The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


New member
the stuff i read in the site reference

was... well, for one, not coherently written...

and i still haven't made up my mind whether it is true all ... or even some.. that has been said about MLK Jr...

I would prefer to read a book about this, written by someone who can be trusted...

can't believe just any old thing u read on i-net..



the stuff i read in the site reference

was... well, for one, not coherently written...

and i still haven't made up my mind whether it is true all ... or even some.. that has been said about MLK Jr...

I would prefer to read a book about this, written by someone who can be trusted...

can't believe just any old thing u read on i-net..

With you being so busy starting lame threads every hour, I'm surprised that you had the time to look at any of the articles I posted.

Do your own investigation, prove that any of the information that I've provided about King is untrue or inaccurate.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Was it a bad thing that a supposed Christian minister
No, his ministry is an established fact...sort of the opposite of most of your source material and that photo of Sanger.

had a proud and unrepentant homosexual in his inner circle?
The way the Republicans have Tea Party members in the ranks? You left out communist, by the way. And black. Quit slacking.

Only a Muslim could ask that kind of question.
Only you can prevent forest fires.



Which brings me to the next thing about MLK Jr. : Was he a homosexual? (Being that he spent a good amount of time with female hookers, the question should be: Was MLK Jr. a bisexual?).

"[Bayard] Rustin was a close King associate, ally, supporter, and a known homosexual. In 1953, Rustin was convicted of morals charges. In the frozen mood of that day and time that was the parlance for homosexual acts. It carried a quick, and sometimes, stiff jail term. King knew this, the Kennedys, top FBI officials, black elected officials, civil rights leaders, and the tight circle of black ministers around King, knew it as well.

That didn't deter King from embracing Rustin. At the high point of the 1956 Montgomery bus boycott that launched King into the national spotlight and over the vehement opposition of black ministers who called homosexuals and Rustin unsavory and evil, King invited Rustin to come to Montgomery as an advisor. A year later, King turned to Rustin and asked him to draft the resolutions and the organizational charter of his fledging Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He demanded that the SCLC board, mostly composed of black ministers, hire Rustin as its coordinator and publicist. King didn't win that one. The board flatly turned him down, and though it was unstated, Rustin's homosexuality was a major reason.

The issue continued to dog King and his relationship with Rustin. Harlem Congressman Adam Clayton Powell publicly threatened to accuse King of having a homosexual affair with Rustin if he didn't call off planned demonstrations at the 1960 Democratic Convention. King didn't buckle to Powell's blackmail threat and went ahead with the demonstrations anyway..."

More on Bayard Rustin:

"Bayard Rustin, who came to Harlem to attend City College in the early 1940s, recalls Harlem congressman Adam Clayton Powell from that period. At City College, Rustin was an organizer for the Young Communist League and then began to work for A. Philip Randolph. Bayard Rustin's negative feelings about Powell, revealed in this segment of the oral history conducted in 1985, were undoubtedly strengthened by later events. In 1960, Adam Clayton Powell threatened to tell Congress about Rustin's homosexuality, causing Martin Luther King, who had worked closely with Bayard Rustin during the Montgomery Boycott and thereafter, to publicly break with Rustin."

(King continued to associate with Rustin privately).

It sounds like Martin and Bayard were pretty tight.


like marbles on glass
Which brings me to the next thing about MLK Jr. : Was he a homosexual? (Being that he spent a good amount of time with female hookers, the question should be: Was MLK Jr. a bisexual?).

"[Bayard] Rustin was a close King associate, ally, supporter, and a known homosexual. In 1953, Rustin was convicted of morals charges. In the frozen mood of that day and time that was the parlance for homosexual acts. It carried a quick, and sometimes, stiff jail term. King knew this, the Kennedys, top FBI officials, black elected officials, civil rights leaders, and the tight circle of black ministers around King, knew it as well.

That didn't deter King from embracing Rustin. At the high point of the 1956 Montgomery bus boycott that launched King into the national spotlight and over the vehement opposition of black ministers who called homosexuals and Rustin unsavory and evil, King invited Rustin to come to Montgomery as an advisor. A year later, King turned to Rustin and asked him to draft the resolutions and the organizational charter of his fledging Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He demanded that the SCLC board, mostly composed of black ministers, hire Rustin as its coordinator and publicist. King didn't win that one. The board flatly turned him down, and though it was unstated, Rustin's homosexuality was a major reason.

