The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


New member
Have you bothered to read the posts that I've written throughout this thread, or are you just being your typical Libertarian troll again tonight?

It doesn't seem to be trolling; it does look like a reasonable observation given the body of your posts

Luke 6:27-37

27 “But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who [o]mistreat you. 29 Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your [p]coat, do not withhold your [q]shirt from him either. 30 Give to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away what is yours, do not demand it back. 31 [r]Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. 32 If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33 If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. 34 If you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners in order to receive back the same amount. 35 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, [t]expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; [v]pardon, and you will be pardoned.

Matthew 24:9-13

9 “Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. 10 At that time many will [d]fall away and will [e]betray one another and hate one another. 11 Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. 12 Because lawlessness is increased, [f]most people’s love will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.
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It doesn't seem to be trolling; it does look like a reasonable observation given the body of you posts

I have no problem whatsoever "judging" evil. If there is anything in this umpteen page thread that isn't accurate, feel free to let me know.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Soooooo, let's go over some of that "less than reputable source material":

On the Planned Parenthood (i.e. "Baby Murderers R Us") website, it shows that MLK Jr. was the first co-recipient of the Margaret Sanger Award.
He was. I've addressed that. It wasn't the age of the internet and there's literally no reason and nothing in MLK, Jr.'s positions to remotely suggest he knew about Sanger's end game. In fact, it would be irrational to suggest King would be actively engaged with someone whose agenda was destructive racism.

Like suggesting a Hindu would be comfortable working in a slaughter house.

Close friend and fellow SLCL founder Ralph Abernathy admitted in his book that MLK Jr. spent the last night of his life in a motel room with hookers.
I know Abernathy spoke to King's (and others in leadership) infidelity. I don't recall ever actually reading about hookers, outside of a discredited chain letter/email which in its earliest form tried to work white into the hooker claim.

So the problem isn't suggesting that King wasn't a paragon of virtue, but in driving an agenda that rides distortions and additional nonsense that speaks to another and more disturbing point--a point which simply doesn't touch how I answered you in the first place. I'm not interested in attempts to cobble a saint out of a flawed and courageous man, only to celebrate that courage, non violence and sacrifice in advancing a necessary good.


Now that yet another white guilt ridden liberal has said his piece (all of those things were discussed earlier in the thread), I'll review the 65 page article from page 1 entitled:

Why the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Should Be Repealed

On page 5 of the article you'll find a heading entitled

"Peaceful Protests"

Here's how "peaceful" MLK Jr.'s supposed non violent protests were:

“Dr. King… spoke at the headquarters of the West Side Organization, where a sign on the wall
said: ‘Burn, baby, burn, boycott, baby, boycott.’ Roving bands of youths and some adults… broke
windows, looted stores, and stoned police cars and small police vans.”25
The riot was intense. It began when African-American youths, numbering approximately 100, stoned a police
car. Martin Luther King, Jr., blamed the riot on Chicago Mayor Daley’s refusal to make concessions to the civil
rights program. “This is his typical style,” said Congressman John Ashbrook of Ohio. “Rarely has Reverend
King chastised looters, arsonists, and conspirators for violence. He always justifies their actions and, directly or
indirectly, encourages them.”26 When the weekend came, Illinois Governor Kerner was forced to use the National
Guard, because “police could not control rioting that in three nights included burning, looting, two deaths, 100
injuries, and extensive property damage,” noted Congressman Ashbrook.27
King had a discussion with the militant African-American Stokely Carmichael [who was the "Prime Minister" of the radical Black Panther Party]. In the discussion, King
seemingly recommended to Carmichael that he should try to “dislocate the functioning of a city” but “without
destroying it.” These are King’s words of advice to Carmichael: “To dislocate the functioning of a city without
destroying it can be longer lasting, more costly to the society. It is more difficult for the government to quell it by
force. The disruption of cities you want will become much easier.”28 Unfortunately for the U.S., King’s
followers not only disrupted the city but also almost destroyed a large section of Chicago following King’s
Many respected African-American religious leaders felt that King was doing more harm than good and asked
him to leave their cities. They said that they did not want their cities disrupted. They pleaded with King to stop his
campaign, but it did no good. King continued to foment problems in the U.S.
Reverend Henry Mitchell, the leader of a group of West Side African-American ministers in Chicago who
represented about 50,000 African-Americans, felt that King should “get the hell out of here.” Mitchell and his
fellow ministers felt that way because King’s civil rights marching in 1966, he said, “brought hate.”29 “If [King]
wants to march on the West Side,” said Mitchell, “let him march with rakes, brooms, and grass seed.” Mitchell
continued, suggesting that African-Americans in the Chicago area wanted “peace, love, and harmony,” not the
violence that came to town with King.30

