Trump revealed highly classified intel in Oval Office meeting with Russians


Jgarden, what do you think we should do with North Korea? I mean, short of either invading them, or organizing a massive coup d'etat, what should we do to achieve lasting peace with them, without having to do the unfortunate but truly right thing and cripple that country militarily? They are a menace. And you have to take into account that both China and Russia are sort of friendly with them, so you can't just go in the country, which is the right thing to do with a menacing entity with dangerous weapons. What are your thoughts? What is your view, on what we should do, about North Korea? One day we're going to find that poor Japan is yet again the only victims of nuclear weaponry, unless we do something about North Korea. And Japan can't defend themselves, because of the peace agreement from after WWII.
On Inauguration Day, "The Donald," in his infinite wisdom, fired all the politically appointed American ambassadors - without any thought as to whom would replace them!

Fast forward 4 months and the Trump Administration still doesn't have a US ambassador in South Korea - despite being located in the world's most dangerous "hot spot!"

An ambassador is the Administration's eyes and ears, particularly in a nation like South Korea which was also embroiled in internal turmoil - where the leader was removed from office and a new one recently elected.

The failure to have an American ambassador appointed in a timely manner is considered to be an insult by many countries, particularly allies like Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Japan - all still waiting for their US ambassadors!


On Inauguration Day, "The Donald," in his infinite wisdom, fired all politically appointed American ambassadors - without any thought as to whom would replace them!

Fast forward Four months and the Trump Administration has still to have a US ambassador in South Korea - considered to be located in the world's most dangerous "hot spot!"

An ambassador is the Administration's eyes and ears, particularly in a nation like South Korea which was also embroiled in internal turmoil - where the leader was removed from office and a new one recently elected.
So to address the North Korean menace, you feel that our best option is to find the right ambassador to South Korea? How do you connect that to eliminating the North Korean menace? How will that happen, through having the right ambassador to South Korea? Please explain?


They swallow it all...hook, line, and sinker. The Washington Post and the New York Times are having quite a contest, and the libs don't even know they're being fed cheap chum. :chuckle:

When it comes to comparing the track records of the Washington Post and the New York Times versus the Trump White House - there's absolutely no contest!

The above video shows Vice President Pence delivering the White Houses' version of the Comey firing last Wednesday - by Thursday afternoon the narrative had changed completely.

Unfortunately, there with no accompanying explanation or apology as to why Trump surrogates were sent out to peddle a story this President knew to be false!



When it comes to comparing the track records of the Washington Post and the New York Tines versus the Trump White House - there's no contest!

The above video is Vice President Pence delivering the White Houses' version of the Comey firing last Wednesday - by Thursday afternoon the narrative had changed completely.

Unfortunately, there with no accompanying explanation or apology as to why Trump surrogates were sent out to peddle a false story for 2 days!
So what about North Korea? Since North Korea has some form of support from both China and from Russia, it makes it very precarious and thorny for America to do anything, without gaining agreement from both China and from Russia. This is proving difficult to do. And yet North Korea is decidedly a decided threat and menace. And Japan just sits there, right over the water, and Japan is our unequivocal Ally. If North Korea does something aggressive to Japan, we are going to have to choose very quickly what to do, and we're going to have to make the right choice, and what I mean by "we" is "the President," and that's why I'm asking about North Korea, because what if North Korea does something to Japan? It'd be easier if North Korea just launched a nuclear tipped ballistic missile to Guam, at least that's just us and China and Russia couldn't stop us, but it'd be just like North Korea to make things as messy as possible, so that's something I'm considering, is North Korea, and what we should do about them. They're clearly getting more and more problematic. Clearly, something must be done, but neither China nor Russia seem to think North Korea's behavior is a problem. How will getting the right ambassador to South Korea lead us to solve this trouble with North Korea?


Well-known member

When it comes to comparing the track records of the Washington Post and the New York Times versus the Trump White House - there's absolutely no contest!

The above video shows Vice President Pence delivering the White Houses' version of the Comey firing last Wednesday - by Thursday afternoon the narrative had changed completely.

