Should we pay tithes to be bless and free?


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Tithing can flow out of devotion to Christ or bondage to organized religion. It is both/and, not either/or. This is similar to what day of worship we choose (Pauline argument). If someone gives 10% and another 30% and another is between them and God. All days of the week are as unto God (not just Sunday or Sabbath). Likewise, all giving may be either as unto God or in a merely religious manner.

Then why call it tithing? Doesn't tithing literally mean a tithe or a tenth?

Why not call it give all, some, or none? Why misuse the OT laws regarding giving a tenth to support the priesthood to mean give all some or none to support some building project?

Why not admit that the laws of tithing a tenth of your increase (we can discuss if wages that many families can barely survive on are "increase" separately) do not apply to the church?


New member
Originally posted by cravescheese

Assuming you are not being facetious, think of what a witness that would be.

I was being honest!

I was a DJ in the night-club scene throughout the "Disco" era, and after I became a Christian it was the best place to find people whom I knew and share what Christ has done for them.


New member
If you have a problem paying tithes on a large sum of money, you should pray the sum of money would become a smaller amount.....



New member
Originally posted by Brent2

If you have a problem paying tithes on a large sum of money, you should pray the sum of money would become a smaller amount.....


It's funny what stupid things some people will say, uh Brent?


New member
If you have a problem paying tithes on a large sum of money, you should pray the sum of money would become a smaller amount.....

efe ---------:shocked: :noid: :kookoo: :darwinsm: :bang: :vomit:


It's funny what stupid things some people will say, uh Brent?

e4e -----:up: :box: :sozo2:


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

I was being honest!

I was a DJ in the night-club scene throughout the "Disco" era, and after I became a Christian it was the best place to find people whom I knew and share what Christ has done for them.

I apologize for posting something that appeared to question your honesty. I don't doubt your honesty. When I first read your post I thought you said, what if we met in a tavern, not that we did meet in one. My mistake.

BTW, I think that is one of the coolest things I have heard in a while.

I am tired of Ivory Tower Christianity. Jesus went to the sinners not the saved. Jesus would have a bible study anywhere and everywhere.

The Son of God owned no property and had no where to lay His head.

Yet His ministry was the most effective. No buildings, or fundraisers required. I don't know of Jesus ever taking a collection.

Since this was about tithing, we should discuss the tithe-feast. You never hear the tithe-preachers talk about that.

Enyart is correct to bring it up.


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Originally posted by Sozo


Are you demon possessed? Becuase no one can be as completely dense as you are.

Sorry if I am not clear. The Sabbath question was addressed by Paul to those who were bickering over the old and new covenant. Some issues must be based on principles, since Scripture does not give prescriptions for every issue. Within God's moral law is an area of freedom and conscience on some issues (weaker, stronger brother, etc.).

Do you not think it slanderous (a sin) to say someone is cultic and demon possessed based on a few personal thoughts? Do you think the Spirit is impressed that you call Him an evil spirit indwelling a child of God?

sozo lacks credibility and integrity....this is not slanderous...


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Originally posted by cravescheese

Yes it is one model. It is not a model we have an example of. We do have examples of small home fellowhips and churches meeting in public places where unbelievers congregate.

Here would be a good place to meet. Meet at your local Jehovah's witness kingdom hall. That way you could witness to and convert them. If they kick you out, oh well. Or meet at a synagogue, buddhist temple, mormon temple or hindu ashram.

Just as the early church would go to the synagogues as a witness to the jews. Makes sense...thats where the unbelievers are!

When asked why he robbed banks a famous bankrobber said "Thats where the money is"

Once you have your own building "sanctuary" you lose out on the opportunity to engage the unbelievers. Hindus usually aren't going to come to your church. If you go to their places they will have to deal with you.

Please don't attribute words to me. Where did I say any such thing? You grip is the one that seems loose.

Where does it say the church is to have assets? Does store up your treasure in heaven ring a bell to you? You can most easily have a physical presence in the community by going out into the community, not hiding in comfy pews in a sanctuary. Why does a church have to or want to become large? Once you get big how can the pastor and the members really get to know eachother and have true fellowship? Mega churches tend to be places where mega amounts of carnal christians can hide from their responsibility to go out into the world and be salt and light. It is easier to be lost in a large crowd than a small one.

