Trump revealed highly classified intel in Oval Office meeting with Russians


New member
So, rewriting the lede with this, we have: "President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador, as reported by unnamed sources who are current officials, or who were Obama administration officials, and who were not present at the meeting."

Let's go further. Later in the story, it's reported:

Trump went on to discuss aspects of the threat that the United States learned only through the espionage capabilities of a key partner. He did not reveal the specific intelligence-gathering method, but he described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat.

Okay, remember the emphasized part, and let's move to the next paragraph:

The Washington Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities.

So, now what we know is that these anonymous sources were so alarmed about what Trump told the Russians that they immediately got in touch with Washington Post reporters and ... revealed the same information to them?

this guy has a point, it doesn't make much sense that a leaker would reveal such detailed classified information to a reporter.


New member
Trump has you all well-trained. He has you just where he wants you - don't believe anyone but him.

It isn't what McMcaster said so much as what he didn't - since he didn't deny that information that was not authorized for dissemination even to our allies was shared with the Russians. From the original WaPo report:

e described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat."

McMaster didn't deny that.

He did! What part of "military operations that were not already publicly known" don't you understand. a classified city location would contradict Mcmaster's claim. liberals like yourself are playing a silly game of semantics.


Hall of Fame
Trump has you all well-trained. He has you just where he wants you - don't believe anyone but him.

It isn't what McMcaster said so much as what he didn't - since he didn't deny that information that was not authorized for dissemination even to our allies was shared with the Russians. From the original WaPo report:

e described how the Islamic State was pursuing elements of a specific plot and how much harm such an attack could cause under varying circumstances. Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat."

McMaster didn't deny that.

Meanwhile, just like he did to his staff trying to explain Comey's firing, Trump just threw McMaster under the bus:



like marbles on glass
He did! What part of "military operations that were not already publicly known" don't you understand. a classified city location would contradict Mcmaster's claim. liberals like yourself are playing a silly game of semantics.

You say silly game, I say deadly serious breach.

How many serious voices will you ignore in your desperation to believe that Trump is sentient?

The Cipher Brief: How is this likely to affect intelligence sharing with our allies, our partners? Will it be disruptive? Is this likely to have a negative impact on future intelligence sharing?

Michael Morell, Former Acting Director, CIA: I think that one of the potentially damaging impacts of President Trump’s disclosure is its impact on our partners who share with us. There is something in the Intelligence Community that we call the third country rule. The third country rule says that when one country gives another country intelligence, the receiving country can’t share that intelligence with a third country without the originating country’s approval. That was violated in this case. What the President did here is going to send a signal to all countries that they need to be extremely careful about what they share with the United States, particularly sensitive information. It’s going to give them pause about whether they should share with the United States or not. That is potentially damaging to U.S. national security.

--The Cipher Brief


New member

Meanwhile, just like he did to his staff trying to explain Comey's firing, Trump just threw McMaster under the bus:

how exactly do those tweets contradict Mcmaster?
The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation.
At no time, at no time, where intelligent sources or methods discussed. And the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known.


As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism



like marbles on glass
Wow... Russian agit-prop walking hand-in-hand with Trump...

Russia's response to Trump leak reports: don't read U.S. newspapers

A Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Tuesday advised that people don't read American newspapers, in response to U.S. media reports that President Donald Trump had disclosed classified intelligence at a meeting with Russian officials.

The spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said she had received dozens of messages asking about the reports, which have been denied by the White House.

"Guys, have you been reading American newspapers again?" she wrote on her Facebook page. "You shouldn't read them. You can put them to various uses, but you shouldn't read them. Lately it's become not only harmful, but dangerous too."








All the criticisms of Hillary by the Trump Campaign has come back to haunt "The Donald" - in spades!

Trump has now tweeted that as President he has the legal right to release whatever intelligence to the Russians he likes - undermining the explanation provided by his own security advisor!

This was "intel" provided by another country and now his to share - with the Russians in the Oval Office of all places!
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Active member
It's incredible how much the Trump supporters put partisianship over country. There is no damage to the country and our security interests great enough that will ever change their minds. The US is just a prop in their idealogical battle, something to be trashed with reckless disregard when convenient to their cause.


It's incredible how much the Trump supporters put partisianship over country. There is no damage to the country and our security interests great enough that will ever change their minds. The US is just a prop in their idealogical battle, something to be trashed with reckless disregard when convenient to their cause.
Trump supporters could "spin" that the sinking of the Titanic - was a success story!

We all know, however, that if a Democratic president had made these kinds of "self-inflicted" wounds - our conservative "friends" would be first in line to demand his impeachment!


New member
It's incredible how much the Clinton supporters put partisianship over country. There is no damage to the country and our security interests great enough that will ever change their minds. The US is just a prop in their idealogical battle, something to be trashed with reckless disregard when convenient to their cause.

Fixed it for you. :up:


like marbles on glass
Kremlin news agency that was in the Oval Office for Trump-Russia meeting brags to Russians about leaked intel

Tass, a news agency owned by the Russian government, reported on Tuesday that President Donald Trump likely passed highly classified information to Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak.In a Russian-language report on Tuesday that pointed to The Washington Post‘s original reporting, Tass said that Trump talked “in detail about the new threat posed by the [Islamic State], involving the use of laptops on flights.”

“Trump said the terrorists may carry out some attacks, and explained what kind of damage they can cause,” the Tass report explained. “He also called the city on the territory controlled by the group where the partner of the US on the exchange of intelligence discovered a new threat.”

American media were not permitted in the room for Trump’s meeting with the Russian officials, but the White House allowed Tass to attend. The Tass report, however, does not deny that Trump passed secrets to the Russians.

Putin the puppet-master is just toying with Trump. Amazing Trump's base can't see it.


like marbles on glass
Talking Points Memo analysis of the McMaster press conference this morning:

We were just watching General McMaster’s press conference – which has taken the place of Sean Spicer’s briefing today. The key take away is that McMaster is essentially conceding the accuracy of last night’s reporting (first from the Post and later confirmed by other outlets) but saying that in the context it was okay. It was appropriate. Notably, when it comes to specifics, he is hiding behind classification to refuse to give further answers.

He also conceded that President Trump made the decision to reveal the information in the spur of the moment. When asked when Trump made the decision and whether his advisors were part of that decision, here are the exact words of response: “He made the decision in the context of the conversation.” In other words, spur of the moment decision, not something he and his advisers decided made sense in advance.

The gist here is that McMaster is saying yes Trump did it. He was entitled to do it. And I and other advisors were there when it happened and believe that substantively it was the right decision.

. . . .



New member
this tweet somes up the entire controversy accurately.
John Cardillo‏Verified

WaPo - "Trump shared forbidden intel"

McMaster - "Didn't happen"

Trump - "I shared general security concerns"

MSM - "Treasonous liars!!"


like marbles on glass
this tweet somes up the entire controversy accurately.
John Cardillo‏Verified

WaPo - "Trump shared forbidden intel"

McMaster - "Didn't happen"

Trump - "I shared general security concerns"

MSM - "Treasonous liars!!"

No it doesn't, no matter how much you wish it did.

McMaster's now let us know that it did happen, but it was Trump's prerogative.


What a difference a day makes in the Trump White House.

And now it's much less likely that our allies will share classified information with us.

Meanwhile, Putin is laughing.


New member


New member
They swallow it all...hook, line, and sinker. The Washington Post and the New York Times are having quite a contest, and the libs don't even know they're being fed cheap chum. :chuckle:

Coming from someone as incompetent at reading a thing right as you consistently prove yourself to be: no thanks; I'll pass.