Trump revealed highly classified intel in Oval Office meeting with Russians


New member
Trump revealed highly classified intel in Oval Office meeting with Russians

If Israel wanted this "intel" made public to the Russians, it would have informed them directly - instead of using an American President as their "messenger boy!"

Apparently American intelligence officials informed Israel of the leak immediately after the meeting with the Russians in the Oval Office!

That gave the White House enough time to orchestrate a "cover story" with Israel to protect the President!

The problem is that this White House has squandered away its credibility on the size of the inauguration crowd, 3 million illegal Hillary voters and the Obama wiretaps - one can only insult the intelligence of Americans so many times without paying the price!



Well-known member
Trump revealed highly classified intel in Oval Office meeting with Russians

If Israel wanted this "intel" made public to the Russians, it would have informed them directly - instead of using an American President as their "messenger boy!"

Apparently American intelligence officials informed Israel of the leak immediately after the meeting with the Russians in the Oval Office!

That gave the White House enough time to orchestrate a "cover story" with Israel to protect the President!

The problem is that this White House has squandered away its credibility on the size of the inauguration crowd, 3 million illegal Hillary voters and the Obama wiretaps - one can only insult the intelligence of Americans so many times without paying the price!

So easy to hate, isn't it.


New member
[MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] you are a complete moron.
If you are interested as to why just listen to this msm 'fake
News' and get back to reality.
[MENTION=203]Patrick[/MENTION]jane this could just as easily go for you but I have hope for you yet. Don't be a moron like [MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION]. Bush did stupid things. Obama did stupid things. Trump doing this was very stupid. It's just a fact.

Both of you need to buy a clue


Well-known member
[MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] you are a complete moron.
If you are interested as to why just listen to this msm 'fake
News' and get back to reality.
[MENTION=203]Patrick[/MENTION]jane this could just as easily go for you but I have hope for you yet. Don't be a moron like [MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION]. Bush did stupid things. Obama did stupid things. Trump doing this was very stupid. It's just a fact.

Both of you need to buy a clue

[MENTION=7959]WizardofOz[/MENTION] you are a complete moron. We know this because you can't see your leaders have set out to impeach the President from before he even took office.

Don't be a moron like [MENTION=7959]WizardofOz[/MENTION] who thinks the impeachment of a President can happen over drummed up accusations by a bunch of idiots who lost an election. The whole world is laughing at the "White Left" (as China calls them). I just call them Hypocrites, since they turned a blind eye to all the crap Obama dished out, and they are too ignorant to see this whole thing was planned by Obama before he even left office.

Lefty Loons....the whole world is laughing at you [MENTION=7959]WizardofOz[/MENTION] from the Land of Oz. :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So to address the North Korean menace, you feel that our best option is to find the right ambassador to South Korea? How do you connect that to eliminating the North Korean menace? How will that happen, through having the right ambassador to South Korea? Please explain?

dint see an answer to this

if we had an ambassador in south korea during bammy's tenure, and the answer to the problem with north korea is "have an ambassador in south korea", how come he dint take care of things last year?

There are no officials.


It was a box office... it won the box office. Huge. And that song with Celine... you know Celine? Just tremendous.



He was such a bad president. :chuckle:

He told the Russians to look out for computers on planes being used by ISIS...

they've been talking about this on the cbc for weeks, maybe months :idunno:


New member
[MENTION=7959]WizardofOz[/MENTION] you are a complete moron. We know this because you can't see your leaders have set out to impeach the President from before he even took office.

Don't be a moron like [MENTION=7959]WizardofOz[/MENTION] who thinks the impeachment of a President can happen over drummed up accusations by a bunch of idiots who lost an election. The whole world is laughing at the "White Left" (as China calls them). I just call them Hypocrites, since they turned a blind eye to all the crap Obama dished out, and they are too ignorant to see this whole thing was planned by Obama before he even left office.

Lefty Loons....the whole world is laughing at you [MENTION=7959]WizardofOz[/MENTION] from the Land of Oz. :chuckle:

Another deflection? I never said a word about impeachment. If I did, quote me.

You really lack comprehension skills, don't you? Else, I'm still waiting for that Dermer quote where he says sharing this intel was "wholly appropriate".

Talk about point proven; you're a moron. You really don't need to provide continuous proof.


Well-known member
Another deflection? I never said a word about impeachment. If I did, quote me.

You really lack comprehension skills, don't you? Else, I'm still waiting for that Dermer quote where he says sharing this intel was "wholly appropriate".

Talk about point proven; you're a moron. You really don't need to provide continuous proof.

No, I'm deplorable, and proud of it.

That said, I know talking to libtards like you is like talking to a dead stump out in the pasture. A total waste of my time.


New member
No, I'm deplorable, and proud of it.

That said, I know talking to libtards like you is like talking to a dead stump out in the pasture. A total waste of my time.

I'm sure that anyone who points out (not once but twice) that you really have no idea what you're taking about is a "libtard" in your book.

I guess this means you won't be quoting me discussing impeachment and you won't be providing evidence of Dermer saying sharing intel was "wholly appropriate".

Have fun in the pasture. I'm sure no one out there will call you out when you create your own reality.


Well-known member
Did Seth Rich Contact WikiLeaks?
There’s convincing evidence he did

The Rich family is denying that there’s any evidence their son was in contact with WikiLeaks: but their official spokesman – yes, they have one – is one Brad Bauman (1), a self-described “crisis consultant”(2) for the Democrats. Which is very appropriate, since these new revelations do indeed constitute a crisis for the Democrats, who have based their entire post-election strategy on a flimsy(3) conspiracy theory that has been debunked(4) by cyber-security experts (the ones who aren’t(5) in the pay of the DNC, that is)..





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Well-known member
Same article:

The Washington Beltway is in an uproar over the latest Deep State attempt to tar the President of the United States as a Russian agent: they’re claiming Trump gave super-duper Top Secret information –*provided, it turns out, by the Israelis – to the Russians during a meeting with the Kremlin’s Foreign Minister and their ambassador at the White House.
There are two problems with this story: if the anonymous former and currently serving “intelligence officials” cited by the Washington Post were really concerned about the damage done to our “sources and methods,” they would never have leaked this story in the first place. Secondly, everyone in the room at the time, including National* Security Advisor H. R. McMaster, denies it.


like marbles on glass

A conspiracy site latched on to the tragic murder of young DNC staffer Seth Rich to spread false information about his killing.


New member




If the libtards are stupid enough to try that ignorance most that ever actually served in the military active and vets would hand those in D.C. and the idiots that support this stupidity to remove Trump who won fair and square their rear ends.


New member
[MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] you are a complete moron.
If you are interested as to why just listen to this msm 'fake
News' and get back to reality.
[MENTION=203]Patrick[/MENTION]jane this could just as easily go for you but I have hope for you yet. Don't be a moron like [MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION]. Bush did stupid things. Obama did stupid things. Trump doing this was very stupid. It's just a fact.

Both of you need to buy a clue

Got ya the over 60,000,000 who voted for Trump are all wrong and only YOU are right.