Read more:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I see you're already scurrying away from even the attempt at trying to make the KKK photo and message make sense, along with the hooker business. Now it's people speaking not to what King advocated, but "seemingly" (read: read in) did and what those tangentially related to did or didn't.

Just farcical.

And, again, what remains, what not even people like aCultWarrior can find leverage against or answer is the life of a man put in harms way to accomplish a moral good and end an institutional evil. However flawed the man, that sacrifice and courage can't be rewritten.


I see you're already scurrying away from even the attempt at trying to make the KKK photo

Did the founder of Baby 'Murderers R Us' (Planned Parenthood) not speak to the Ku Klux Klan and was she not invited back on numerous occasions by them to give more speeches?

and message make sense, along with the hooker business.

I forgot to mention: The night before his death the Reverend Dr. nearly beat one of those hookers to death (as we saw in my last post, King had no problem with violence).

Back later with 60 pages more of

Why the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Should Be Repealed


New member
Just to bring some context to the MLK/Malcolm X meeting. It was March 26, 1964 in Washington, DC. Both men were there to listen to Senate hearings on Civil Rights. They ran into each other, spoke for about a minute. This was the only time they ever met. Malcolm X was a staunch critic of MLK for years, once referring to him as "Dr. Reverend Chicken-Wing".

it hardly matters considering all the things we know about him. We should honor his CAUSE, NOT him

It's interesting that the US honors someone like this and yet someone like Dorothy Day is ignored.. b/c she was a practicing Catholic.



New member
Did the founder of Baby 'Murderers R Us' (Planned Parenthood) not speak to the Ku Klux Klan and was she not invited back on numerous occasions by them to give more speeches?

I forgot to mention: The night before his death the Reverend Dr. nearly beat one of those hookers to death (as we saw in my last post, King had no problem with violence).

Back later with 60 pages more of

Why the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Should Be Repealed

haven't heard about the beaten hooker but anyone who would cheat on his wife and call himself Christian and pass himself off as some great moral leader... doesn't surprise me and it's probably true (though I would like more evidence)

in any case, I was just thinking about this early this morning, about how the US honors this person and he even has a special day on the calendar, right there along with Jesus on Dec 25... sickening

honor the cause, not MLK


it hardly matters considering all the things we know about him. We should honor his CAUSE, NOT him

Yet the end result of "the cause" has brought nothing but misery and death to the black community (huge number of abortions in the black community; incarceration of black youth and men, fatherless homes, etc.).

W.E.B. Dubois and ML King Jr.'s way was not the answer. As The Berean and I were saying, the ways of the brilliant hard working Booker T. Washington would have made a huge positive difference for the black community.


haven't heard about the beaten hooker...

For instance, Mike went to Oslo to accept the Nobel Prize. The evening before he did so found him running naked – naked? – yes, naked down the hallway of his hotel chasing a woman. A story in the Atlanta Journal, dated March 31, 1965, quoted Republican Congressman William Dickinson as saying that “all night sessions of debauchery” involving Mike took place in a church. On the night before he was killed, King participated in another orgy. He hired prostitutes and paid for them with church money. He beat at least one of them up.
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blablablablablablabla the life of a man put in harms way to accomplish a moral good and end an institutional evil. However flawed the man, that sacrifice and courage can't be rewritten.

so celebrate the accomplishment :idunno:

and leave the memory of the flawed pervert on the trash heap of history where it belongs


so celebrate the accomplishment :idunno:

Once again: What was "accomplished, that blacks can drink out of the same water fountain as whites?

The black community is in a world of hurt because of the evil doings of Martin Luther the King Jr.


