ECT The Same Yesterday, and Today, and For Ever

God's Truth

New member
No, we can be either carnally minded or spiritually minded depending on whether our spirit is awakened to spiritual things or not.

Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.​

That scripture means we can either have our mind on pleasing our flesh, or we can have our mind on spiritual things.

God's Truth

New member
To the Reader;

Glorydazed and JD cannot disprove what I said, they cannot find any scripture where souls go to heaven.

When we die physically, our spirit goes on in consciousness, and we go to either heaven or hell.

God's Truth

New member
Which has nothing to do with our spirit. If our spirit was our mind, you would be brain dead.

Our spirit changes and grows with our physical body.

Our spirit is our ghost.

A person who lives only to please their body will reap in their spirit the sin that they have committed.

A person who lives to please the Lord will have a spirit transformed into the likeness of Christ and will reap eternal life.


Well-known member
To the Reader;

Glorydazed and JD cannot disprove what I said, they cannot find any scripture where souls go to heaven.

When we die physically, our spirit goes on in consciousness, and we go to either heaven or hell.

And godsuntruth says the soul is the body. :chuckle:

Matthew 10:28And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

God's Truth

New member
We are body and soul and spirit.

We have a body, and it can be alive, or it can be dead.

If it is alive, it is a soul.

If it is alive, it has the spirit still in it.

If our body is dead, it means our spirit has passed on.

We are made in God's image, who is Father and Son and Holy Ghost.
The Father is Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is what He can do with His Spirit. Jesus is the Spirit of God the Father with a body.

Jesus is the soul of the Father.

When we die, we lose our body, but retain our soul and spirit.

No. When we die, our spirit lives on and we cease from being a living soul.

When Jesus died, He was separated from the Father and Holy Ghost.

Jesus’ Spirit is the Holy Ghost come as a man’s spirit.

After Jesus died on the cross, he went in his spirit to hell, then he raised his body.

Do you see the parallel yet?

When go to be with God, we will be given new bodies but not new souls or spirits, bodies that can interact with the new world, but that do not decay.

When we die, we don’t have a soul and a spirit that lives on.

At the resurrection, we will be given new bodies that will not die. We will be new souls.

When Christ was raised, He was given a new body, one that can be touched, but does not decay, and it is through His Body that we can interact with God.


Every living thing has a body.

Plants have bodies, but no soul or spirit, you can't form a relationship with a plant (though some weirdos try).

Animals have bodies that allow them to interact with the physical world, with varying levels of souls, that allow them to interact and form relationships, with other animals and with humans (for example a cat or dog can form a strong relationship with a human, or even a mate), but they cannot form a relationship with God, nor will they exist after death. When an animal dies, it no longer exists.

You are wrong about that. Animals have a spirit.
Humans, on the other hand, are body soul and spirit. We have bodies to interact with the physical world, we have souls to interact with other creatures, both human and animal, but we also have a spirit, which allows us to form and maintain a relationship with our Creator, God.

When humans die, they will either be given new bodies when Christ returns, OR they will not be given new bodies and be cast into lake of fire, where they will not be able to harm others, nor themselves, but they will exist as soul and spirit.

No, all will be raised with new bodies whether to go into the lake of fire, or to live with God on the new earth.

God's Truth

New member
And godsuntruth says the soul is the body. :chuckle:

Matthew 10:28And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Read that scripture more carefully.

The scripture says, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul."

That means do not be afraid of those who kill the body but not the body with the spirit.

Then the scripture says, "Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

That scripture means be afraid of God who can destroy the body AND the body with the spirit.

The time when God can destroy both the soul(body with the spirit), it will be after the resurrection of the dead when we have new bodies and people will be thrown in the lake of fire.


Well-known member
Read that scripture more carefully.

The scripture says, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul."

That means do not be afraid of those who kill the body but not the body with the spirit.

Then the scripture says, "Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

That scripture means be afraid of God who can destroy the body AND the body with the spirit.

The time when God can destroy both the soul(body with the spirit), it will be after the resurrection of the dead when we have new bodies and people will be thrown in the lake of fire.


Destroy the body but not the soul. :duh:

You can't make this stuff up, folks. "That means do not be afraid of those who kill the body but not the body with the spirit."

God's Truth

New member

Destroy the body but not the soul. :duh:

You can't make this stuff up, folks. "That means do not be afraid of those who kill the body but not the body with the spirit."

