Now, even though there is ONE God working for us and in us ... there are three distinct individuals. Look at just a few comments which let us know they are individuals -even as divine as they all are as God.
First the The WORD was the voice of God. When this person of the God Head spoke creation came into being. Whether the voice of God was spoken audibly or came as a quiet voice inside of a person, He was a living unique individual ... who just happened to be God and yet was with God. No one had ever seen his physical presence as the Messiah until the days of John the Baptist. God had sent HIS WORD into the world to speak to the world and tell the world HE was the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. Pilot asked him: What is the truth ... and Jesus said I AM...
Now, the Holy Spirit is God, but he has a specific jobs and his access was conformed in a way that he could come into man/believers in order to hold them by his might unto salvation and to teach us the will of God and to reveal our Messiah to us. I believe Jesus's sacrifice made THAT WAY possible.
Lastly, The Father was the person of the God Head who was seen by men [Old Testament] - even by Adam and Woman in the Garden. I look at the Father this way: He was the one invisible God, but took on a visible presence so He would appear among men and angels. The image/presence was not God but rather his tool.It was the visible form of God who knew Moses face to face. Who dis miracles among the children of Israel ans so forth.
I like to think of the Father's presence being like a pre-incarnate presence of his promised Son/The WORD.
Why? Because there is ONE God who created only ONE image and proclaimed it was "Our image and likeness."
Why? Because Jesus said when you have seem ME you have SEEN the Father. Since he looked like the Father LORD then when you saw the Father it was like seeing the presence of the future messiah.
He told religious teachers of the Sanhedron that they would have recognized who he was - as God the Father ... if they had ever been given the privilege of hearing the Father's voice or seeing his shape. John 5:37
Each one in the God Head are described so uniquely according to who they knew face to face and the times they each worked among men and angels, and in what manner they accomplished their work, everyone can recognize them as individuals. The one spiritual God was able to accomplish this triune existence within creation.