Trump's Position On Abortion


[SlurpeeDove :skeptic:] You were hatched, not born. Jerk.

:yawn: Ad hominem Eph 4:14

Some think Satan had seven heads in the garden (Re 12:3).



Trump has a variety of opinions on abortion ... they are ever changing. As many as five in three days.

If you don't like what Donald Trump stands for, wait two seconds...

Before Trump decided to become a republican for a day, he was for abortion, even partial birth abortion. AS I've pointed out numerous times, Donald Trump is a proud defender of our country's leader abortion provider: Planned Parenthood. Since he is a pathological liar, I suspect that he still is a hardcore abortionist, thus being on the same side as Trump supporter Crucible.

Which leaves Trump supporters ok doser, Catfish Crusader and musterion voting for a pro abortion candidate.

But they're Libertarian in their beliefs, so it really doesn't bother them anyway.


meh :idunno:

i prefer "hillary opposer"

but go ahead, acw - do your best to put hillary in the white house

aCW gives the little misogynist a patronizing pat on the head and shares these words of wisdom:

A dead baby is a dead baby no matter if the murderer doing it has a "D" or an "R" as the first letter to his or her political party.


aCW gives the little misogynist a patronizing pat on the head and shares these words of wisdom:

A dead baby is a dead baby no matter if the murderer doing it has a "D" or an "R" as the first letter to his or her political party.

'Misogynist' and 'dead baby' all in one statement.


Should women who abort their children receive the death penalty beside murderers who have killed a child?

Because it wouldn't be 'misogynistic' to do so, it would simply be justice- since you say that abortion is murder. I find it a bit amusing that the people who so quickly use the word 'misogyny' are the one's calling most of womankind murderers and supporters thereof- why don't you take pay attention to reality here: most supporters of abortion are women.


New member
Control of Abortion is not a power given to the Federal Government by the Constitution. Before 1973 abortion was never legal or illegal as far as the Federal Government was concerned. As it should be, it was under state control.

Before 1973 abortion was illegal in most states. But in some states - fifteen - it was legal in cases of danger to woman's health, rape or incest, or likely damaged fetus. Otherwise, abortion was illegal in these 15 states. The site which is linked above says before 1973 abortion was legal in three states, New York, Washington and Alaska. The site says "Legal upon request."

The Eugenics movement and its influence on the 1973 Supreme Court decision:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." The Declaration of Independence

"Legalized abortion has defied the unalienable right to Life and allowed the most marginalized and voiceless group in America to be slaughtered in the womb. Yet this injustice did not begin with denying Life. It began when we embraced the ideals of eugenics and rejected the first truth, that all men are created equal. Only by exposing the roots of legalized abortion in a legacy of eugenics can America have a full understanding of the injustice in this nation.

"Eugenics is a science concerned with improving the human species, by such means as influencing or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have desirable genetic traits (Hunt, Abortion and Eugenics). This idea of creating a better race is not a new concept. Though eugenics was not a word then, Plato theorized that an elite human race could be conceived if animal breeding tactics were applied to humans (Cavanaugh-O’Keefe, The Roots Chapter One)."

Like the eugenicists that would come after him, he rejected the Biblical principle that every man is predestined by God, called for a certain purpose, and created in the perfect image of God. Jeremiah 1:5 says, Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Plato could not control what man became through breeding techniques, for it is God who creates man.

"Despite its faulty foundation, the theory survived through the years. It was finally labeled “eugenics” by Sir Francis Galton in the late nineteenth century. He created the word from two Greek words. The first part, eu (eu), means good."

Here are some more Internet sites dealing with the role of the eugenics movement in promoting abortion: and the 1973 Supreme Court decision&f=false

This book points out that after the 1973 Supreme Court decision on abortion the U.S. abortion rate increased from 750,000 in 1972 to 1.6 million in 1980.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says "It makes no sense as a national policy to promote birth only among poor people."

"This isn’t the first time she’s sounded in favor of eugenics. Ginsburg caused a stir in July 2009 when she made comments about the Roe v. Wade abortion case that appeared racist. In an interview with the New York Times, Ginsburg said made it appear she supported Roe for population control reasons targeting minorities."

Frederick Osborn of the American Eugenics Society and the administrator of a Rockefeller enterprise said that that birth control and abortion were a great step forward for eugenics.

Margaret Sanger was an important figure in the eugenics movement, as was Dr.John Harvey Kellogg, the Corn Flakes man, who founded the “Race Betterment Foundation” at Battle Creek, Michigan, and helped to get Michigan's laws on forced sterilization passed to reduce the birth rate of people considered "inferior" by the eugenicists.

