Trump's Position On Abortion


New member

"This January, an extensively researched document on the science of fetal pain was published by the Family Research Council (FRC). The report cites more than 30 scientific studies, testimonies, medical evidence, and real-life experiences in its exposition of the science of fetal pain as the weeks advance post-fertilization."

"On neurological development: “Pain receptors appear around the mouth 4 to 5 weeks post-fertilization, followed by the development of nerve fibers, which carry stimuli to the brain. Around 6 six weeks post-fertilization, the unborn child first responds to touch. By 18 weeks post-fertilization, pain receptors have appeared throughout the body.” (2003 medical textbook on maternal, fetal, and neonatal physiology)

On early fetal response to painful stimuli: “The earliest reactions to painful stimuli motor reflexes can be detected at 7.5 weeks of gestations [5.5 weeks post-fertilization].” (2012 medical article)

On fetal stress responses: “Multiple studies show that ‘the human fetus from 18-20 weeks elaborates pituitary-adrenal, sympatho-adrenal, and circulatory stress responses to physical insults.’” (2013 expert testimony before Congress of Dr. Maureen Condic, Director of Human Embryology instruction for the School of Medicine at the University of Utah)

On fetal experience of pain being more intense than in adults: “Mechanisms that inhibit or moderate the experience of pain do not begin to develop until 32 to 34 weeks post-fertilization. Any pain the unborn child experiences before these pain inhibitors are in place is likely more intense than the pain an older infant or adult experiences when subjected to similar types of injury.” (2004 expert testimony before Congress of Dr. Kanwaljeet “Sunny” Anand)

In addition to this evidence, a brand new medical textbook set to be in print later this February includes a very clear statement in its chapter on anesthesia for fetal intervention. Entitled Essential Clinical Anesthesia Review: Keywords, Questions and Answers for the Boards, this preparatory textbook published by the Cambridge University Press states: “The fetus is able to mount a physicochemical stress response to pain starting around 18 weeks of gestation. It becomes capable of experiencing pain between 20 and 30 weeks of gestation.” (Because “gestation” measures pregnancy from a woman’s last menstrual period [LMP] occurring approximately two weeks before the actual date of fertilization, the statement asserts that unborn children become pain-capable between 18 and 28 weeks post-fertilization.)"

How much consciousness an unborn baby has is not as easy to investigate as indications that an unborn baby experiences pain. But consciousness is not an all of nothing thing. An unborn child is not unconscious and then suddenly when he is born he wakes up and becomes conscious. Most likely there is a rudimentary form of consciousness while in the womb, which developes as time goes on. Something is known about the physiological indicators of the sleeping state - such as brain waves - and one way of getting closer to the study of consciousness in the unborn is to find out if at some point they show a waking and sleeping cycle.

But many Church Christians do not want facts, they want opinion, because opinion is better for quarreling.

"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)

To treat facts as opinion is being a good Marxist.


Well-known member
Since Crucible the pro-abort Clavinist has instructed us on what a baby is NOT, has he also told us what a baby IS?


Well-known member
Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions in one day than the entire anti-choice movement has done in is existence . There would be far more abortions than there are today without PP . The contraceptives it provides to poor women have prevented countless abortions.
Defunding it is an idiotic idea because this would only cause the abortion rate in America to skyrocket !

Roe v Wade wasn't the beginning of abortion in America. It was the end of women dying from abortion .

Age of consent laws: make more stringent, or reduce/abolish? What's your opinion?


False Dilemma fallacy.

There's no fallacy in truth- you would spare a born child over a fetus, and that pretty much puts a notion that abortion is murder in the dirt. If Planned Parenthood were killing born children, people would be pipe bombing the hell out of those places.
But they're not, and so such people are 'extremists'.

Face it, you all are just wrong :rolleyes:


Well-known member
There's no fallacy in truth- you would spare a born child over a fetus, and that pretty much puts a notion that abortion is murder in the dirt. If Planned Parenthood were killing born children, people would be pipe bombing the hell out of those places.
But they're not, and so such people are 'extremists'.

Face it, you all are just wrong :rolleyes:

Quit stalling.

Show us FROM THE BIBLE what an unborn baby is, if it is not truly human/truly alive.


Quit stalling.

Show us FROM THE BIBLE what an unborn baby is, if it is not truly human/truly alive.

Exodus 21:22-25
If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

The destruction of a fetus was met with a monetary punishment, because fetuses were property.
And not the woman's either, but the husbands.

It's a double negative for abortion clinics, but the focus is on the woman's rebellion and breaking natural law- not the 'murder' of the unborn.
Now run along :wave2:


Exodus 21:22-25

"Ex. 21:22–25. If men strove and thrust against a woman with child, who had come near or between them for the purpose of making peace, so that her children come out (come into the world), and no injury was done either to the woman or the child that was born, a pecuniary compensation was to be paid, such as the husband of the woman laid upon him, and he was to give it בִּפְלִלִים by (by an appeal to) arbitrators. A fine is imposed, because even if no injury had been done to the woman and the fruit of her womb, such a blow might have endangered life. (For יָצָא to go out of the womb, see Gen. 25:25, 26.) The plural יְלָדֶיהָ is employed for the purpose of speaking indefinitely, because there might possibly be more than one child in the womb. “But if injury occur (to the mother or the child), thou shalt give soul for soul, eye for eye, … wound for wound:” thus perfect retribution was to be made." Keil, C. F., & Delitzsch, F. (1996). Commentary on the Old Testament (Vol. 1, p. 409). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson.


"Ex. 21:22–25. If men strove and thrust against a woman with child, who had come near or between them for the purpose of making peace, so that her children come out (come into the world), and no injury was done either to the woman or the child that was born, a pecuniary compensation was to be paid, such as the husband of the woman laid upon him, and he was to give it בִּפְלִלִים by (by an appeal to) arbitrators. A fine is imposed, because even if no injury had been done to the woman and the fruit of her womb, such a blow might have endangered life. (For יָצָא to go out of the womb, see Gen. 25:25, 26.) The plural יְלָדֶיהָ is employed for the purpose of speaking indefinitely, because there might possibly be more than one child in the womb. “But if injury occur (to the mother or the child), thou shalt give soul for soul, eye for eye, … wound for wound:” thus perfect retribution was to be made." Keil, C. F., & Delitzsch, F. (1996). Commentary on the Old Testament (Vol. 1, p. 409). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson.

*false presumption

That's what you get when you follow contemporary Christians with contemporary biases.

The Catholic Church employed excommunication for abortion, as they couldn't call it murder either. First, it was permanent excommunication. Then, it was excommunication until a pilgrimage was made. And now, they are absolving them outright.

Never murder.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
When I was in my 20's and 30's I was cool with abortion. Then I returned to my faith in my 40's and 50's, and I am dead set against it. I believe it is murder. In fact I KNOW its murder. I had a change of heart that is real. If Trump says he has had a change of heart too then I respect and accept that, because I would expect the same in return. The rest of you should too.


You're just dying to kill children (Jn 8:36). Tell us why. Are you a sexual sinner (Ex 20:14). :smokie:

I'm not pro-choice. I think that society focuses so much on the fetus. or the institution of abortion, to look away from the scrutiny that should be put on the woman. She's the murderer if you call it murder, and the Bible is abundantly clear on what to do with murderers so.. better start rounding them up and service Old Sparky :wave: