Trump revealed highly classified intel in Oval Office meeting with Russians

patrick jane

Take it from Breibart:

Critics fear that America’s allies will be loath to share sensitive material with US intelligence agencies if they fear the information could end up in the wrong hands. The New York Times reported the material came from Israel, and Russia has intelligence ties to the Jewish state’s arch-enemy Iran.

There were also fears that Russia could exploit the information it obtained to track the source itself and prevent it being used against their own activities in Syria.

“Leaving aside the legality issue, the longstanding custom is that no one is supposed to in any way compromise sources of information,” said Mark J. Rozell, Dean of the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.

PJ - tell me this: how does Trump slipping this info out help America? How is he 'putting America first'?

Does it make sense how why and how this was a blunder?
We don't know that anything classified was shared and what it is, if it was.


New member
We don't know that anything classified was shared and what it is, if it was.

The President of the United States has the right to classify or declassify ANYTHING he chooses -

So it doesn't make a bit of difference to you if anything was indeed classified. Correct?

And you dodged: how does Trump slipping this info out help America? How is he 'putting America first'?


Well-known member
We don't know that anything classified was shared and what it is, if it was.

He was such a bad president. :chuckle:

He told the Russians to look out for computers on planes being used by ISIS...which he'd heard from Israel. As McMasters says, it was wholly appropriate for him to do so. Israel said the same. Trump was doing his job and the left is getting desperate.

I can't even read what else has been claimed in this thread, but doesn't it amaze you what lengths these with TDS will go to?


Well-known member
Do you know how stupid this sounds? You don't find it reckless of him to just blurt out anything that comes to mind, regardless of the consequence? The only saving grace of this story is that he doesn't comprehend or is too lazy to comprehend all facets of intelligence reports.

Do you know how stupid you sound? You believe the lying main stream media? Really?


New member
It's called Foreign Relations

You're not answering a simple question. How does Trump slipping this info out help America? How is he 'putting America first'?

If the source is compromised or if the source no longer wants to share intel with us, does that help or hurt America?

If you don't see the downside of him so eager to please Russia with secret Israeli intelligence then Trump could truly do no wrong in your book.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a Bloomberg TV interview that he wished for “a little less drama from the White House”. Senator Robert Corker, also a Republican, was quoted in the media as saying Trump and his team are “in a downward spiral right now and have got to figure out a way to come to grips with all that’s happening”.


Q&A with former member of Canadian intelligence CSIS:

That's cold comfort for François Lavigne, a former CSIS agent who specialized in counter-intelligence. He told As It Happens host Carol Off this could have widespread implications for all the U.S.'s closest allies — including Canada. Here is a part of their conversation.

Carol Off: What concerns do you have about the fact that this happened?

François Lavigne: He is the leader of the free world. As a result, it's going to create sort of an intelligence vacuum for all the allies.

Because this is now in the media and is such a big thing, it means that all of the other countries like Great Britain and France and Germany and Israel of course, and even Canada, are going to have to be much, much, much more careful about what they pass, what they share, because they have to protect their assets and their sources.

CO: What do you think that does for security?

FL: It means that different countries are going to have to rely on themselves to carry out operations, to carry out assessments, because they won't be able to sit down at a table with everybody and share the way they did.

So it's going to create a vacuum, it's going to mean there's not as much co-ordination as there has been, and it's going to reduce the effectiveness of intelligence sharing.

CO: Specifically, what does it mean for Canada?

FL: In terms of Canadian security interests, it's not that significant because the U.S. doesn't necessarily share that much with us and we don't necessarily share so much with them. We're not a big player in terms of foreign intelligence. We're really newbies, and so from that aspect, it's not really going to have much of a consequence on Canada.

What it will mean, though, it's going to be much more difficult for Canada to obtain intelligence and to share it with the U.S., because as I said, this is going to create a vacuum and it's going to really, really damage co-ordination.

And so that will have an impact on Canada because we won't have as much information and intelligence about what's going on and we will have to work a lot harder with individual allies to compensate.

What it could mean is if Israel, for instance, cuts off the U.S. from certain sources and certain assets, so that the U.S. no longer has eyes and ears the way it did in certain areas, in certain regions of the world, it may be that the U.S. is going to pressure Canada to take up the flack.

And if that happens it may actually put some of our people at risk because they're going to be taking chances that they wouldn't have otherwise taken.

CO: There were reports this afternoon that Israel was the source of the intelligence that was passed on to the Russians at that meeting. How do you think Israel would react to that?

FL: It certainly gives Israel now a very big advantage over the U.S.A. Certainly, they're going to punish the U.S.A. So they're gonna cut off sources of intel. They're going to cut off certain operations.

That's what's really going to be most dangerous, because now the U.S.A. is going to find itself partially blinded in that area and it's going to try to compensate
, and by doing so it might put Canada at risk because it's going to ask us to pick up a little bit of the slack.

So it could actually put Canadian lives and Canadian assets at risk.


Well-known member
What, exactly, are they lying about?

I already linked to Breitbart. Are they lying MSM too? :doh:

Go put your head back in the sand.

Breitbart still links to WAPO and the NY Times. Consider the source.

It's like blood in the water to a bunch of sharks. You're one of the sharks.


The President of the United States has the right to classify or declassify ANYTHING he chooses -
Last week it was VP Pence who was out trying to diffuse the Comey firing by stating that it was in response to a report from the Assistant Attorney General and had nothing to do with "that Russian thing!"

This week National Security Advisor McMaster attempted to do the same thing over the leaking of classified information to the Russians - in the Oval Office f all places!

In both cases, President Trump, in his infinite wisdom, "pulled the rug" out from under Pence and McMaster through interviews and tweets.

This President nay have the legal authority t declassify what he wants - but then how do you explain as to why White House officials would ask the Washington Post to withhold certain facts about this story to protect its sources?


Well-known member
Last week it was VP Pence who was out trying to diffuse the Comey firing by stating that it was in response to a report from the Assistant Attorney General and had nothing to do with "that Russian thing!"

This week National Security Advisor McMaster attempted to do the same thing over the leaking of classified information to the Russians - in the Oval Office f all places!

In both cases, President Trump, in his infinite wisdom, "pulled the rug" out from under Pence and McMaster through interviews and tweets.

This President nay have the legal authority t declassify what he wants - but then how do you explain as to why White House officials would ask the Washington Post to withhold certain facts about this story to protect its sources?

It wasn't classified information....that was the fake news. It was the information about ISIS getting computers on board passenger planes to blow them up. The information had come from Israel. McMasters cleared that up today during a press conference.


New member
Use your brains and watch Fox....then I won't have to babysit you.

You're full of it. You cannot even offer up a name of this "Israel Ambassador" :juggle:

"Just watch Fox News" :hammer:

I guess you were not paying attention when you watched...otherwise you might actually be able to disseminate what you saw and heard and who you actually heard it from.

I guess Fox News is babysitting you :baby: