The Trinity

The Trinity

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Those who truly love God live by his will, we can say a lot with our mouths, but our actions show our true love for God, are we hearers only? Or are we doers of the word?

Some people judge others because they don't believe as the vast majority do, yet they could love God with all their hearts and worship the father in spirit and an truth
Disagree. Truth is often left by the wayside for the touchy-feely especially in the age of relative truth.

Jesus said "I am the way (someone to follow) truth (no other way) and life (all life). He told the Samaritan woman that all must worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, both. So I agree Spirit and Truth, disagree that any form of exuberance is necessarily integrity. I DO believe God is Sovereign and that He will save all He can/will. In that, there are certainly those with less who will be welcomed. How much did the thief on the cross know? :idunno: but I'd speculate not a lot.

God is love and he looks at the heart. Just because the vast majority think they are right, it doesn't mean that they are right.
Jesus told the Samaritan woman the Jews were right (truth). She had a passion implied in the text. Neither alone is good enough. We can judge right and wrong. I can't judge where a man's eternality ends up. I can only point where a path of destruction leads, and where a narrow path of life leads. We are waterers and planters.
People are too quick to judge others, even telling them they are going to hell because they don't believe as they do. How can we, being human, know the depths of a persons heart?
Because truth is an indicator and because true worshippers MUST worship in Spirit and Truth. I can tell a person: that direction leads the wrong way, because it does. I, like you, don't do the judging thing. I've not told anyone they are going to hell.

A person we see as right, saved and godly could be rotten inside before God, yet someone that others call a heretic could have their heart right before God. We're not God, were just flesh and none of us can judge others in this way, there is only one righteous judge, and that's God. Once we become judgemental we put ourselves in the place of God.
Again, I disagree. We know when someone is sinning habitually in unrepentance, for instance. The severity of it, in church among elders, at times leads to disallowing fellowship. Likewise, a diverse doctrine also is adequate grounds for a dismissal in a church setting. In most churches you don't have to agree, but you cannot teach or become a member without adhering to doctrine. On TOL? I think it important to give scripture and defend truth. The 'love' fruit is a little more difficult to convey. I care about a good many here who I don't believe are in Christ, by their own admissions one way or the other. They likely would never guess. There are a few in this thread I try to show genuine patience and concern. I'm not sure if I'm successful and think not often enough, but that's my point. It isn't easy to show that side on TOL and even if you are a champ at it, I'm sure a good number will miss it. Psalmist did better, but he seldom entered doctrinal stances in debate.

The disciples didn't think like that, they said is it I Lord, they wanted to know if they were the ones at fault. We've got enough wrong within ourselves, we've got no right to go and judge others in this way. The word of God does the judging, and God knows who's heard the truth.
It is interesting and hard to draw conclusion. Peter, He told, would deny Him, yet he was adamant that he wouldn't. I think too, there are contrasts to pay attention to before and after Pentecost (would be a good thread topic).

The trouble is many like a lie back and believe in a do nothing gospel whilst condemning others. A gospel that suits the flesh and not God. But that's not the gospel of Jesus. The gospel of Jesus is a doing gospel and not just a hearing one only!
Well, such is scolding the goose for squawking at the gander. It is judging one while doing the very same thing, or so close to it that this is inseparable. You remind me of me, over-analyzing. "Lord is it I?" Seems a good thing. Such helps us empathize better.

I don't want anyone to go to hell, I hope for everyone to get to heaven.
Good sentiment. We know this isn't possible, but I believe longing for perfection and redemption of the planet and working hard on love is exactly right. We are called to love our enemies. I think wanting for them, what they don't want for themselves is a good thing, but it is love rejected. Don't let that ever callous you. Keep right on loving. Say a prayer for me tonight to do the same while you are at it.

People are too quick to condemn others whilst thinking that they themselves are holier than thou and saved and going to heaven whilst others who don't believe in the same way as them aren't. That's being self righteous and God will judge them!
Well, that's the conveyance from those against the Trinitarian doctrine. The only thing I can do is point out problems. There are problems with 1) education 2) pride 3) overt cult influence 4) past hurts as a hurdle 5) Spiritually unable If I try and touch any one of them, it goes like this:
Education: "you need to read more of the bible, or pay attention to the creeds." Response: "YOU do!" :(

Pride: "You listen a lot less than you talk." "YOU do!"

Poorly taught: "You have been taught by those who don't really know this stuff." "YOU have!"

Spiritually without ability. I don't think there is really anything you can tell someone without the Spirit. Imho, this is where they meet God and it is wholly between them and God. We could probably encourage the meeting but how does one go about setting up an appointment with God? My tack it to pray for it, since it is a matter of their need for coming to Him.

I'm not sure if any of this meets anything of need or if your post was more rhetorical than invitation for response, so such that it is...

In Him -Lon


Well-known member
Disagree. Truth is often left by the wayside for the touchy-feely especially in the age of relative truth.

Jesus said "I am the way (someone to follow) truth (no other way) and life (all life). He told the Samaritan woman that all must worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, both. So I agree Spirit and Truth, disagree that any form of exuberance is necessarily integrity. I DO believe God is Sovereign and that He will save all He can/will. In that, there are certainly those with less who will be welcomed. How much did the thief on the cross know? :idunno: but I'd speculate not a lot.

I agree, and I don't believe that we have you have a happy clappy love for God, sometimes with God it's a tough love, but there's a difference with being honest and speaking the truth, to condemning others to hell because others don't believe the same as you or I do. I haven't read many of your posts yet, and you said you don't do that so that's good :)

Jesus told the Samaritan woman the Jews were right (truth). She had a passion implied in the text. Neither alone is good enough. We can judge right and wrong. I can't judge where a man's eternality ends up. I can only point where a path of destruction leads, and where a narrow path of life leads. We are waterers and planters.
Because truth is an indicator and because true worshippers MUST worship in Spirit and Truth. I can tell a person: that direction leads the wrong way, because it does. I, like you, don't do the judging thing. I've not told anyone they are going to hell.

Again I agree, but it has to line up with what Jesus says and with the scriptures, and we are to listen to him and live by him.

Again, I disagree. We know when someone is sinning habitually in unrepentance, for instance. The severity of it, in church among elders, at times leads to disallowing fellowship. Likewise, a diverse doctrine also is adequate grounds for a dismissal in a church setting. In most churches you don't have to agree, but you cannot teach or become a member without adhering to doctrine. On TOL? I think it important to give scripture and defend truth. The 'love' fruit is a little more difficult to convey. I care about a good many here who I don't believe are in Christ, by their own admissions one way or the other. They likely would never guess. There are a few in this thread I try to show genuine patience and concern. I'm not sure if I'm successful and think not often enough, but that's my point. It isn't easy to show that side on TOL and even if you are a champ at it, I'm sure a good number will miss it. Psalmist did better, but he seldom entered doctrinal stances in debate.

But that's my point, some are sinning habitually and look the perfect picture in Christ, preaching the word and doing abominations before God, whilst others who don't believe as we do could have good hearts. Only God knows all our hearts, and It's not that we are to understand the in depth meanings of the scriptures, some people can't take in things like others can, but if we love God with our all, then God will know that. Not understanding all the ins and outs of the scriptures isn't the be all and end all, it's listening to Jesus and taking in the word and loving and obeying God. Once we are doing this, God will open our understanding. Without his spirit we will never truly understand them anyway.

Also, if someone is habitually sinning, then I believe it's right to tell them the truth, but I also believe that we are to be there to help them and not turn them away. We just shouldn't do what they do.

It is interesting and hard to draw conclusion. Peter, He told, would deny Him, yet he was adamant that he wouldn't. I think too, there are contrasts to pay attention to before and after Pentecost (would be a good thread topic).

I've mentioned this before here, when people bring up Peter denying Jesus, I've said that he was a different person after he received the holy spirit, the spirit gives is the power and strength to overcome.

Well, such is scolding the goose for squawking at the gander. It is judging one while doing the very same thing, or so close to it that this is inseparable. You remind me of me, over-analyzing. "Lord is it I?" Seems a good thing. Such helps us empathize better.

There are people who speak with their mouth that they love God but in their lives their love is for themselves, are you saying that this isn't so? I've seen this in people around me during my life, saying they believe in God, going to church, looking the part yet having no care or thought for others. Thinking that they're saved and ok. I'm not saying this about anyone in particular, but that's the problem with the once saved always saved gospel. Many think that out doesn't matter what they do, they're going to heaven regardless. This is contrary to the scriptures and I'll get you the verses if you want me to? I'm not saying this is true of all those who believe this way, there is good and bad everywhere. But we can't think of ourselves as saved, do nothing for God and live to please ourselves and think we're walking into heaven, that's contrary the scriptures.

If we love God, we'll love others, and of we love others then we won't hurt them thus in this way, we will obey the commandments of God. Because if his spirit and his love is within us then he will help us overcome the hardness of our flesh. And you will know those who are true to God by their fruits.