A soul is a living body. That means a body with it's spirit.

Now why does glorydazed come on to mock but give NO scripture about any soul going to heaven.


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A soul is a living body. That means a body with it's spirit.

Now why does glorydazed come on to mock but give NO scripture about any soul going to heaven.

According to you, GT, the following verse should read like this:

And so it was, as her [living body/body with a spirit] was departing (for she died), that she called his name Ben-Oni; but his father called him Benjamin. - Genesis 35:18

Did Rachel's body and spirit depart from her body (illogical)? Or did her soul depart from her body, which remained and was buried?

God's Truth

New member
According to you, GT, the following verse should read like this:

And so it was, as her [living body/body with a spirit] was departing (for she died), that she called his name Ben-Oni; but his father called him Benjamin. - Genesis 35:18

Did Rachel's body and spirit depart from her body (illogical)? Or did her soul depart from her body, which remained and was buried?

No, listen carefully...Rachel's spirit was departing from her body...her soul was dying.

A body without the spirit is dead James 2:26.

A body with the spirit is a living soul Genesis 2:7 KJV.

God's Truth

New member
According to you, GT, the following verse should read like this:

And so it was, as her [living body/body with a spirit] was departing (for she died), that she called his name Ben-Oni; but his father called him Benjamin. - Genesis 35:18

Did Rachel's body and spirit depart from her body (illogical)? Or did her soul depart from her body, which remained and was buried?

We know that a body whose spirit departs is dead.

There is no scripture that says souls go to heaven; however, we have many scriptures that tell us our spirits do.

So then, when you hear a preacher say their soul is in heaven, you know the preacher is speaking what he or she was taught from man. What do the scriptures say? No scripture says a soul goes to heaven, because a soul is a living body. A person's spirit goes to be with Jesus, or it goes to hell.


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No, listen carefully...Rachel's spirit was departing from her body...her soul was dying.

A body without the spirit is dead James 2:26.

A body with the spirit is a living soul Genesis 2:7 KJV.
Nope, that's not what the verse says, GT.

Here's what it says:

And so it was, as her soul was departing (for she died), that she called his name Ben-Oni; but his father called him Benjamin. - Genesis 35:18

You have it completely backwards.

Her soul was departing, and she died.

According to you, her "living-body-with-a-spirit" was departing from her body. That's illogical. A person's body cannot depart from their body.

The verse says that Rachel's soul was departing, not her body, her "nephesh."

GT: Did Rachel's body and spirit depart from her body (illogical)? Or did her soul depart from her body, which remained and was buried?


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We know that a body whose spirit departs is dead.

There is no scripture that says souls go to heaven; however, we have many scriptures that tell us our spirits do.

So then, when you hear a preacher say their soul is in heaven, you know the preacher is speaking what he or she was taught from man. What do the scriptures say? No scripture says a soul goes to heaven, because a soul is a living body. A person's spirit goes to be with Jesus, or it goes to hell.
Stop evading.

Did Rachel's body and spirit depart from her body (illogical)? Or did her soul depart from her body, which remained and was buried?

God's Truth

New member
Nope, that's not what the verse says, GT.

Here's what it says:

And so it was, as her soul was departing (for she died), that she called his name Ben-Oni; but his father called him Benjamin. - Genesis 35:18

You have it completely backwards.

Her soul was departing, and she died.

Her spirit was departing from her body.

According to you, her "living-body-with-a-spirit" was departing from her body. That's illogical. A person's body cannot depart from their body.

Again, her spirit was departing from her body.

Now you can prove to me that a spirit departs from their body, but you cannot prove that a soul departs from their body.

Her soul was departing/separating from that which made it a living soul.

The verse says that Rachel's soul was departing, not her body, her "nephesh."

Her soul was dying.

Souls die but spirits do not die.

GT: Did Rachel's body and spirit depart from her body (illogical)? Or did her soul depart from her body, which remained and was buried?
A body is either dead or alive, it is either a living soul, or is a dead body without the spirit.

God's Truth

New member
Stop evading.

Did Rachel's body and spirit depart from her body (illogical)? Or did her soul depart from her body, which remained and was buried?

I do not evade from the scriptures. The scriptures about our spirits living on is one of the most precious topics to me.

Go ahead and explain to me what a soul is. Explain too what a spirit is. I want to show you where you go wrong.