I didn't say renting is the only valid model. You are again attributing words to me that I did not say. Wooden literalism or following God's Holy Word? Let's see, back in the NT early church days..did they have concepts of public and private property? YES. Did they have concepts of renting spaces like at inns? YES Did they have private homes? YES.

What modern contingency relative to this discussion does the bible not deal with?

Who said unbelievers are supposed to come to church for an evangelistic message?

The church is a gathering for worship, instruction (edification/equipping), fellowship, equipping for evangelism, and service. We are to GO to the world and form relationships with people in our community (GOspel; Great Commission= Go ye). If an unbeliever comes to church, so be it. The church is primarily the family and army of God, not an evangelistic center (secondary, alternate model of ministry for some services).


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Originally posted by cravescheese

Maybe leaving their first love was an indictment of leaving their love for spreading the Gospel to the world by hiding in a sanctuary in a mega church.

Nice eisegesis (reading meaning into text that is not primary interpretation based on context, etc.). Try exegeting the real meaning and situation before making your applications (what did it mean to them (interpret)? What does it mean to us (apply)?)


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Do you not think it slanderous (a sin) to say someone is cultic and demon possessed based on a few personal thoughts?

Nope... and neither did Jesus or Paul.


Well-known member
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Originally posted by Sozo

We use to have our bible study in the local tavern. We would put some tables together, pull out our bibles, and order a couple of pitchers and some appetizers!

Is it okay with you, godrulz, if we "tithe" to the local pub?

I commend you for being where the people are. This is 'church'. It would lack wisdom and integrity to tithe to the pub, since funds could be used to advance sin (strippers, drunkeness, gambling, etc.). The Malachi principle could have application where we give our $. There is no Old or New Testament practice for giving to ungodly institutions. I will assume you are being sarcastic.


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Originally posted by cravescheese

Then why call it tithing? Doesn't tithing literally mean a tithe or a tenth?

Why not call it give all, some, or none? Why misuse the OT laws regarding giving a tenth to support the priesthood to mean give all some or none to support some building project?

Why not admit that the laws of tithing a tenth of your increase (we can discuss if wages that many families can barely survive on are "increase" separately) do not apply to the church?

I would rather be faithful, obedient and generous than robbing God of a reasonable fruit of my time and labors. If poor people tithe, God will be faithful to meet their needs. This is not giving to get, but submitting to His Lordship and trusting the providential Father-heart.

OK, let's call it a tithe...a reasonable starting point for NT giving. I give net vs gross would be legalistic to argue which is more accurate.

cf. some people feel the Bible condemns drinking alcohol...for them, it may be a sin to drink, while others might have a clear conscience. I believe the Bible teaches moderation and did not forbid alcohol. However, in our culture, other biblical principles could be used for abstinence. This would be a principle of wisdom.

The principle of tithing could be similar. It may not be obvious that NT believers should tithe (or drink or abstain), but you cannot condemn me for using it as a guideline (not explicitly rescinded in the NT) with the motive to obey, worship, love, please God and further the Kingdom.


Well-known member
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Originally posted by Sozo

Nope... and neither did Jesus or Paul.

You have neither the wisdom, credibility, authority of Jesus nor Paul. You know a fraction of who I am, yet you make sweeping judgments on things you misunderstand:doh:


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

You have neither the wisdom, credibility, authority of Jesus or Paul. You know a fraction of who I am, yet you make sweeping judgments on things you misunderstand:doh:

Am I "misunderstanding" that you believe and teach that Christians should tithe?


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

You have neither the wisdom, credibility, authority of Jesus nor Paul. You know a fraction of who I am, yet you make sweeping judgments on things you misunderstand:doh:

btw... are you judging me as not having wisdom, credibility, or authority?


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Who said unbelievers are supposed to come to church for an evangelistic message?

The church is a gathering for worship, instruction (edification/equipping), fellowship, equipping for evangelism, and service. We are to GO to the world and form relationships with people in our community (GOspel; Great Commission= Go ye). If an unbeliever comes to church, so be it. The church is primarily the family and army of God, not an evangelistic center (secondary, alternate model of ministry for some services). didn't deal with any of my points and then proceed to try and claim that I said "unbelievers are supposed to come to church for an evangelistic message".

We were talking about the church needing property. Right? The church building as you are discussing it can be a place to have evangelical outreaches. Or are you saying that it can't.

Anyway you are still missing the mark. The church IS NOT THE BUILDING.