Good sentiment. We know this isn't possible, but I believe longing for perfection and redemption of the planet and working hard on love is exactly right. We are called to love our enemies. I think wanting for them, what they don't want for themselves is a good thing, but it is love rejected. Don't let that ever callous you. Keep right on loving. Say a prayer for me tonight to do the same while you are at it.
Love is the key :)

Well, that's the conveyance from those against the Trinitarian doctrine. The only thing I can do is point out problems. There are problems with 1) education 2) pride 3) overt cult influence 4) past hurts as a hurdle 5) Spiritually unable If I try and touch any one of them, it goes like this:
Education: "you need to read more of the bible, or pay attention to the creeds." Response: "YOU do!" :(

Pride: "You listen a lot less than you talk." "YOU do!"

Poorly taught: "You have been taught by those who don't really know this stuff." "YOU have!"

Spiritually without ability. I don't think there is really anything you can tell someone without the Spirit. Imho, this is where they meet God and it is wholly between them and God. We could probably encourage the meeting but how does one go about setting up an appointment with God? My tack it to pray for it, since it is a matter of their need for coming to Him.

I'm not sure if any of this meets anything of need or if your post was more rhetorical than invitation for response, so such that it is...

In Him -Lon

I'm not a Trinitarian, but I don't condemn those who don't believe as I do to hell. To me, there's too much in the Bible that shows me that Jesus isn't God. And I have to believe what I see Jesus saying, and he clearly says that God is his God so I believe him. God knows who has heard the truth and he will judge all of us, that's not for me to do through the thoughts of my flesh, our flesh has to go so that God can judge through his people by his word in this lifetime, then one day we must all stand before him and account for what we've done. I believe we are being tried and tested, and as we overcome we become stronger the spirit. So if we are to overcome then we are to be doers of the word and live it out, and the spirit will give us the strength once we start to deny ourselves. I'm only explaining the way I believe, I'm not getting at you, I can't judge another as I'm a sinner myself

And as I said in another thread, those with the spirit will know others who have the spirit, regardless of their denomination, those who have the spirit know it when they hear the voice of Christ in another.

Today I was thinking about dust, and how when it covers something beautiful then it hides the beauty. And I thought of our flesh which is the dust. When we love to please the flesh, people can't see the beauty of Christ within us. They just see the dust. Our fleshly ways need to go so that Christ can live through us and others see him in us. And as we die his life grows within our hearts and he is shown in our lives and we will love and care for others as he did.


Well-known member
And God had something else do this because he wasn't willing to do it himself?

1 John 3:16 KJV
Hereby perceive we the love of God , because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

Sorry Keypurr. My God has greater love than what you are imagining. Even that "spirit son" you imagine didn't lay down his own life but sacrificed someone else while possessing him.

Mark 10:45 KJV
For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

Your version loves less and gave up someone else's life.
Don't you understand that the spirit son and the flesh son became one?

God could not do it himself because God can not die. God can not be the sacrifice to himself, that makes no sense at all. God did not pray to himself also. Jesus Christ is not God, he is the son of God. That does not make him God. The son of a King is not the king. God is a position held by the Father.

God's love is not measurable, we can only see a small sample of it in the scriptures.

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Well-known member
Not what I said. You don't understand mine. I do understand yours. You've become a different kind of Unitarian since you've been here. The language you use is more triune than it used to be. It no-wise means you are a Trinitarian. Pay attention, this is one of the reasons why it is hard to convince me of anything, when the guy I'm talking to hasn't listened really, to what I said. How could you do better with scripture? :idunno:

Doesn't matter. What matters is if they did a good job or not AND that they are the comparative standard. Again, God set up parameters for correcting error. It isn't the way Unitarians have tried to date. When God wants to correct doctrine, it will be corrected and it will not be with confusion and will have a clear mark of His hand. Until then, the creeds will stand.
Who says? Martin Luther? :nono: John Wesley? :nono: Charles Spurgeon? :nono: Billy Graham? :nono: Keypurr? yep. Your platform is silent and alone in a desolate park. God will move and shake when He so chooses. Worse? Scripture, as far as the majority of us, me, Luther, Augustine, FF. Bruce, and the shoulders of the whole church, adamantly disagree with you. Have any of them? Respect any of them? I have no Arian/Unitarian theologian that are even note-worthy to respect.

True of your family too? Are they going to hell? No love for the Great God and Lord Jesus Christ? :(

Sure. I had heard of the Trinity as a youth BUT it never made sense to me. It wasn't until I studied scripture and compared it to the creeds. "Did they make sense?" After a good amount of study, I have to answer "yes, they do." Frankly, every thing else is unscriptural.
It isn't just me that believes so.
I don't believe it is possible. Men hate the light BUT the light shines in the darkness and it cannot hide. You have God in an awkward and powerless position with your theology. God's light cannot be obscured.