New member
A direct question. Are you affiliated with any group that is considered a White supremacist organization or hate group by anyone [if so which one(s)], or are you just a lone wolf racist? An honest answer would be appreciated.


And now, yet another post from a white guilt-ridden liberal

A direct question. Are you affiliated with any group that is considered a White supremacist organization or hate group by anyone [if so which one(s)], or are you just a lone wolf racist? An honest answer would be appreciated.

When the truth can't be refuted


Come back when you have something to defend your Saint with Morphie.


for one thing, town and his ilk were able to salve their troubled consciences for the guilt they felt after the horrific and unjust way they treated negroes for many years

Hence the term I use frequently when addressing them:

White guilt-ridden liberal.


New member
now now

given only two viable choices, wasn't it wiser to have chosen the better of the two?

finally--the voice of reason

how stupid it is to say "Oh Romney is not a perfect R, so i am staying home on election day, even though that will, in effect, be a vote for the insane (redundancy alert) liberals



the lack of logic is just so painful...


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Did the founder of Baby 'Murderers R Us' (Planned Parenthood) not speak to the Ku Klux Klan and was she not invited back on numerous occasions by them to give more speeches?
Not the point, was it. The irrationality in what you embrace there is in trying to taint MLK by an association in taking an award for something else. Now if King had known about her position it wouldn't be reasonable to advance he'd have taken any part with her.

Else it's this silly: she's a genocidal racist and MLK, Jr. was in league with trying to harm the very people and very thing she would detest...oh.

It's embarrassing how underthought that approach remains.

And still the fellow scurries away from the point, that MLK, Jr., flawed human being that he was, gave his life to advance an inarguable good and free his people from institutionalized evil.

so celebrate the accomplishment :idunno:
That's really what King represents, being at the forefront of that part of history.

and leave the memory of the [redacted] on the trash heap of history where it belongs
Link to where you made that argument about...Jefferson for one. He's darn nearly lionized as are the rest of the founders. Take a look at that horror show of moral failures...or not. Recognize that most of our historical figures had significant personal failures and continue to use them the way we do, as symbols relating to the parts of their lives that served the good.


New member
For instance, Mike went to Oslo to accept the Nobel Prize. The evening before he did so found him running naked – naked? – yes, naked down the hallway of his hotel chasing a woman. A story in the Atlanta Journal, dated March 31, 1965, quoted Republican Congressman William Dickinson as saying that “all night sessions of debauchery” involving Mike took place in a church. On the night before he was killed, King participated in another orgy. He hired prostitutes and paid for them with church money. He beat at least one of them up..
Here is another article from the Alan Stang website you referred to here.


by Alan Stang
February 4, 2009

[Announcement: Did you know Alan Stang has a new radio show? Click here for details.]

The recent eruption of anti-Caucasian racism I cited in last week’s column – indeed, the fact that one of them erupted unpunished during the illegal coronation of Also Known As the First – is proof that the Race Racket will continue no matter how many blacks are elected to high office.

Remember that Marxist preacher Joseph Lowery, founder with Communist Martin King of the red Southern Christian Leadership Conference, spoke in his pseudo-benediction of “that day when black will not be asked to get in back . . . and when white will embrace what is right.”

Many whites have been wondering whether the installation as emperor of an illegal alien who is at least half black could mean that after a century and a half of “white guilt” the Race Racket would finally let them up. The answer is a resounding “No!” The Race Racket is just too consarned lucrative. If you were running it – I know you are not and could not, but if you were in the first place – would you give it up? Of course not!

You are talking about something worth hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars, plus huge, totalitarian power. It is the phony justification for the satanic beast that presently holds the nation in thrall and threatens to destroy it. It put illegal alien Also Known As in the Oval Office. (And it drones on)

And now, yet another post from a white guilt-ridden liberal

When the truth can't be refuted


Come back when you have something to defend your Saint with Morphie.
So you refuse to answer whether you are affiliated with any group that is considered by anyone to be a White supremacist organization or hate group. Again, an honest answer would be appreciated.


Link to where you made that argument about...Jefferson for one. He's darn nearly lionized....

when they close the gubmint for a day off for jeff, i'll speak out

he's no hero of mine :idunno:

meanwhile, we're talking about the pervert whose "holiday" will keep me from logging on on monday :sozo2: