The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.


You're still lying. Margaret Sanger isn't my hero.


All of these things don't change your dishonesty in calling Martin Luther King Jr. a baby-killer because he was given an award named after a woman who didn't support abortion, seven years before abortion became legal in this country.

Thank you for participating in the thread anna. I so look forward to this discussion next year.

Shall we make it a date? Same time, same thread.

And that concludes this year's 'celebration' of the baby murdering, sodomite loving, communist sympathizer/socialist, plagiarist, sexual degenerate (did I mention that King was a fake Christian?)...

Martin Luther the King Jr.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...And that concludes this year's 'celebration'
Maybe by next year you'll be able to answer that question of yours. :plain:

Any parting lies to share with us about King?
baby murdering,
That's one.
sodomite loving,
As opposed to sodomy loving. So like Jesus then.
communist sympathizer/socialist,
Communist in what iteration? Because it would be a similar problem with Marxist communism and a preacher that you had with the whole Klan supported black civil rights leader. :plain:
sexual degenerate
Neither of us know that but it's a common enough sin among men.
(did I mention that King was a fake Christian?)...
You made the allegation.

Martin Luther the King Jr.
The guy who died going to the mat to overturn an unjust system that dehumanized an entire people? That guy?

What's your failing, your sin and what have you done for anyone that came at a real cost?


Maybe by next year you'll be able to answer that question of yours. :plain:

You mean this one?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why would a supposed man of God associate [as in become an ally with] with someone like this? (Eugenicist/racist/abortionist/who promoted infanticide Margaret Sanger).

I thought that the answer was pretty obvious TH:

A true man of God wouldn't.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You mean this one?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why would a supposed man of God associate [as in become an ally with] with someone like this? (Eugenicist/racist/abortionist/who promoted infanticide Margaret Sanger).

I thought that the answer was pretty obvious TH:

A true man of God wouldn't.
That's not answering the question. The question is why would? If you can't find a good reason why a black man would side with a Klan friendly supporter of black genocide then you have the real answer: your premise in the question is just wrong, is unsustainable, rationally.

But you know that, which is why you couldn't, didn't and never will answer your own inquiry. You didn't think it through, were satisfied with the attempt to taint by association. I'm just surprised you didn't find a fake photo of Hitler handing King an award.


That's not answering the question. The question is why would? If you can't find a good reason why a black man would side with a Klan friendly supporter of black genocide then you have the real answer: your premise in the question is just wrong, is unsustainable, rationally.

Good point TH: Why would a Black man murder his own people?

Why would former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin during his reign of terror murder anywhere from 100,000 to a half of million of his fellow Black Africans?


Why would Barack Hussein Obama be a supporter of abortion knowing that black babies are disproportionately the victim of the butcher's knife?


The list of mass murderers that have wiped out people of their own race is extensive.

Here's something that you guilt ridden white liberals fail to acknowledge:

Evil has no boundaries.

As I told annab:

Same time, same thread next year, because white guilt ridden liberals need to make themselves feel better about their racist policies by celebrating a fraud of a wannabe man:

Martin Luther the King Jr.


like marbles on glass
Same time, same thread next year, because white guilt ridden liberals need to make themselves feel better about their racist policies by celebrating a fraud of a wannabe man:

Martin Luther the King Jr.

Why wait until next year to tell you that the only fraud here is you?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Good point TH: Why would a Black man murder his own people?
No, you cowardly lion you, the question wasn't are there evil, crazy people who kill other people. The question you can't face is the one you asked.

And it's starting to get as funny as your inability to take not having the last word.

To paraphrase: in your rabid rush to demonize King in any way you could think of, or because you were going point to point from some rag you want to confuse with the Encyclopedia Britannia, you used a phony photo of Sanger at a Klan rally to ask why a man of God would be in bed with that sort of person.

And you never found a good reason, because it's irrational to suggest that any black leader of the civil rights movement who understood her agenda would support it or take support given her Klan like perspective on blacks and her genocidal end game.