The issue continued to dog King and his relationship with Rustin. Harlem Congressman Adam Clayton Powell publicly threatened to accuse King of having a homosexual affair with Rustin if he didn't call off planned demonstrations at the 1960 Democratic Convention. King didn't buckle to Powell's blackmail threat and went ahead with the demonstrations anyway..."

More on Bayard Rustin:

"Bayard Rustin, who came to Harlem to attend City College in the early 1940s, recalls Harlem congressman Adam Clayton Powell from that period. At City College, Rustin was an organizer for the Young Communist League and then began to work for A. Philip Randolph. Bayard Rustin's negative feelings about Powell, revealed in this segment of the oral history conducted in 1985, were undoubtedly strengthened by later events. In 1960, Adam Clayton Powell threatened to tell Congress about Rustin's homosexuality, causing Martin Luther King, who had worked closely with Bayard Rustin during the Montgomery Boycott and thereafter, to publicly break with Rustin."

(King continued to associate with Rustin privately).

It sounds like Martin and Bayard were pretty tight.

So because he had a gay associate, you think King was gay or bisexual.

I should have known you'd get here eventually. In your world, all roads lead to homosexuality.


So because he had a gay associate, you think King was gay or bisexual.

I should have known you'd get here eventually. In your world, all roads lead to homosexuality.

Pay attention anna, Harlem (i.e. he was Black) congressman Adam Clayton Powell was going to spread a rumor that Rustin and King were having a fag affair.

As I'd mentioned earlier, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther the King Jr. loved his women too much for anyone to call him a homosexual. If Powell did have information on King being a buggerite, it would have made him a bisexual (The B in the LGBT acronym).

"Mr. [Ralph] Abernathy and King were many things to each other - colleagues in the black church, cellmates, strategists, co-conspirators for justice - but at the personal level, they were best friends. But in friendships in which one person greatly outshines the other, a curious mixture of love, envy and competition can sometimes lead to a lingering, often unspoken resentment.

Mr. Abernathy's reasons for providing a detailed description of his friend's last evening and early morning - during which King had sexual encounters with two women and a confrontation with a third close woman companion - can be known only to him.

(((Mr. Abernathy said he had not revealed anything that had not already been discussed publicly. ''Had others not dealt with the matter in such detail, I might have avoided any commentary,'' he wrote. He also said that although he personally did not approve of Dr. King's behavior, he understood its reasons, because both he and Dr. King were away from home so much.)))..."

FBI: King Bought Sex With SCLC Money

"The FBI files on King are sealed until the year 2027. If what former assistant FBI director William Sullivan said is true, I can understand why.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation had for many years been aware of Stanley Levison's Communist activities. It was Levison's close association with King that brought about the initial FBI interest in King.

Lest you be tempted to believe the controlled media's lie about "racists" in the FBI being out to "get" King, you should be aware that the man most responsible for the FBI's probe of King was Assistant FBI Director William C. Sullivan. Sullivan describes himself as a liberal, and says that initially "I was one hundred per cent for King...because I saw him as an effective and badly needed leader for the Black people in their desire for civil rights." The probe of King not only confirmed their suspicions about King's Communist beliefs and associations, but it also revealed King to be a despicable hypocrite, an immoral degenerate, and a worthless charlatan.

According to Assistant Director Sullivan, who had direct access to the surveillance files on King which are denied the American people, King had embezzled or misapplied substantial amounts of money contributed to the "civil rights" movement. King used SCLC funds to pay for liquor, and numerous prostitutes both Black and White, who were brought to his hotel rooms, often two at a time, for drunken sex parties which sometimes lasted for several days. These types of activities were the norm for King's speaking and organizing tours.

In fact, an outfit called The National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee, which is putting on display the two bedrooms from the Lorraine Motel where King stayed the night before he was shot, has declined to depict in any way the "occupants - -of those rooms. That "according to exhibit designer Gerard Eisterhold "would be "close to blasphemy." The reason? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spent his last night on Earth having sex with two women at the motel and physically beating and abusing a third."

Should we also add the word "embezzler" to the long list of things that accurately describe Martin Luther the King Jr.?


Dear The King Of Smear,

I think it's worthwhile for someone to point out that what you're doing isn't just self-serving, but extremely useful - especially in a democracy. As Mark Twain said, "Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep 'til noon."

Though I admire and respect Dr King, I'm glad someone is challenging his reputation that may in fact exceed his actions (as useful and noble as those actions were).

So thank you very much for this thread, you can see what I mean about reputation by the way people have rushed to attack you or defend King (whereas you don't usually get this large a reception). Perhaps MLK day had something to do with it, but it by no means accounts for it all.

