The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

On my browser your avatar is the only one showing up. The only thing there is alt text that says "musterion's avatar" and a Broken Image Icon that looks like this:



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I did an internet search looking for pro life/anti abortion quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. and only came up with Alveda King's name........

Maybe that's because MLK was shot in 1968 and Roe v Wade happened in 1973.

Had you done your homework and actually paid attention to the thread you'd know that the abortion movement was extremely vocal 12 years before King's death.

And the reason Alveda King's name comes up is because the rest of the King family has spit on MLK's grave and thrown in with the baby-killing, homo-promoting Dems. Alveda is the only one true to her father's beliefs.

How sad, you don't even know that Alveda King is the niece of Martin Luther King Jr.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....Had you done your homework and actually paid attention to the thread you'd know that the abortion movement was extremely vocal 12 years before King's death......

I know that Junior Einstein. I was trying to give a possible reason why his name did not come up in a search. Maybe as a black man in the 60's, his movement consumed most of his time. I don't know and I don't care.

How sad, you don't even know that Alveda King is the niece of Martin Luther King Jr.

Obviously I meant her uncle - it was a mistake. But it was a good opportunity for you to still not answer the question and support your ignorant stupid thread.

You have no proof that MLK was pro choice so quite chasing red herring and my typos and just admit that you are a liar.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
.....Had you done your homework and actually paid attention to the thread you'd know that the abortion movement was extremely vocal 12 years before King's death......

]I know that Junior Einstein. I was trying to give a possible reason why his name did not come up in a search. Maybe as a black man in the 60's, his movement consumed most of his time. I don't know and I don't care.

Stick with facts and don't try to come up with excuses for King. The facts speak for themselves. You'd call any other recipient of the Margaret Sanger Award a baby killer, yet are making excuses for King.


Happy birthday you rapist:

WALSH: Martin Luther King Jr. Was Reportedly An Abuser Who Laughed At Rape. Is It Time To Tear His Monuments Down?

A report in a publication called Standpoint makes some startling claims about civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. We should note that this article is in something called Standpoint, rather than, say, The New York Times, because the American mainstream media did not have the courage for it. Indeed, David Garrow, the award-winning biographer who authored the piece based on information found in FBI documents, was not able to find any outlet in the United States willing to publish the details.

Here’s what Garrow has to say

Newly-released documents reveal the full extent of the FBI’s surveillance of the civil rights leader Dr Martin Luther King in the mid-1960s. They expose in graphic detail the FBI’s intense focus on King’s extensive extramarital sexual relationships with dozens of women, and also his presence in a Washington hotel room when a friend, a Baptist minister, allegedly raped one of his “parishioners”, while King “looked on, laughed and offered advice.” The FBI’s tape recording of that criminal assault still exists today, resting under court seal in a National Archives vault.

Read more:


Nothing better to do?

Last year at this time a conservative publication that I read posted an article celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. and the holiday in his name. I sent them some material from this thread and recently received an email from them stating that they reviewed the information that I provided and decided not to mention King in their publication this year!
While it would have been nice if they'd shared the truth about this evil man, I'm appreciative that they're not continuing to promote him as some kind of Saint.


I ran across this article by "Libertarian for life" (i.e. rainbow flag waver) Ron Paul the other day. In it he belittles the FBI, going back to the inception of the Bureau.
"In the 1930s and 1940s, the FBI spied on supporters of the America First movement, including several Congress members. Two of the most famous examples of FBI targeting individuals based on their political activities are the harassment of Martin Luther King Jr. and the COINTELPRO program. COINTELPRO was an organized effort to spy on and actively disrupt “subversive” organizations, including antiwar groups."

How is it that "Libertarian for life" Ron Paul went from speaking the truth about King to King being one of his heroes? Degenerates of a feather stick together?

"Ron Paul often boasts of his consistency. But there’s one opinion that has evolved substantially over the past two decades, and that is Paul’s position on Martin Luther King, whose birthday is commemorated today. Just one more reminder over what was said then, and what is being said now:

“I was among the first to bring you news, about a year ago, that the Rev. Martin Luther King plagiarized his doctoral dissertation. The January 1991 issue of Chronicles magazine tells the whole sordid story, but to scoop them, the Wall Street Journal ran a ‘sensitive’ story. And now the New Republic reports that it, the WSJ, the Washington Post, and the New York Times knew about the plagiarism long ago but chose to suppress it. So much for our free press.

“We know that King is a Marxist and a world-class adulterer. But there is yet another charge, and this appears in black columnist Carl Rowan’s new book Breaking Barriers (Boston: Little, Brown, 1991).

“While Rowan was head of the U.S. Information Agency under LBJ, he found out about the FBI bugging of King’s multifarious sexual activities. Documented on tape: a sexual relationship between King and his fellow Christian minister, Ralph David Abernathy. See Rowan’s book for the exact words, which I cannot bring myself to quote. Am I glad I voted in Congress against an expensive federal holiday for this man.”

February 1991.

“He [King] was also a comsymp, if not an actual party member, and the man who replaced the evil of forced segregation with the evil of forced integration.

“King, the FBI files show, was not only a world-class adulterer, he also seduced underage girls and boys. The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy revealed before his death that King had made a pass at him years before.

“And we are supposed to honor this ‘Christian minister’ and lying socialist satyr with a holiday that puts him on par with George Washington?

“Congratulations to Arizona! Who could doubt that the result would be exactly the same if the other 49 states could also vote on a holiday for this affirmative-action saint?”

December 1990.

“Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day.”

February 1990.

“[O]ne of my heroes is Martin Luther King.”

January 2012.