Which is why I have hope for you and pray for you.

I have. Again, I have to say it: what is given as Unitarian doctrine is scripturally untenable. It cannot hold up under scripture inspection.
I do understand you Lon, but I can not see Jesus Christ as our God. So if you think my thoughts point in that direction your wrong. The creeds are not God given if they spread false doctrine. I see them as full of error filled assumptions by man. My understanding of the son God sent in not the same as yours. Does that mean that one of us loves God more than the other. I think not. But I have freed my mind of traditional doctrines that I see as opposing the content of the scriptures. You stand up for what you have been taught and believe in, I do the same thing. To disregard the content of the Ten Commandments is to promote sin. Making Jesus a God breaks that law for it is very clear that there is only one God. The God that Christ came to show us. The God he prayed to.

Lon there is so much that the churches are not teaching their people. You will not get all the truth available about God until you explore what others have to offer. Even the Universities teach limited understandings of scripture. But you know that already.

You and I have the same goal, to please our creator. But we are on different roads. My interest is to share God's love and the limited amount of truth he has blessed me with. My many years of prayer and study has prepared me for the future when he will bring me to his home. I need to share that while I can on this world.

Pray for peace, pray for mankind. Show God's love to all.

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Well-known member
The creeds are not God given if they spread false doctrine. I see them as full of error filled assumptions by man. My understanding of the son God sent in not the same as yours. Does that mean that one of us loves God more than the other.
It can.

I think not.
Self-willed vs God-willed. We'd better be very sure. Willy-nilly 'disagreement' isn't glorifying. Our focus as men is nothing but glorifying God and keeping other's eyes on Him. Granted TOL is a different kind of animal, but the goal doesn't change so we have to figure out in this forum, how to glorify Him within those parameters. In some ways, it encourages dissonance to be here, but I'm fairly straight down the line orthodox.
But I have freed my mind of traditional doctrines that I see as opposing the content of the scriptures.
Free and enslaved is a matter of perspective and choice. I want to be ensnared by truth. Alone. I don't care where it leads. I want to follow that and only that. We'll talk about that with John 20:28
You stand up for what you have been taught and believe in, I do the same thing.
Who taught you? :think:

To disregard the content of the Ten Commandments is to promote sin.
I think most against the Trinitarian doctrine mistake it for tritheism. There is no disregard for the first command. It is a false accusation. Again, we'll talk about John 20:28

Making Jesus a God breaks that law for it is very clear that there is only one God. The God that Christ came to show us. The God he prayed to.
Nobody made Jesus God. Thomas simply recognized the fact John 20:28

Lon there is so much that the churches are not teaching their people. You will not get all the truth available about God until you explore what others have to offer.
:nono: Again, just scripture. John 20:28 for awhile.

Even the Universities teach limited understandings of scripture. But you know that already.
Well, you just told me someone taught you about Unitarian doctrine. The only cure for wrong doctrine is the Spirit leading through scripture reading. Let's start with John 20:28

You and I have the same goal, to please our [C]reator. But we are on different roads.
There is only one Way one Truth one Life. There is no other way to that same goal.
My interest is to share God's love and the limited amount of truth he has blessed me with. My many years of prayer and study has prepared me for the future when he will bring me to his home. I need to share that while I can on this world.
We'll start with John 20:28
Pray for peace, pray for mankind. Show God's love to all.
Good things to pray about.
So on to it...
Jesus Christ is a form of God to us. He has the power that his God gave him.

What did he tell you when he said he was going to his God and our God?
Well, please don't jump the gun. All I am asking is what exactly the text says. I will want to spend a good number of posts on this:

John 20:28 Thomas said to Jesus, "You are the Lord of me and God of me."

Just tell me first, what it means. What is it saying before you and I get further than that?


Well-known member
Your problem is you base your faith on one verse, John 20:28. * There are many verses that show that Christ taught that only his Father is God. Your stuck in the muck of tradition Lon. Can you really see what many others who dispute you see? If there is one God and Christ has a God why do you not question the Trinity that men formed in the fourth century?

Yochanan 20:28
And Toma answered and said to him " My Master and my Elohim!"

How many meanings does the word Elohim have?

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New member
It can.

Self-willed vs God-willed. We'd better be very sure. Willy-nilly 'disagreement' isn't glorifying. Our focus as men is nothing but glorifying God and keeping other's eyes on Him. Granted TOL is a different kind of animal, but the goal doesn't change so we have to figure out in this forum, how to glorify Him within those parameters. In some ways, it encourages dissonance to be here, but I'm fairly straight down the line orthodox.

Free and enslaved is a matter of perspective and choice. I want to be ensnared by truth. Alone. I don't care where it leads. I want to follow that and only that. We'll talk about that with John 20:28

Who taught you? :think:

I think most against the Trinitarian doctrine mistake it for tritheism. There is no disregard for the first command. It is a false accusation. Again, we'll talk about John 20:28

Nobody made Jesus God. Thomas simply recognized the fact John 20:28

:nono: Again, just scripture. John 20:28 for awhile.

Well, you just told me someone taught you about Unitarian doctrine. The only cure for wrong doctrine is the Spirit leading through scripture reading. Let's start with John 20:28

There is only one Way one Truth one Life. There is no other way to that same goal.

We'll start with John 20:28
Good things to pray about.
So on to it...

Well, please don't jump the gun. All I am asking is what exactly the text says. I will want to spend a good number of posts on this:

John 20:28 Thomas said to Jesus, "You are the Lord of me and God of me."

Just tell me first, what it means. What is it saying before you and I get further than that?
When I say Jesus is my God Keypurr tells me that Jesus is not God. When Thomas said Jesus was his God Jesus praised him.

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Only God is immortal. After a few days in a tomb the Father told Jesus to hit the deck, he had work to do.

Jesus was born of the Spirit at that time. Those born of the Spirit are immortal.

And so it goes...


Well-known member
When I say Jesus is my God Keypurr tells me that Jesus is not God. When Thomas said Jesus was his God Jesus praised him.


Maybe you just do not see what he was really saying.
The Greek to English translations are sometimes not what they seem to be.


Well-known member
And God had something else do this because he wasn't willing to do it himself?

1 John 3:16 KJV
Hereby perceive we the love of God , because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

Sorry Keypurr. My God has greater love than what you are imagining. Even that "spirit son" you imagine didn't lay down his own life but sacrificed someone else while possessing him.

Mark 10:45 KJV
For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

Your version loves less and gave up someone else's life.

Please define the Son of Man as you see him.
Consider that NO MAN has seen God.


New member
Please define the Son of Man as you see him.
Consider that NO MAN has seen God.
The Son of Man is how Jesus referred to himself as when to emphasis his role as the child of Isaiah 9:6. Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, but come unto us in the flesh.

"No man has seen God" needs clarification as to your meaning. Moses was a man and God talked to him face to face.


New member
Maybe you just do not see what he was really saying.
The Greek to English translations are sometimes not what they seem to be.
Keypurr, this is by no means an isolated incident. Everyone else in that Bible, apostle or angel, always objected when someone tried to worship them. Worship God, they said. What does Jesus do? He lets them worship him and acknowledge him as God.

That would be very strange indeed were He not actually God.


Well-known member
He came to do the will of his God. Jesus Christ has a God who pushes his buttons.

Phill 2 describes him as a form of God, consider that he is the exact copy of his creator and was given the fullness of his Father. That would make him "a" god, not the true God. Scripture is full of people and angels being worshipped, but that does not make them the most high God. Jesus never said he was God. If fact he preached just the opposite in John 17. Why listen to men when you have the words of your Lord. There is only one true God and YHWH is his name.

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New member
He came to do the will of his God. Jesus Christ has a God who pushes his buttons.

Phill 2 describes him as a form of God, consider that he is the exact copy of his creator and was given the fullness of his Father. That would make him "a" god, not the true God. Scripture is full of people and angels being worshipped, but that does not make them the most high God. Jesus never said he was God. If fact he preached just the opposite in John 17. Why listen to men when you have the words of your Lord. There is only one true God and YHWH is his name.

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If you are limiting God to one name you are mistaken. As testified by Moses,

Exodus 6:2-3 KJV
And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the Lord : [3] And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them.

God uses different names for different occasions. The name he has made himself known by now is JESUS.

Philippians 2:9-10 KJV
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: [10] That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

Notice that JESUS is above every other name. Now notice that Paul himself acknowledges JESUS as God when you see the origin of his quote. See also Romans 14:11...

Isaiah 45:22-23 KJV
Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. [23] I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.

Keypurr, your theories are running into conflict with scripture all over the place. I am good with what Paul and Jesus said, without needing to explain them away to substitute your conclusions. Just give up and accept what the words actually say. Your reasoning has been flawed.