Why Sexual Assault Victims Delay Coming Forward


Lay off the argument of many a sodomite - your same grievance that women are only good for reproduction.

"I fail to see what use woman can be to man, if one excludes the function of bearing children."

–Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354–430 AD)


New member

"I fail to see what use woman can be to man, if one excludes the function of bearing children."

–Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354–430 AD)

I knew that wave was not a goodbye, rather: a hand swish on your part :chuckle:

And the "spiritualizing" heretic "Saint" Augustine, carries no weight with me.

Even more so when quoted by someone like you; who's "intellect" I had already come to hold in very, very low regard, way before this sodomite like jealousy of yours towards all women.

You are a poor excuse for us men.

I would suggest you take your obvious closet issue before the Lord in prayer while you still can, but I suspect it's too late for you.
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And the "spiritualizing" heretic "Saint" Augustine, carries no weight with me.

Saint Augustine is one of the most important theologians in Christian history. I doubt you'd be capable of understanding his works- you need something written in crayon, with flashy things like raptures.

Even more so when quoted by someone like you; who's "intellect" I had already come to hold in very, very low regard, way before this sodomite like jealousy of yours towards all women.

You keep saying 'sodomite' as if it carries the correct meaning you are using it as.

Feminists are one of the leading sodomite supporters that exists. In fact, the most significant reason why sodomy and otherwise sexual deviance are acceptable now is due to feminism.
In fact, if one looks at history and even places around the world today, where patriarchy doesn't exist there is sodomy. It's right on the money to- 100%. The more insight one gains, the more those as yourself just look like tools.

I would suggest you take your obvious closet issue before the Lord in prayer while you, but I suspect it's too late for you.

Closet issue :chuckle:
You're the one with an apparent bondage fetish.

Go look up Stockholm's Syndrome.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Women grope men, and there are virtually zero cases where a woman has been scrutinized for it, let alone gotten in legal trouble. That's because men don't embrace 'victimhood'.

From the anger coming out of your posts about Females, I assume you've NEVER had a real date? I'm sure women aren't waiting in line for the likes of you, "Quasimodo." :rotfl:

By the way, it's time to ring the bell, Quasimodo. :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How so, by telling the truth?


'Victimhood' is seeking justice from a groping thirty years ago. It's pathetic, and stupid. Just like wearing obnoxiously revealing clothes and feeling assaulted for being looked at or hit on.

Punching man in the face and then calling the cops threatening that the man is going to jail- that is the deceit behind your victimhood.

So screw your feminism, seriously. Screw anyone who thinks women are more important when the only thing they can do that a man cannot is bear children- and only if they manage to care about something other than their own deluded existence and not kill it :rolleyes:

You will lose, as you always have, this argument. But I suppose it's time to get your daily dose of white knight attention :chuckle:

Yeah, you're really winning this argument dude. I mean everyone is just so awed by your spectacular acumen and profound insights aren't they?

Stupid kid, get a life.

Lazy afternoon

Tom Tremblay

I do a lot of training on these issues, and I do a segment on offender behavior. One of the things you see in offenders who have been studied is a sense of entitlement. That they are entitled to exercise whatever power and control they have, and that they can do what they want. Often the sense of entitlement is based on patriarchal views that have been part of our society a long time. That sense of entitlement is a big piece of sexual offenders who have been studied.

Rape doesn’t happen, sexual offenses don’t happen, unless they think they can get away with it. Sexual assault and rape are choices.

A lot of times, these crimes are committed by individuals who are using power and control over someone. You shouldn’t confuse power and control with physical violence. It’s not always that. Instead, it’s the suspect or offender who is leveraging some sort of power or control over someone. Maybe it’s their position, maybe it’s their stardom, maybe it’s their wealth. It’s not just physical power. It could be something like an age difference or experience difference that is used.

I have been hearing that rubbish for years. They will never understand it.



Yeah, you're really winning this argument dude. I mean everyone is just so awed by your spectacular acumen and profound insights aren't they?

I won this argument a long time ago. You all seem to be under the impression that it's subject to popular opinion, which is where you all's falsehoods come from. It's not, and the funny thing is that you all aren't necessarily a majority either, you just have the loudest mouths.
No case has been presented, just morons doing what they've been trained to do and blindly supporting insanity.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I won this argument a long time ago. You all seem to be under the impression that it's subject to popular opinion, which is where you all's falsehoods come from. It's not, and the funny thing is that you all aren't necessarily a majority either, you just have the loudest mouths.
No case has been presented, just morons doing what they've been trained to do and blindly supporting insanity.

Dude, about the only thing you'd win is a 'world's biggest crank' contest.

One thing I'm noticing here is that people from left to right, from man to woman, who hold different viewpoints, beliefs and disagree on any number of issues elsewhere are united on one thing here - that you are just a misogynistic moron without a bloody clue.


Maybe you'll get a date with a hatstand instead of being one?


You and the little girls on here can repeat that over and over again, it's the result of a mind never leaving high school, which is what a feminist woman is- they never actually grow up :rolleyes:

You're so emasculated you can't even figure out that I've called you a woman :rotfl:


One thing I'm noticing here is that people from left to right, from man to woman, who hold different viewpoints, beliefs and disagree on any number of issues elsewhere are united on one thing here - that you are just a misogynistic moron without a bloody clue.

You all aren't a majority- in the real world, if you all did what you do on here and call everything 'misogynistic' as soon as someone says one single thing that doesn't appeal to women, people will think you are retarded.

Anna has been the most smug, content person on this site since it all began, and you know what she's been doing? She's been making myriads of posts making shots at men and building on feminist bias, not otherwise saying a word.

See, that's what happens when you decide to a blind imbecile retard like you- you just let trouble have it's way and others have to deal with it.

I'm not a misogynist, you are just an infantile boy who never understood how the world actually works and that's why the world is starting not to.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You all aren't a majority- in the real world, if you all did what you do on here and call everything 'misogynistic' as soon as someone says one single thing that doesn't appeal to women, people will think you are retarded.

Uh, you try going out into the 'real world' for once and see what kind of reactions you get when you spout the puerile crap you do on here. You think the general consensus on here as regards you is some kind of anomaly? Boy, are you in for a shock.

Anna has been the most smug, content person on this site since it all began, and you know what she's been doing? She's been making myriads of posts making shots at men and building on feminist bias, not otherwise saying a word.

Eh, you don't know anna, I do and as usual you're just mouthing off without a clue. Any woman who dares voice her own opinion winds you up doofus.

See, that's what happens when you decide to a blind imbecile retard like you- you just let trouble have it's way and others have to deal with it.

Aw, poor thing. What have you got to deal with exactly? The inconvenience of women not being tied to a sink?

I'm not a misogynist, you are just an infantile boy who never understood how the world actually works and that's why the world is starting not to.

Course you are, you're a sad little git with a huge hang up with women for whatever reason that may be. You know zip about the world kid, heck, you don't even live in the real one...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You and the little girls on here can repeat that over and over again, it's the result of a mind never leaving high school, which is what a feminist woman is- they never actually grow up :rolleyes:

You're so emasculated you can't even figure out that I've called you a woman :rotfl:

You really are just flat out bonkers.

Wow, what an idiot.



Aw, poor thing. What have you got to deal with exactly? The inconvenience of women not being tied to a sink?

You dress it up as if that's the issue, but the issue is that women can put an assault on men but if men say anything, you come up and call them a misogynist.

That's why you, like them, are nothing more than children.

Course you are, you're a sad little git with a huge hang up with women for whatever reason that may be. You know zip about the world kid, heck, you don't even live in the real one...

I don't have a hang up on women. You all try to make it seem like that so that the issues are never addressed- your logic that feminists don't have a hang up on men but if a man doesn't embrace them then they have a hang up on women.

What a damn joke, seriously. That is not the real world- in the real world I would expect that a man punch you in the teeth for perpetuating such in front of theirs.

People are against me on this site because I'm Reformed and a Trump supporter. Because they have the integrity of, well, you few, they'll take your side even is you are a super liberal non-Christian on a theology site spreading your worldliness around :idunno:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You dress it up as if that's the issue, but the issue is that women can put an assault on men but if men say anything, you come up and call them a misogynist.

That's why you, like them, are nothing more than children.

Nobody advocates assault on here no matter who's doing it so that's a fail. You're called a misogynist on here because of your nauseating attitude towards women in general. How many times have you gone on about patriarchy, downplaying anything meritorious a woman can do outside of child rearing? Why do you think that such a disparate group of people all have the same thing in common on here where it comes to you and your constant denigration of women? It ain't an accident dingbat.

I don't have a hang up on women. You all try to make it seem like that so that the issues are never addressed- your logic that feminists don't have a hang up on men but if a man doesn't embrace them then they have a hang up on women.

Uh, yeah, everyone else is just imagining your whacko obsession and making it all up.


What a damn joke, seriously. That is not the real world- in the real world I would expect that a man punch you in the teeth for perpetuating such in front of theirs.

People are against me on this site because I'm Reformed and a Trump supporter. Because they have the integrity of, well, you few, they'll take your side even is you are a super liberal non-Christian on a theology site spreading your worldliness around :idunno:

Dude, you go out into the real world, spout off about women as you do here and see how many teeth you have left. It's a bit different to a basement ya daft crank.


Nobody advocates assault on here no matter who's doing it so that's a fail. You're called a misogynist on here because of your nauseating attitude towards women in general.

I;m called a misogynist on here for the same reason one goes around calling another a racist, a xenophobe, a 'bigot', anon anon. Any opposition with you all's loaded standing is met with such, which is by definition 'fascism' on a silver platter.

How many times have you gone on about patriarchy, downplaying anything meritorious a woman can do outside of child rearing?

Because it's been the truth since the dawn of man. Woman can't do anything beyond serving men, as everything they know and do has been prescribed and ordained by men.

I don't need to downplay anything, you all just have a 'hangup' with reality. I'll be damned if women are going to sit there and act like they have it so bad and try to protest ME when men have assured that they have it made- even over their own selves, who has more a right than them.

And then there's 'men' like you, who are the unfortunate product of feminist insanity which, as well, gave rise to sodomy and mass divorce.
There's a reason why the Bible refers to corruption so often as a woman- the Idolatress of Babylon couldn't be more accurate :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I;m called a misogynist on here for the same reason one goes around calling another a racist, a xenophobe, a 'bigot', anon anon. Any opposition with you all's loaded standing is met with such, which is by definition 'fascism' on a silver platter.
No. You're called a misogynist because you repeatedly make unfounded and hostile declarations about women, as often founding them in fabricated tales and ideas that when challenged cannot be produced by you.

Here's an example of something demonstrably unsupportable.
Because it's been the truth since the dawn of man. Woman can't do anything beyond serving men, as everything they know and do has been prescribed and ordained by men.
I'd list the line of women contributing in literally every area of thought and public life as their male counterparts and doing so brilliantly, but it would be wasted on you and alter nothing, given your position has nothing to do with data, objective analysis or intelligent consideration in its foundation.


No. You're called a misogynist because you repeatedly make unfounded and hostile declarations about women, as often founding them in fabricated tales and ideas that when challenged cannot be produced by you.

This is coming from people who thought it was cool for feminists to declare that "Men need to be taught not to rape".

So it's perfectly fine to be called a born rapist who needs to unlearn it, but it's 'misogynistic' and 'unfounded' to tell them they are stupid and to cram it up their rear :rolleyes:

Misadnry is is obvious all throughout it, and you all don't want to admit it. You embrace being deemed a lesser sex and denounce anyone who flips that around to the truth. Talk about defeatists :rotfl:

I'd list the line of women contributing in literally every area of thought and public life as their male counterparts and doing so brilliantly, but it would be wasted on you and alter nothing, given your position has nothing to do with data, objective analysis or intelligent consideration in its foundation.

They learned it all from men, and do not excel over men in any area, period. Men are the masters of literally every subject from mechanics, math, philosophy, anon anon. Even art.

Like St. Augustine said over 1500 years ago, the truth still remains exactly as it did then. So stop laboring under the stupid delusion that women have a right to complain or protest.