Evil has no boundaries.
Neither does irrationality and self justification. Because the evil leaders of nations argument doesn't really apply. I'll show you why: those men killed to seize and maintain power. It was a brutal, evil, but ultimately self serving decision.

The one you're advancing isn't. It's a move that would undermine his base. Were he literally a self serving, evil, wanna be tyrant, it would be the last move that made sense on that end.

Same time, same thread next year, because
Because you're a frustrated, little guy with so much malice in his heart he confuses it with virtue?

Just a guess, but your general posting habits tend to make the point.

Can't wait for your next attempt at a last crazy word. :plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Good point TH: Why would a Black man murder his own people?

No, you cowardly lion you, the question wasn't are there evil, crazy people who kill other people...

You're confusing the word "kill" with "murder" TH. Martin Luther the King, because of his stance on 'birth control' (i.e. abortion), was a mass murderer, and the last time I checked, mass murderers are...

'evil people'.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You're confusing the word "kill" with "murder" TH.
No, I think most people realize that when evil, crazy people kill other people to obtain and/or continue in power they know precisely what it is...I was avoiding legalistic nonsense, given many of those crazies weren't actually breaking the law, committing a legal murder within the context of their particular crazy kingdom, but great way to dance around my point again by playing Word Power though. :poly:

Martin Luther the King, because of his stance on 'birth control' (i.e. abortion), was a mass murderer, and the last time I checked, mass murderers are...'evil people'.
Except you haven't really established your point, you're contradicted on it by people in a better position to know and it doesn't answer the question.

I guess you never will.

Here it is again: why would a black civil rights leader support or want support from a racist, Klan loving, black genocide supporting woman?

Answer: there's no self supporting reason for an evil man to do that, or no reason (because being evil would be one) that isn't countermanded by low self interest.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Hey, look, it's "I can't answer my own point without looking crazy I know I'll try to tar everyone capable of rational examination with my crazy brush" back to say hi.

And the great part about being crazy (or just deeply dishonest) is that he doesn't even have to try to connect the scurrying dots.

Or, business as usual for aCW. :plain:

So...more of a last picture then, words not really working out for you.


First co-recipient of the Margaret Sanger/Planned Parenthood baby butcher award, violent sexual degenerate, communist sympathizer, plagiarist, fraudulent Christian, you name it, Mike King did it all.


Since this thread was locked,
I thought I'd start a new one.

and yet, as vile a human being as mlk might have been, by accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior, all his sins were washed clean

isn't God wonderful?


and yet, as vile a human being as mlk might have been, by accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior, all his sins were washed clean

isn't God wonderful?

We have a TOL first here folks (and something I thought I'd never see while on God's green earth) :

resurrected sucking up to Town Heretic.

Wouldn't it have been great if Martin Luther the King had accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior? If you think that he did, you obviously haven't read the thread.


New member
Wouldn't it have been great if Martin Luther the King had accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior? If you think that he did, you obviously haven't read the thread.
Wow, you're still stuck on this? As racist, prejudiced and judgemental you are towards an individual, I honestly do not believe you are a Christian.


Wow, you're still stuck on this? As racist, prejudiced and judgemental you are towards an individual, I honestly do not believe you are a Christian.

You forgot "homophobic bigot" (throw a "Nazi" in there for good measure).

Speaking of which: I ran across this article about openly homosexual Bayard Rustin, Martin Luther the King's right hand man.

Tis an interesting read written by the late Rustin's boyfriend.

Bayard Rustin: The Man Homophobia Almost Erased From History


New member
You forgot "homophobic bigot" (throw a "Nazi" in there for good measure).
I wasn't going to resort to name calling, just bringing up actions. If that's the titles you wanna roll with, by all means do you.
Speaking of which: I ran across this article about openly homosexual Bayard Rustin, Martin Luther the King's right hand man.
So is it a bad thing that a member of Dr. King's inner circle was gay?