When Did the Disciples of Jesus Stop Observing the Old Testament Laws?

God's Truth

New member
So you don't even listen to what Jesus said,

Matthew 19:17-21 (NIV)
“Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”
“Which ones?” he inquired. Jesus replied, “ ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony,
honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’”
“All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”
Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

Jesus was talking to a Jew. You on the other hand as a gentile, won't be able to ENTER LIFE by observing commandments Jesus mentioned!

As a gentile, tell us do you still follow your self-conscience or moral code given to act? That's the set of Law given to gentiles.

Jesus came to earth and he came for the Jews who already belonged to God first by obedience and faith.

The rest of the Jews were cut off.

Jesus came first for the Jews with faith and when Jesus was crucified---then ALL can come to God through Jesus.

First to the Jew then to the Gentile. Same salvation but Jews who already belonged to God first.

Why shouldn't Jesus come to his first?

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

Acts 3:26 When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways."

Romans 2:9
There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile;

Matthew 15:24 He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."

Study those scriptures. With the measure you use it will be measured to you and more.


Because man needed something doesn't mean he came up with it.

Israel clammered and complained and demanded a king like the other nations and well Yah allowed it but appointed one.

See? Israel didn't give themselves their own King...

Noah was instructed by Yah to build the ark.

Why else would he?

When the Hebrews were redacting their history in response to the ego deflation after loosing their nation, they were finding it difficult to trace their blood lines all the way back to a much older than thought, Adam and Eve. So they decided to drown the whole world in a well known LOCAL flood legend of Noah in order to fill the gap. They expanded the local flood into a world wide flood. People fell for it.

patrick jane

When the Hebrews were redacting their history in response to the ego deflation after loosing their nation, they were finding it difficult to trace their blood lines all the way back to a much older than thought, Adam and Eve. So they decided to drown the whole world in a well known LOCAL flood legend of Noah in order to fill the gap. They expanded the local flood into a world wide flood. People fell for it.
You blasphemy knows no bounds !!

patrick jane

Ok, that's fine.

In my understanding of God he is changeless, he is consistent and he is a unified personality. He is loving and forgiving, he has always been forgiving. His way is to forgive, mans way is to create a theoretical way because temporal man finds it difficult to simply forgive without anything in return. It was man who created sacrifices for the "feeling" of forgiveness. Hence, after pigheaded religion killed the Son, the best man could come up with is that we sacrificed Gods Son back to him, therefore we are theoretically forgiven.

The salvation of the original gospel was real, personal transformation of the heart rather than a theoretical substitute of someone else.
Everything is a THEORY to you alien lovers -


Well-known member
When the Hebrews were redacting their history in response to the ego deflation after loosing their nation, they were finding it difficult to trace their blood lines all the way back to a much older than thought, Adam and Eve. So they decided to drown the whole world in a well known LOCAL flood legend of Noah in order to fill the gap. They expanded the local flood into a world wide flood. People fell for it.

:rotfl: ...and you actually believe this!


:rotfl: ...and you actually believe this!

Sure, makes more sense than God being disappointed in the wickedness of the world that he created, that he allowed a Satan creature to mislead, elects, cough, cough, the only righteous man in the world, who happens to be a descendant of the arrogant people who wrote that story, cough cough,(the same ones that killed Christ) only to have that righteous man passed out drunk and naked in his tent.......a little while later his grandchildren started popping out kids of a different race, to go repopulate the same lands where the same races have lived for tens of thousands of years. And it didn't even work, man is still just as wicked as ever. The men who wrote that story didn't think very far ahead. :doh:

The same people who don't believe in evolution believe in a rapid evolution and repopulation of a 4.5 billion year old earth.

So something tells me you are laughing at your own gullibility, having made the Bible into an idol.
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New member
Jesus came to earth and he came for the Jews who already belonged to God first by obedience and faith.

The rest of the Jews were cut off.

Jesus came first for the Jews with faith and when Jesus was crucified---then ALL can come to God through Jesus.

First to the Jew then to the Gentile. Same salvation but Jews who already belonged to God first.

Why shouldn't Jesus come to his first?

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

Acts 3:26 When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways."

Romans 2:9
There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile;

Matthew 15:24 He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."

Study those scriptures. With the measure you use it will be measured to you and more.

The Promise was always open to Gentiles as was its Law...

"One and the same law applies to everyone who sins unintentionally, whether a native-born Israelite or a foreigner residing among you."

Numbers 15:29


Because of their dwindling numbers the Jews had to begin to take on Gentile converts, but they viewed them with contempt.


New member
Because of their dwindling numbers the Jews had to begin to take on Gentile converts, but they viewed them with contempt.

LoL..right it has nothing to do with "My house will be a house of prayer for all nations"

Or even "for God so loved the world'

God's Truth

New member
Because of their dwindling numbers the Jews had to begin to take on Gentile converts, but they viewed them with contempt.

I didn't mean to give you a thanks for that post.

What you say here sounds like you are using today's business logic to fit back then.

God's Truth

New member
The Promise was always open to Gentiles as was its Law...

"One and the same law applies to everyone who sins unintentionally, whether a native-born Israelite or a foreigner residing among you."

Numbers 15:29

Please deal with everything that I said.


New member
Please deal with everything that I said.

I did...with that text.

Those that left Egypt were by faith. Most because they had faith of being blood descendents of Jacob but some came along because they had faith in their God. They were welcomed as long as they were obedient...

His "I do!" with blood Israel however was forever. Is why He had to die to release that harlot from their oath.

He now seeks another bride who is more faithful to the same terms (unchanged) for the everlasting promise.

God's Truth

New member
I did...with that text.

Those that left Egypt were by faith. Most because they had faith of being blood descendents of Jacob but some came along because they had faith in their God. They were welcomed as long as they were obedient...

His "I do!" with blood Israel however was forever. Is why He had to die to release that harlot from their oath.

He now seeks another bride who is more faithful to the same terms (unchanged) for the everlasting promise.

Just believe the scriptures...no longer by human descent.


New member
Just believe the scriptures...no longer by human descent.


But now back to who says it says what and why...lol

Still amazed how many people think Peter Paul and the early church lived one way and taught another...

As if the Son would counter His Father...as if a house can be divided...

God's Truth

New member

But now back to who says it says what and why...lol

The scriptures are by God.

God says no more of human descent.

That means no more by whom one is blood related to Abraham.

John 1:13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

See, one could be saved by being blood related to Abraham...and follow the old law's purification works...and or a husband can marry a non Jew and desire for her to become a saved person and obey the law as given to the people.

What does the Word of God say? The Word of God says NOT of blood relations or a husband's decision.

So then, how are we saved, how is anyone saved?

By being born of God.

How is one born of God?

One is born of God by getting Jesus' teachings and doing what he says to do.

Jesus gives his Spirit to those who believe and obey him.

When one receives the Spirit of God, one is born of God.

Still amazed how many people think Peter Paul and the early church lived one way and taught another...

As if the Son would counter His Father...as if a house can be divided...

Where are you getting all that?


New member
The scriptures are by God.

God says no more of human descent.

That means no more by whom one is blood related to Abraham.

John 1:13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

See, one could be saved by being blood related to Abraham...and follow the old law's purification works...and or a husband can marry a non Jew and desire for her to become a saved person and obey the law as given to the people.

What does the Word of God say? The Word of God says NOT of blood relations or a husband's decision.

So then, how are we saved, how is anyone saved?

By being born of God.

How is one born of God?

One is born of God by getting Jesus' teachings and doing what he says to do.

Jesus gives his Spirit to those who believe and obey him.

When one receives the Spirit of God, one is born of God.

Where are you getting all that?

From the study of acts that this thread opens with.

It shows how Christians who believe and teach that the law was changed are in error. Ironically misusing Paul to validate things like Sunday Ham...

They are slandering the apostles just as the early persecutors did.

As for being gentile or not the early instruction to Titus was "avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, arguments, and quarrels about the Law,"

A foolish quarrel about the Law would be to not keep it.


Math stays the same, the Jews were dwindling so they needed more people to help defend themselves. They were really forced as a practical matter to graft "gentile dogs" onto their sect. But in the temple the lowly Gentiles still had their own court.

God's Truth

New member
From the study of acts that this thread opens with.

It shows how Christians who believe and teach that the law was changed are in error. Ironically misusing Paul to validate things like Sunday Ham...

They are slandering the apostles just as the early persecutors did.

As for being gentile or not the early instruction to Titus was "avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, arguments, and quarrels about the Law,"

A foolish quarrel about the Law would be to not keep it.

Since Jesus came, his blood is the only blood that matters.

God says so.

God's Truth

New member
Math stays the same, the Jews were dwindling so they needed more people to help defend themselves. They were really forced as a practical matter to graft "gentile dogs" onto their sect. But in the temple the lowly Gentiles still had their own court.

The only time Gentiles were called dogs is because they did not know their Father God. Like dogs, do not know their father...

Gentiles were like dogs not knowing God the Father, they did not obey God. God says that He is the Father to those who obey Him...those are the people He knows and know Him.


New member
Math stays the same, the Jews were dwindling so they needed more people to help defend themselves. They were really forced as a practical matter to graft "gentile dogs" onto their sect. But in the temple the lowly Gentiles still had their own court.

Paul referred to this court in his letter to the Ephesians. It had a fence all around it. Yahushua destroyed this wall of separation built to exclude Gentiles a closer worship. But now in Him we are all one family identified by the Laws we keep together...again, His house rules we keep to live with Him as He does.

The curtain was also destroyed, when He died, allowing all not just a high priest once a year, in to the seat of mercy. (Which rested on the still binding immutable Law"

So in summary, we have the wall of seperation destroyed, and the inner veil and the handwritten debts held against us...but His Laws remains...
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