Trump revealed highly classified intel in Oval Office meeting with Russians


If the libtards are stupid enough to try that ignorance most that ever actually served in the military active and vets would hand those in D.C. and the idiots that support this stupidity to remove Trump who won fair and square their rear ends.

lol ,Otraitor never had any legitimacy to undermine.

"Dodge" would have us believe that only those politicians, of which he approves, have the legitimacy to assume power.

Apparently despite all there protestations to the contrary, conservatives really have no faith in the Constitution, unless it serves their agenda - such arrogance!
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New member

A conspiracy site latched on to the tragic murder of young DNC staffer Seth Rich to spread false information about his killing.


Got ya the over 60,000,000 who voted for Trump are all wrong and only YOU are right.
What about the 63 000 000 who voted for Hillary - they had to accept the peculiar mathematics of the Electoral College that despite receiving a majority of the popular vote, it was Trump, and not Hillary, who would became President!

The Republicans had won the "trifecta" with the White House, Senate and House - what could possibly go wrong?


New member
"Dodge" would have us believe that only those politicians, of which he approves, have the legitimacy to assume power.

Apparently despite all there protestations to the contrary, conservatives really have no faith in the Constitution, unless it serves their agenda - such arrogance!

Hey idiot the president was elected by over 63,000,000 million folks, and if the idiot left tries to remove him with no evidence and just talk there will be another civil war in the U.S. Count on it.


New member
What about the 63 000 000 who voted for Hillary - they had to accept the peculiar mathematics of the Electoral College that despite receiving a majority of the popular vote, it was Trump, and not Hillary, who would became President!

The Republicans had won the "trifecta" with the White House, Senate and House - what could possibly go wrong?

She lost ! The constitution explains the electoral college. Why should 5 or 6 states tell the whole country how to live ? Normal people are tired of the homosexuals , criminals, lazy idiots that get a check and do not work, and the lefts stupidity, and that is why Trump won.


New member
Another deflection? I never said a word about impeachment. If I did, quote me.

You really lack comprehension skills, don't you? Else, I'm still waiting for that Dermer quote where he says sharing this intel was "wholly appropriate".

Talk about point proven; you're a moron. You really don't need to provide continuous proof.

I wouldn't conclude her a moron.

Case in point, when it comes asserting one thing or another based the Bible, she is at times very spot on as to the intended sense or meaning of one thing or another.

At times...

As she is obviously still on a learning curve as to that; as all are.

She is not a moron.

Rather, she is taking what appears to her as cues pointing to things leading to her conclusions that at times are actually any thing but valid cues.

That is something we each end up doing at some point or another, on one thing or another.

Personally, we'd be better off looking at what we might learn what about her various mis-fires and or anyone else's (when such are the case), for that matter; may have resulted in them, towards further refining each our own ability at better discerning between one thing and another.


New member
[MENTION=7959]WizardofOz[/MENTION] you are a complete moron. We know this because you can't see your leaders have set out to impeach the President from before he even took office.

Don't be a moron like [MENTION=7959]WizardofOz[/MENTION] who thinks the impeachment of a President can happen over drummed up accusations by a bunch of idiots who lost an election. The whole world is laughing at the "White Left" (as China calls them). I just call them Hypocrites, since they turned a blind eye to all the crap Obama dished out, and they are too ignorant to see this whole thing was planned by Obama before he even left office.

Lefty Loons....the whole world is laughing at you [MENTION=7959]WizardofOz[/MENTION] from the Land of Oz. :chuckle:

You sure misfire a lot.


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I did report the abuse to Comcast. If it is a public facility it should be monitoring its users better.


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Trump revealed highly classified intel in Oval Office meeting with Russians

If Israel wanted this "intel" made public to the Russians, it would have informed them directly - instead of using an American President as their "messenger boy!"

Apparently American intelligence officials informed Israel of the leak immediately after the meeting with the Russians in the Oval Office!

That gave the White House enough time to orchestrate a "cover story" with Israel to protect the President!

The problem is that this White House has squandered away its credibility on the size of the inauguration crowd, 3 million illegal Hillary voters and the Obama wiretaps - one can only insult the intelligence of Americans so many times without paying the price!
Apparently Israel didn't think it was that big a deal.


New member
Thousands of classified emails on unsecured servers and even passed over unsecured was unintentional.....comey breath.

Information that is public knowledge for months labeled as highly classified when it's not is shared in wide open view......impeach! Lock him up!


New member
Thousands of classified emails on unsecured servers and even passed over unsecured was unintentional.....comey breath.

Information that is public knowledge for months labeled as highly classified when it's not is shared in wide open view......impeach! Lock him up!

Just how many scoops did the president offer the Russian ambassador?