Unfortunately, there with no accompanying explanation or apology as to why Trump surrogates were sent out to peddle a story this President knew to be false!

Oh, so no competition between totally made up stories and a failure to keep everyone one board of a fast moving story. Gotcha

patrick jane

When it comes to comparing the track records of the Washington Post and the New York Times versus the Trump White House - there's absolutely no contest!

The above video shows Vice President Pence delivering the White Houses' version of the Comey firing last Wednesday - by Thursday afternoon the narrative had changed completely.

Unfortunately, there with no accompanying explanation or apology as to why Trump surrogates were sent out to peddle a story this President knew to be false!
Oops! :rotfl:


New member
Apparently the self-deluded alt-right thinks this highly classified information was in the public domain before Trump blabbed to the Russians.

The fool constantly interrupts his own speech's and interviews not only with anecdotes about himself, but with his just as ever desperate need to provide supposed evidences that his assertions about himself are true.

That makes him ever susceptible to being taken in by his own hand.

That that would drive him to spill things to some foreign power - because he simply does not believe he has any value - is no surprise.


The man is headed for Treason; he simply can not help his long since out of control need to preen.

He is that given over to that reprobate mind warned against at the end of Romans chapter one - Narcissism at its' raging worst: self-inflicted destruction.


The day after this President terminated Director Comey, Trump went off script and began describing details about an Islamic State terrorist threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Trump and his supporters have been highly critical of Hillary Clinton of having classified emails on her personal server.

Officials expressed concern with Trump’s handling of sensitive information as well as his grasp of the potential consequences. Exposure of an intelligence stream that has provided critical insight into the Islamic State, they said, could hinder the United States’ and its allies’ ability to detect future threats.

Trump seemed to be boasting about his inside knowledge of the looming threat. “I get great intel. I have people brief me on great intel every day,” Trump said, according to an official with knowledge of the exchange.

The Washington Post has been asked by officials to withhold details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities.

And Iran got a cash spiff from Obama for their nuclear weapons program..

Sent from my iPhone using TOL



Sent from my iPhone using TOL


New member
During a statement to reporters on Monday, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster stated*Washington Post*report*that President Trump revealed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister is “false.”

McMaster said, “The story that came out tonight, as reported is false. The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation. At no time, at no time, were intelligence sources or methods discussed, and the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known. Two other senior officials who were present, including the secretary of state, remember the meeting the same way and have said so. Their on the record accounts should outweigh those of anonymous sources. And I was in the room, it didn’t happen.”


Hall of Fame
The man is headed for Treason; he simply can not help his long since out of control need to preen.

He is that given over to that reprobate mind warned against at the end of Romans chapter one - Narcissism at its' raging worst: self-inflicted destruction.

Indeed ... hopefully, for the sake of our nation, he will be relieved of office (via impeachment or resignation) sometime in the very near future.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Soooo, he revealed what was in the public domain?

LT. GEN. H.R. McMASTER said:
I have a brief statement for the record. There is nothing that the president takes more seriously than the security of the American people. The story that came out tonight as reported is false. The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation.

At no time, at no time, where intelligent sources or methods discussed. And the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known. Two other senior officials who were present, including the Secretary of the State, remember the meeting the same way and have said so. Their on the record accounts should outweigh anonymous sources. I was in the room. It didn't happen.


New member

Liberals are claiming that Mcmaster wasn't specific enough or he didn't directly address the articles claims despite the fact that he clearly affirmed that only publicly known operations were discussed.


New member
Liberals are claiming that Mcmaster wasn't specific enough or he didn't directly address the articles claims despite the fact that he clearly affirmed that only publicly known operations were discussed.
That's all the matters. No need to answer insane claims of a fake news outlet.


like marbles on glass
Trump has you all well-trained. He has you just where he wants you - don't believe anyone but him.

It isn't what McMcaster said so much as what he didn't - since he didn't deny that information that was not authorized for dissemination even to our allies was shared with the Russians. From the original WaPo report:

e described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat."

McMaster didn't deny that.

Meanwhile, just like he did to his staff trying to explain Comey's firing, Trump just threw McMaster under the bus:

