These are NOT the same gospel


Well-known member
If people could pay attention instead of flying off the handle before they even know what they are talking about, things might go a little better. She quoted that scripture in response to a particular post. The post saying it was all and always salvation through faith in God (a response to your post that there are many different faiths in the Bible. So what she was saying was that no it is not faith in God, it is faith in His blood. She didn't even quote the whole scripture.
LOL You, of all people, should not be giving lectures about flying off the handle.


Well-known member
Then don't emphasize words that you don't intend to emphasize. You emphasized faith in His blood. And it was a direct one sentence response to this:

What is a person supposed to think you are saying? And are you now simply back peddling, covering your tracks, passing the buck, justifying ignorance etc?
Follow that little arrow all the way back to the beginning of the conversation. Then you can wipe the mud off your face.


Active member
Here is what I said,
"Jesus came to set up His Kingdom on earth, but the Jews rejected Him.
Therefore, it has been postponed until He comes again."

Please try and read what is written before you have a hissy fit.
You are still saying His kingdom is earthly Israel. That it is going to come later. THAT WAS MY POINT!!!!! You are wrong.


Well-known member
There are a couple of ways to view faith to faith. Some see it as expressing a growing in faith. Others see it as by faith from first to last (NIV). Or the NLT "from start to finish." Both are valid truths. It is not speaking to two faiths.
This is the beginning. The subject is faith. Faith to faith, to be exact. You refuse to accept that it's by the faith of Jesus Christ that the righteousness of God is revealed. You insist it's our faith in Christ that reveals the righteousness of God. You're simply a ninny, unwilling to be taught anything.


Active member
Follow that little arrow all the way back to the beginning of the conversation. Then you can wipe the mud off your face.
You really are an awful person. No evidence of genuine Christianity in evidence. No indication that the Holy Spirit is working in you. And you enjoy being the way you are. At your age, by now you should know better.


Well-known member
You are still saying His kingdom is earthly Israel. That it is going to come later. THAT WAS MY POINT!!!!! You are wrong.
Jesus is the King. It is His Kingdom on earth. He came to set up HIS KINGDOM on earth. He was crucified instead. So, He will be setting up HIS KINGDOM on earth when HE returns. Please try and concentrate instead of flying off the handle.


Well-known member
You really are an awful person. No evidence of genuine Christianity in evidence. No indication that the Holy Spirit is working in you. And you enjoy being the way you are. At your age, by now you should know better.
Yep, and I'm sent here by God to school you and others like you.
Put off that foolish pride and you, too, might grow old and wise.


Active member
You insist it's our faith in Christ that reveals the righteousness of God.
No I don't. It is the faith that God gives us to believe the person and work of Jesus (His substitutionary death for our sins) that unites us with Him, and it is this union that counts the righteousness of Christ as though it were our own, and the Holy Spirit, if a person truly believes and therefore is truly indwelt by Him, begins the process of conforming us more and more into His image. This is the righteousness of God that is being spoken of in that scripture---therefore faith in Christ is much more accurate to what is being said. I explained this to you before but----
You're simply a ninny, unwilling to be taught anything.


Active member
Jesus is the King. It is His Kingdom on earth. He came to set up HIS KINGDOM on earth. He was crucified instead. So, He will be setting up HIS KINGDOM on earth when HE returns. Please try and concentrate instead of flying off the handle.
Odd. I thought He was King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I thought He was Lord over All. I thought He said His kingdom was from above not of the earth. I thought He said His kingdom was not of this earth, that we couldn't and wouldn't see it coming because it is within us. I thought He was King of all creation and everything in it, Judge of all. Creator of all. No where do I see Him saying the nation of Israel on earth is His kingdom. Or that He also has another group of people who are His, but not part of His kingdom on earth but only of His other kingdom in heaven.


Active member
Yep, and I'm sent here by God to school you and others like you.
Put off that foolish pride and you, too, might grow old and wise.
If that isn't an exhibition of pride and self glorification, and hubris, and self centeredness, then such things don't exist.

Sent by God my foot! You delude yourself. If you were sent by God you would be successful in what He sent you to do. And you are a failure. First of all you don't teach the truth, and God would not send you to teach lies. MAD has taken the place of God for you. Second of all He would not send someone who brings shame to His name in the way you talk to people.


Well-known member
No I don't. It is the faith that God gives us to believe the person and work of Jesus (His substitutionary death for our sins) that unites us with Him, and it is this union that counts the righteousness of Christ as though it were our own, and the Holy Spirit, if a person truly believes and therefore is truly indwelt by Him, begins the process of conforming us more and more into His image. This is the righteousness of God that is being spoken of in that scripture---therefore faith in Christ is much more accurate to what is being said. I explained this to you before but----
God does not give us the faith to believe. You get that idea from one of those cults you've associated with.

The faith of Jesus Christ is not the same as our faith in Christ.

Oh look, it's a miracle. The righteousness of God is revealed to us by the faith of Jesus Christ. We are justified by the faith of Jesus Christ....even we have believed (our faith in Christ). It's HIS faith that justifies us. He is both the subject and the object of faith.

Galatians 2:16
Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.


Well-known member
If that isn't an exhibition of pride and self glorification, and hubris, and self centeredness, then such things don't exist.

Sent by God my foot! You delude yourself. If you were sent by God you would be successful in what He sent you to do. And you are a failure. First of all you don't teach the truth, and God would not send you to teach lies. MAD has taken the place of God for you. Second of all He would not send someone who brings shame to His name in the way you talk to people.
I'm just the ambassador. It's God who is beseeching you to be reconciled. Don't blame the messenger.

2 Corinthians 5:20
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.


Well-known member
Odd. I thought He was King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I thought He was Lord over All. I thought He said His kingdom was from above not of the earth. I thought He said His kingdom was not of this earth, that we couldn't and wouldn't see it coming because it is within us. I thought He was King of all creation and everything in it, Judge of all. Creator of all. No where do I see Him saying the nation of Israel on earth is His kingdom. Or that He also has another group of people who are His, but not part of His kingdom on earth but only of His other kingdom in heaven.
Your scope is so narrow, that you end up mocking God. That's a shame.


Well-known member
You remain confused because you think salvation has to do with our body and the resurrection of our body.
Huh! Who would have thought!

I guess you're starting to see why the other conversation is important, after all.

And yet, Jesus resurrected in the flesh, and we are alive "in Him", so we then know we won't stay dead.

It used to be comforting to know that we and our loved ones would be resurrected in the body.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 (KJV) 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so* shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

*"and in this way"


Well-known member
Huh! Who would have thought!

I guess you're starting to see why the other conversation is important, after all.

And yet, Jesus resurrected in the flesh, and we are alive "in Him", so we then know we won't stay dead.

It used to be comforting to know that we and our loved ones would be resurrected in the body.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 (KJV) 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so* shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

*"and in this way"
Actually, I've seen for quite some time that you are focused on the body.

The gift of God is eternal life. We have LIFE right now. We get that even while in this body of flesh. Even when we put off this tent in which we are presently dwelling. We will never die much less "stay dead". Yes, we groan while in this body of flesh. It is very limiting and is often riddled with pain, but we are only awaiting our spiritual body.

  • Romans 8:22
    For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

  • Romans 8:23
    And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
When we preach Paul's Gospel, we aren't preaching about Israel's future promises.
It's Paul's Gospel that saves.....nothing to do with Israel.
I teach both because all the apostles, including Paul, did.
Maybe you've forgotten, but I don't say the earthly kingdom of Israel is about having eternal life.


Well-known member
Actually, I've seen for quite some time that you are focused on the body.

The gift of God is eternal life. We have LIFE right now. We get that even while in this body of flesh. Even when we put off this tent in which we are presently dwelling. We will never die much less "stay dead". Yes, we groan while in this body of flesh. It is very limiting and is often riddled with pain, but we are only awaiting our spiritual body.

  • Romans 8:22
    For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

  • Romans 8:23
    And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
"waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body."
In other words, our adoption as fellow heirs is not complete until our body is redeemed.