ECT The Same Yesterday, and Today, and For Ever

God's Truth

New member
Just as Jesus said.

Luke 24:39 KJV
(39) Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

A spirit without a body does not have flesh and bones.

So you are saying when people die physically, they don't have a spirit that lives on in consciousness?


Well-known member
Jesus didn't have a flesh body that ages and dies.

So, it wasn't a body that grew from fetus to adulthood, didn't suffer hunger, thirst, pain, etc? Couldn't die by such instances as say, crucifixion?

Jesus had a body in heaven, and it is the glorious Spiritual body that we will receive when we are resurrected.

There is no point in Christ's resurrection if His human body was not raised to life and glorification, thus redeeming humanity.

Christ Jesus ascended bodily, though transformed, it was the same human body which was conceived in Mary, lived a human life, suffered a human death and was raised glorified the third day and ascended into heaven forty days later. He will return in the same glorified human body.


Well-known member
I give you scriptures all the time.

You don't know these scriptures about there is only one God and he is the Father, and, the Word was God and became flesh?

There is only one GOD and He is the Son.

.... or do you imply by your statement that the Son is not GOD and only the Father is GOD?
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But God has a SOUL. A SOUL is a body with a spirit.

No, GT, a soul is NOT a body with a spirit.

A soul is different than a body and different than a spirit.

Man is made of body AND soul AND spirit. How can man be made of body and (body with a spirit) and spirit? Why not just say "body and spirit"?

1 Thessalonians 5:23 explicitly states all three as individual parts, and Hebrews 4:12 says that soul and spirit can be divided, which is not possible if "soul" means "body with a spirit."

(Leviticus 26:11) (Leviticus 26:30) (Isaiah 42:1) (Zechariah 11:8) (Matthew 12:18) (Hebrews 10:38).

These scriptures speak of God having a soul…

So? He also has a spirit and a body.

Namely: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

a soul is a body with a spirit.

Nope. See above.

If these scriptures are not about Jesus, and if Jesus did not exist in a Spiritual body, then how God who lives in unapproachable light that no one has seen have a body?

God the Father and God the Holy Spirit do not have bodies, they have never had a body. God the Son did not have a body until the incarnation in the four Gospels. Now God the Son has a body where he didn't before.

A body allows us to interact with the physical world.

A soul allows us to interact with other creatures that have souls.

A spirit allows us to interact with God.

All three make up man, and is what is meant by God making man in His "image."


Well-known member
He had the body he has now, and he had it before he came to the world.
How do you think Jesus existed in heaven before coming to earth?

Technically, the GOD/man called Jesus began in Mary's womb.
Before that, the Being which the Scriptures call GOD the WORD existed as pure infinite Spirit/Mind... bodiless.
The only permanent body which He ever had was the one when He became flesh in the womb of Mary.
When GOD the WORD appeared as the Angel of YHVH in the OT it was only a temporary supernatural projection.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
He had the body he has now, and he had it before he came to the world.

How do you think Jesus existed in heaven before coming to earth?
He rose in the same body that was taken from the cross and was placed in the tomb, scars and all.
That body was not replaced with another, it was the same body that was placed in the tomb.

God's Truth

New member
There is only one GOD and He is the Son.

.... or do you imply by your statement that the Son is not GOD and only the Father is GOD?

There is only one God and He is the Father, and He came as a Son.

It is a human explanation of something that comes from you is a son, or a daughter.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Spirits don't have bodies, GT, that's why they're spirits.
The words of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ ought to settle it for GT.
But as usual she likes to twist scripture to her own man-made agenda.

Luke 24:39 KJV
(39) Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

Spirits do NOT have flesh and bones.
The risen Lord Jesus Christ's body did have flesh and bones.
The risen Lord Jesus Christ was NOT a spirit.
He just told His disciples He was not a spirit.