Trump's Position On Abortion


When I was in my 20's and 30's I was cool with abortion. Then I returned to my faith in my 40's and 50's, and I am dead set against it. I believe it is murder. In fact I KNOW its murder. I had a change of heart that is real. If Trump says he has had a change of heart too then I respect and accept that, because I would expect the same in return. The rest of you should too.

I was born on a Tuesday. Not last Tuesday (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14). :rolleyes:


Child-Killer Trump :greedy:


I am pretty sure it was illegal.

The first woman to ever be prosecuted for feticide was in 2013. It happened in Indiana, and has everything to do with the current pro-life movement establishing legal definitions.

That tells me that no, it was never illegal before. Abortions were back alley occurrences that nobody really wanted to speak enough about to even make laws about it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
OK Doser, laws against murder, rape, arson etc are enforceable

of course they are

and without keeping every citizen under surveillance 24/7 just to make sure they were not committing murder, rape or arson

Laws against abortion cannot be enforced .

sure they can, same way other laws are enforced

prosecute and punish those who break them
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
When I was in my 20's and 30's I was cool with abortion. Then I returned to my faith in my 40's and 50's, and I am dead set against it. I believe it is murder. In fact I KNOW its murder. I had a change of heart that is real. If Trump says he has had a change of heart too then I respect and accept that, because I would expect the same in return. The rest of you should too.
I was born on a Tuesday. Not last Tuesday......

You were hatched, not born. Jerk.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
......Laws against abortion cannot be enforced.......

Another one of your half-witted ignorant statements. Any law can be enforced. Would some people get away with it anyway? Sure. Laws against murder are enforced, yet people get away with murder. Laws against rape and theft are enforced, yet people get away with those too. You're a moron.


OK Doser, laws against murder, rape, arson etc are enforceable. Laws against abortion cannot be enforced . They never have been and never will. No country has ever been able to enforce such laws.

Some things need no enforcement. Sometimes, you just hinder the ability. The UK took away guns and homicide decreased. Take away abortion clinics and abortions will decrease.

You all have deceived yourselves to a laughable degree- before institutionalized abortion, the rate was not 13 abortions per 1000 women. It was not even remotely that, as that rate is frankly insane.

Much of society today however has been desensitized to it due to the efficiency and confidence of abortion clinics. But let a woman's blood be upon her own hands, and see how good abortion seems then :plain:

It's a textbook example of sweeping sin under the rug, as is the same with homosexuality- just keep it unseen, and it's as good as anything else.