The site linked above has this to say, "Eugenicists have not been able to suppress the black birth rate quite as much as they wanted, but the black share of the U.S. population is still only about 13 percent.....Abortion kills nearly one-half million African American children each year.(52)"

"Everyone knows that the infamous Roe v. Wade opinion legalized abortion, but almost no one knows that legal abortion was a strategy by eugenicists, as early as 1939, to “genetically improve” the population by “reducing” it. In writing his opinion, Roe’s author, Justice Harry A. Blackmun, relied directly and indirectly on the work of these British and American eugenicists."

"America’s richest families promoted eugenicists and their many social initiatives, including Roe."

So, Roe v. Wade in 1973 was the result of work by the financial and corporate ruling elite in using eugenicists to bring about legalization of surgical abortion through an activist Supreme Court, at the federal level, rather than try the almost impossible task of getting abortion legalized state by state - which the Constitution required.

"In 1968, when many people wrongly believed that the eugenics movement had disappeared, Osborn published a book, The Future of Human Heredity: An Introduction to Eugenics in Modern Society. Osborn asserted that “less intelligent women” could be convinced to reduce their births voluntarily, in order to “further both the social and biological improvement of the population.”

Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun in his Roe vs Wade Opinion cited "...Glanville Williams...twice. Christopher Tietze is cited three times and Lawrence Lader’s book, Abortion, is cited seven times."

Glanville Williams, Christopher Tietze and Lawrence Lader are all eugenicists.

“The frightening mathematics of population growth overwhelms piecemeal solutions and timidity. No government, particularly of an underdeveloped nation, can solve a population crisis without combining legalized abortion with a permanent, intensive contraception campaign.” Quote from Lawrence Lader's book.

Granville Williams had written that "We now have a large body of evidence that, since industrialization, the upper stratum of society fails to replace itself, while the population as a whole is increased by excess births among the lower and uneducated classes."

"This, then, is the ideological basis of the abortion industry."

That is, the ideoligical basis of the medical abortion industry is the Eugenics Movement, going back to Margaret Sanger, Dr. John Kellogg, and many medical doctors who were influenced by the Eugenics movement which began with Francis Galton in the 1880's. The eugenics movement is in part based upon the theory of evolution of the cousin of Francis Galton, Charles Darwin.


Abortion is a crime whether a society acknowledges that fact :listen: or not. Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).

In Jewish tradition, from the Torah, full personhood is not gained until halfway through the birth canal. This probably means when they see the 'light of day', which is repeated several times throughout the scriptures.

It's not a crime commensurate to murder. That is something that new age Christians made up in their opposition to the pro-choice crowd.


Hall of Fame
If you don't like what Donald Trump stands for, wait two seconds...

Before Trump decided to become a republican for a day, he was for abortion, even partial birth abortion. AS I've pointed out numerous times, Donald Trump is a proud defender of our country's leader abortion provider: Planned Parenthood. Since he is a pathological liar, I suspect that he still is a hardcore abortionist, thus being on the same side as Trump supporter Crucible.

Which leaves Trump supporters ok doser, Catfish Crusader and musterion voting for a pro abortion candidate.

But they're Libertarian in their beliefs, so it really doesn't bother them anyway.

I agree with this .... though I would add it also has to do with voting the party-line. Do you think if Trump were running as a Democrat against Ted Cruz that he would have so much support from *Conservatives*?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The unborn are not 'babies'. A baby is by definition a born human, not a fetus.

The Levites accepted this, which is why fetuses were considered property.

You are factually incorrect. And I will demonstrate two things. Your false statement, and the fact that you don't actually care but are a baby murdering bastard. And you can quote me on that. It doesn't matter what the Bible says, you don't care.

The unborn are not 'babies'.

Exodus 21

22 “If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely,

Moses, through the Holy Spirit, calls the unborn a child. A baby is simply a small dependent child. You know, diapers, bottles, all that stuff. Constant attention. The unborn is a child, not a "fetus" or any other odd ball name.

Now to the Jewish priest. They don't make the rules, nor do they consider them property.

Exodus 21

22 “If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman’s husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23 But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

It is established that the woman is hurt. In fact, she gives birth prematurely. The body will do that. A woman can dilate prematurely and push out with things like infection. So the woman is hurt and delivers. And then Moses says if no harm follows to the baby then the husband can choose the punishment. If the baby is killed, if harm follows, then life for life. That is word for word, "life for life". Moses called the unborn a child, then he called it a life and said to execute those responsible for the negligent manslaughter.

And since you will wrongly state the harm refers to the woman, no it doesn't. It was already established the woman is harmed. I have to point that out because perverts like you will try and twist it.