Thank you again, I only wish you'd apply the same treatment to the reputation of people you AGREE with.



Okay, now onto the fun stuff - how many Christians does it take to screw up an ACW thread?

Boy if you get to heaven your not going to like it when you find out that Jesus isn't white.

He's not, and neither are you.

So was King a communist, or a former communist?

I see nothing in this writings that suggest he was either !

He had many Trotskyist (not communist) friends, the civil rights movement is more or less completely secular - they used his reverend status for the same reason any idiot black man can get on the news if you put that in front of his name.

Poor Aaron, he's so confused. He votes for a pro abortion candidate and a pro abortion political party platform, but still seems to think that he's pro life.

Tell me, did you vote for the abortion-profiteering, flip-flopping [about abortion] career politician Romney?

Your answer would be interesting.

^ This ... also, utilizing these types of graphics is a common tactic that
advocates use for shock value.



And this coming from someone who voted for the most pro abortion President in US history.

Excellent point. How could you bring yourself to vote for someone who you think is a baby-killer?

Do you also protest the birthdays of Lincoln who believed blacks were inferior to whites

I'm not convinced Lincoln did believe blacks were inferior. I just think he had a serious CD problem going on or it was a position of convenience at the time.

Hmmm, worshipping what pedophile Prophet? Muslims don't worship anyone but Allah SWT so not sure what you are accusing me of exactly. I like it though, that you attack my faith without any real substance. :cheers:

BTW, the actual age of Aisha is still up for debate. It's most likely that she was 9 or 10 when they were married, but did not have sex until she was a teenager.

If you're a sunni and have to listen to the hadiths, then Mohammed was a paedophile wife-beater. If you're Shi'ite, then you don't have to believe so.

I don't really care, the Quran is bad enough on its own, never mind the hadiths.

Nice misdirection AcW...You leftists are simply amazing in that regard!!!

Vietnam was wrong on all levels.

ACW a leftist? Are you on drugs?

Nice dodge buddy. Unbelievable that you're still allowed to breed.

Because he says horrible things he shouldn't be allowed to breed? You give your totalitarian Jihad away too easily.

Who cares. Racism is everywhere, and I dare say it is most prevalant in the black community. Believe me, I know, as a long time resident of Oakland CA.

Its everywhere and that's life. Don't use it to distract from the topic.

I'm pretty sure a thread about MLK is going to involve a little mention of RACISM. You dope.

well, if all this is true (i read through some of it)

Don't develop scepticism now.

I would prefer to read a book about this, written by someone who can be trusted...

can't believe just any old thing u read on i-net..


Wow, you're still stuck on this? As racist, prejudiced and judgemental you are towards an individual, I honestly do not believe you are a Christian.

I know right, you'd think he'd be a drooling, illiterate-peasant following Muslim!

Well it didn't take long for the crazy to come out. ©


Dear The King Of Smear,

I think it's worthwhile for someone to point out that what you're doing isn't just self-serving, but extremely useful - especially in a democracy. As Mark Twain said, "Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep 'til noon."

Though I admire and respect Dr King, I'm glad someone is challenging his reputation that may in fact exceed his actions (as useful and noble as those actions were)...

You being an admirer of this evil evil man, I encourage you to correct me with any information that isn't factual in the thread.

I'll patiently wait.


I do appreciate the number of times you've linked to my post. It's rather satisfying to know what an effect it's had on you.

anna, you have no idea what "effect" that your post has had on me and others.

Speaking for myself, the tears rolling down my face from laughter is very therapeutic in this ever so messed up world that you and your liberal friends have brought us.


New member
Tell me, did you vote for the abortion-profiteering, flip-flopping [about abortion] career politician Romney?

Your answer would be interesting.

Yes, he did vote for Romney even after calling him many, many negative things.

Excellent point. How could you bring yourself to vote for someone who you think is a baby-killer?

aCW talks a big game, but he's a bit pro-choice as well. If the mother-to-be is young and was a rape victim, he feels that she should have the choice to abort.


You being an admirer of this evil evil man, I encourage you to correct me with any information that isn't factual in the thread.

I'll patiently wait.

I don't care what he says about abortion.
I don't tend to commit guilt by association fallacies.
I already know about his gay/Trotskyist comrades.

I don't think I can be of any use to you.


You have no idea what effect your campaign to recriminalize homosexuality has had on me, how I've changed my viewpoint as a result.

How do you think God feels about your promotion of homosexual (faux) marriage anna, an institution that He created exclusively for man and woman?