Paul's conversion proves you wrong.
Paul wasn't saved as soon as he believed in Jesus.
This is what Jesus said to Paul:
Acts 9:5 "Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied.
6 but get up and enter the city, and it will be told you what you must do."…
hahahaha Now what does Jesus say?
Jesus says it will be told you WHAT YOU MUST DO.
Where is that TO BE SAVED part you left out?
Yes, the risen Lord was going to tell Paul how much he had to suffer for His name's sake.
“Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came here,
has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 9:14).
Did you read that gt? "Brother Saul, I, Ananias, obeyed as soon as the risen Lord Jesus told me to come so that you can physically see and can receive the Holy Spirit.
Or do you, gt, read Ananias saying, 'Hey, brother Saul, I, Ananias, obeyed as soon as the risen Lord Jesus told me to come so that you can be saved?' Is that how you read this part, gt?
The risen Lord was not seeking to save anyone but Saul.
All saw the light, but only Saul saw our Lord.
All heard the voice, but only Saul understood it (Acts 9:7).
And what was said was addressed specifically to Saul, and not to the rest.
That you believe the risen Lord Jesus or not it is clear from the narrative in Acts 9 my risen Lord intercepted Saul to save him, and this my risen Lord did right there at the road to Damascus BEFORE Paul entered Damascus, AFTER, when Ananias OBEYED, Paul RECEIVED the HOLY SPIRIT because Paul had already been saved.
Or do your false doctrine teach that UNbelievers can RECEIVE the Holy Spirit also?