I agree with this .... though I would add it also has to do with voting the party-line. Do you think if Trump were running as a Democrat against Ted Cruz that he would have so much support from *Conservatives*?

That's like asking if Ted Cruz ran as a Democrat, would conservatives support him over Trump.

The fact is that if Trump were not conservative, he wouldn't be on the conservative end. That's the problem with you all calling him a democrat- he's conservative with a liberal slant.

Stop making a false dichotomy of the two.


you don't actually care but are a baby murdering bastard

Says the one sitting quietly at home paying the taxes that fund it.

Already been through the debate about Exodus. There is no Hebrew word for 'fetus', only 'embryo'. Therefore, a fetus by default was called a child.
It's pointless semantics- the life for life is concerning the woman. It might not ever fully sink in, but they wouldn't kill a man over something replaceable. They were property, and specifically of the husbands- even their sex had a certain price on them.

In Jewish tradition, one does not experience full personhood until they are halfway out of the birth canal. That is, when they see the light of day, which is noted several times in the Bible.

So, I'm not a 'murdering bastard', but you sure are a lying one- why don't you go advocate rounding up every woman who's had an abortion and stick them with a lethal needle like you do with all other murderers?

Then concede that you labor under new age nonsense which was made up in opposition to pro-choice advocates. I seriously don't care about whatever tantrum or names you want to hurl, in fact it's rather amusing seeing the unparalleled goofiness of conservative zealots spouting away.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

aCW gives the little misogynist a patronizing pat on the head and shares these words of wisdom:

A dead baby is a dead baby no matter if the murderer doing it has a "D" or an "R" as the first letter to his or her political party.

'Misogynist' and 'dead baby' all in one statement.


Like you and your Presidential candidate, your fellow Trump supporter ok doser is a misogynist. Unlike you, ok doser (aka res) pretends to be pro life.

Should women who abort their children receive the death penalty beside murderers who have killed a child?

I believe that your candidate Donald Trump said that women who abort their child should be punished. After putting his finger to the political wind, he changed that stance within hours.

Because it wouldn't be 'misogynistic' to do so, it would simply be justice- since you say that abortion is murder. I find it a bit amusing that the people who so quickly use the word 'misogyny' are the one's calling most of womankind murderers and supporters thereof- why don't you take pay attention to reality here: most supporters of abortion are women.

Donald Trump is a misygonist on many levels. His treatment of his ex wives, his interview in Playboy magazine (he was on the cover as well) and his current treatment of women as seen during his escapades during the republican debates.

And let's not forget that over 1/2 of those aborted babies are little girls who, if given the chance to live, would grow up to be women.


And let's not forget that over 1/2 of those aborted babies are little girls who, if given the chance to live, would grow up to be women.

So I guess that makes women the biggest misogynists of all then, huh :rolleyes:

Or, you could just admit that the word has lost it's meaning in the fray of you all's ridiculous platitudes.


So I guess that makes women the biggest misogynists of all then, huh :rolleyes:

Do you even know what the definition is?

1.a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.

Or, you could just admit that the word has lost it's meaning in the fray of you all's ridiculous platitudes.

Or you could be honest for once in your life and admit that it's Donald Trump's hatred of women that drew you to him.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

If you don't like what Donald Trump stands for, wait two seconds...

Before Trump decided to become a republican for a day, he was for abortion, even partial birth abortion. AS I've pointed out numerous times, Donald Trump is a proud defender of our country's leader abortion provider: Planned Parenthood. Since he is a pathological liar, I suspect that he still is a hardcore abortionist, thus being on the same side as Trump supporter Crucible.

Which leaves Trump supporters ok doser, Catfish Crusader and musterion voting for a pro abortion candidate.

But they're Libertarian in their beliefs, so it really doesn't bother them anyway.

I agree with this .... though I would add it also has to do with voting the party-line. Do you think if Trump were running as a Democrat against Ted Cruz that he would have so much support from *Conservatives*?

It was democrats and Libertarians that crossed party lines to get Trump the republican nomination, so most of his backing isn't from "conservatives".

If Ted Cruz were the republican candidate for President, the Libertarians would roll a joint and go back to supporting Gary Johnson and the democrats would most likely vote for Trump, provided he minded his manners and didn't act like too much of a misogynist.

patrick jane

If Ted Cruz were the republican candidate for President, the Libertarians would roll a joint and go back to supporting Gary Johnson and the democrats would most likely vote for Trump, provided he minded his manners and didn't act like too much of a misogynist.

There's only two choices - demoncrat or Republican