Is anyone surprised that aCW is feeding TOL "facts" about Martin Luther King directly from white supremacist websites?
"The Creativity Movement: Survival, Expansion, and Advancement of White Race."
Have a look. They use a book called "The White Man's Bible" as one of their "holy books."
These are the "16 commandments" from aCW's links:
Thanks for looking into that one source that I've used in exposing the fraud Martin Luther King Jr; I wasn't aware of who wrote it or their background.
That being said: Is there anything that is false from this post that came from that source? (note how they use references to the information that they've provided).
“Dr. King… spoke at the headquarters of the West Side Organization, where a sign on the wall
said: ‘Burn, baby, burn, boycott, baby, boycott.’ Roving bands of youths and some adults… broke
windows, looted stores, and stoned police cars and small police vans.”25
The riot was intense. It began when African-American youths, numbering approximately 100, stoned a police
car. Martin Luther King, Jr., blamed the riot on Chicago Mayor Daley’s refusal to make concessions to the civil
rights program. “This is his typical style,” said Congressman John Ashbrook of Ohio. “Rarely has Reverend
King chastised looters, arsonists, and conspirators for violence. He always justifies their actions and, directly or
indirectly, encourages them.”26 When the weekend came, Illinois Governor Kerner was forced to use the National
Guard, because “police could not control rioting that in three nights included burning, looting, two deaths, 100
injuries, and extensive property damage,” noted Congressman Ashbrook.27
King had a discussion with the militant African-American Stokely Carmichael [who was the "Prime Minister" of the radical Black Panther Party]. In the discussion, King
seemingly recommended to Carmichael that he should try to “dislocate the functioning of a city” but “without
destroying it.” These are King’s words of advice to Carmichael: “To dislocate the functioning of a city without
destroying it can be longer lasting, more costly to the society. It is more difficult for the government to quell it by
force. The disruption of cities you want will become much easier.”28 Unfortunately for the U.S., King’s
followers not only disrupted the city but also almost destroyed a large section of Chicago following King’s
Many respected African-American religious leaders felt that King was doing more harm than good and asked
him to leave their cities. They said that they did not want their cities disrupted. They pleaded with King to stop his
campaign, but it did no good. King continued to foment problems in the U.S.
Reverend Henry Mitchell, the leader of a group of West Side African-American ministers in Chicago who
represented about 50,000 African-Americans, felt that King should “get the hell out of here.” Mitchell and his
fellow ministers felt that way because King’s civil rights marching in 1966, he said, “brought hate.”29 “If [King]
wants to march on the West Side,” said Mitchell, “let him march with rakes, brooms, and grass seed.” Mitchell
continued, suggesting that African-Americans in the Chicago area wanted “peace, love, and harmony,” not the
violence that came to town with King.30
I look forward to to hearing whether or not King really did have close alliances with the hardcore racist and communist/Black Panther "Prime Minister" Stokely Carmichael and if indeed black pastors in the Chicago area told King to "get the hell out of here" because he "brought hate" with his message and movement.
If anyone can track down the truth ole eggnostic one, you certainly can.