of a favorite passage of scripture. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27


Then keep your inbred nose out of our business Mr. Bean

The UK doesn't know how to mind their own business. They came here worshiping their gun ban and ministering others to bow down as well, then their over in Russia telling politicians that they are bigoted for their homosexual laws.

And the manner in which they do these things are exactly as one would expect- Stephen Fry goes into a Russian office and the entire conversation is him snarling like AB does :chuckle:

I find it to be fully acceptable to initiate violence to private ambassadors disrespecting countries. Make the boot back to theirs more literal :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, he has been on my case constantly recently, so I have been returning his attention in spades. If someone were on you the way he's been on me you might feel a bit differently.

But you know what? For the sake of others - not him - I guess I'll dial it back.

So...he's on your back for replying to your constant stream of crap, even though you don't want anything to do with him or his posts yet keep on blabbering on about him either directly or not so much?

I mean, let's see. You've suggested him and I should 'get a room together', called him a male prostitute and said he's my gay pen pal.

Would the Catholic church endorse this bizarre homosexual fixation you have going on (not to mention fabricated where it comes to either TH or myself) or are you really just a demented, lying troll?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The UK doesn't know how to mind their own business. They came here worshiping their gun ban and ministering others to bow down as well, then their over in Russia telling politicians that they are bigoted for their homosexual laws.

And the manner in which they do these things are exactly as one would expect- Stephen Fry goes into a Russian office and the entire conversation is him snarling like AB does :chuckle:

I find it to be fully acceptable to initiate violence to private ambassadors disrespecting countries. Make the boot back to theirs more literal :)

Wow, what an idiot.


New member
I'm not blind to evil, CL. I think you see evil as a problem of them. I see evil as an us problem with grace and its response as the only real curative. And I'm mindful that many a saint began as the worst of men, as men judge one another. It gives me hope, as the cross gives me a desire for that hope to spread everywhere, that grace to everyone.

And that reminds me of a favorite passage of scripture. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

I see evil as a spirit if you will. Something like an all pervading philosophy. I will give you an example. People are willing to do what they can to prevent an unproven calamity from coming upon us due to fossil fuel use. Everyone of us is aware of the soul crushing poverty that exists in sub Saharan Africa.

No one seems to take the time to realize that cheap energy is the answer to their poverty. Worse are those who are acutely aware of what cheap energy can do for a country but would rather sub Saharan Africa stay that way so that it can continue to be exploited. They justify this in the name of saving the planet.

This type of thinking is pure evil and is a spirit. This spirit goes to and fro seeking those minds willing to accept this kind of thinking.

That's what I mean by evil.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I see evil as a spirit if you will. Something like an all pervading philosophy.
Ah. I don't. I see it as a description of something that follows, the impact of the act.

I will give you an example. People are willing to do what they can to prevent an unproven calamity from coming upon us due to fossil fuel use. Everyone of us is aware of the soul crushing poverty that exists in sub Saharan Africa. No one seems to take the time to realize that cheap energy is the answer to their poverty. Worse are those who are acutely aware of what cheap energy can do for a country but would rather sub Saharan Africa stay that way so that it can continue to be exploited. They justify this in the name of saving the planet.
I suppose those people believe that continued heavy use of those fossil fuels is leading to a greater evil.

I'd say the answer is in alternatives. And those are to be had and growing more effective by the year. Most recently in my science thread around here I noted that we're now capable of turning carbon monoxide into energy. Imagine where that might lead as the process is refined.

This type of thinking is pure evil and is a spirit. This spirit goes to and fro seeking those minds willing to accept this kind of thinking.
To me that's too subjective. Who decides which argument and root serves an evil and which the good?

That's what I mean by evil.
We differ a bit then. I suppose the important thing to agree on and recognize is the good. Serve that and the rest will be sorted.
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