We believers are the church. We can meet anywhere at anytime.

The church primarily did four activities according to the book of acts. Fellowship, Studying the Apostles teaching, Breaking of Bread, and Prayer. And they did this in eachothers homes.
Not in mega churches where they barely knew eachother and had phonyship, but at eachothers house where they could really know eachother and have true fellowship.

How much true fellowship happens in large churches? Not much, which is why even the mega-churches will encourage their members to join home fellowships or mini-churches. It is because it is obvious that if you only attend the services at the church building you can just be a face in the crowd where no one really knows who you are.

Sure, you turn around and shake hands and smile when the preacher asks you to, but no one really knows eachother. Hanging out with the brethren and getting to know eachother (fellowship), eating meals together at eachothers houses (breaking bread), studying the Word together (the Apostles teachings) and praying together is how Christian churches should really conduct themselves.

Your list "worship, instruction (edification/equipping), fellowship, equipping for evangelism, and service" is a start but leaves out breaking bread, studying the word together as opposed to being instructed in a one way top-down, sermonistic style and arguably most importantly praying together. I would also question how true the fellowship is especially if it is only one or twice a week for a one hour or so service.

I see it at large churches frequently. The have some elders who will pray with you after the service if you "need prayer" Like who doesn't need prayer? The problem is that praying with someone who doesn't know you is not as effective as praying with someone who you are in true fellowship with. It is also a barrier to many people because they have to go up to the front of the church after the service and may be shy. They might need prayer for something they aren't comfortable talking to a mere acquaintance about.

Bottom line:

Mega churches are essentially big productions where little true fellowship takes place, prayers are likely to be shallow and the breaking of bread consists of a broken piece of matzoh and a thimble of grape juice. Believers can easily be just a face in the crowd and never grow spiritually, but fall away when the world attacks, which it always does.

Do you honestly think that is what the church is supposed to be?


New member
Originally posted by godrulz
I would rather be faithful, obedient and generous than robbing God of a reasonable fruit of my time and labors. If poor people tithe, God will be faithful to meet their needs. This is not giving to get, but submitting to His Lordship and trusting the providential Father-heart.

Robbing God? That is ludicrous. According to Jesus, you cannot rob from a strong man let alone God unless you bind him first. It is impossible to steal from God. Submitting to God means doing His will. How is following a law that was intended to support a priest class that no longer exists doing His will?

The veil was torn in two from top to bottom.

Their is no priest class anymore. All believers are priests in a royal priesthood. If you were to claim that tithing was applicable then pay it to the priests. In other words, tithe to yourself.

Originally posted by godrulz
OK, let's call it a tithe...a reasonable starting point for NT giving. I give net vs gross would be legalistic to argue which is more accurate.

It is legalistic to require anyone to tithe at all. Tithing was a LAW to support a priest class that was abolished.

Originally posted by godrulz
cf. some people feel the Bible condemns drinking alcohol...for them, it may be a sin to drink, while others might have a clear conscience. I believe the Bible teaches moderation and did not forbid alcohol. However, in our culture, other biblical principles could be used for abstinence. This would be a principle of wisdom.

I could give a rip about what some people feel. What does the Word say? Do not lean on your own understanding.

Originally posted by godrulz
The principle of tithing could be similar. It may not be obvious that NT believers should tithe (or drink or abstain), but you cannot condemn me for using it as a guideline (not explicitly rescinded in the NT) with the motive to obey, worship, love, please God and further the Kingdom.

Tithing is not a principle. It was a law that was very specific and is no longer applicable. It was rescinded in the NT when all believers became priests. Are you saying that the priests in the OT would tithe? If so to whom? Likewise who are we NT priests to tithe to? Why do you pick just this law to judaize about? Why not the laws regarding mixing threads in fabric? Do you avoid cotton/poly blends?

It sounds to me that you are a materialistic money focused person who has not really studied the bible yourself but repeats whatever the johnny pulpit you listen to spews forth in a sermon.


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

We must interpret Malachi in context for the correct understanding. What did it mean to the original hearers? Check a commentary like Keil-Delitzsch.

If we apply it to the church, it would be by way of application and principle only. What does it mean to us (is there an application for all believers?) This is reasonable, but not the primary interpretation/application.

If the law required 10% +, then why is everyone trying to give less under grace? It seems to me we would at least give what the law required since we have the abundance and grace of Christ in our lives i.e. perhaps we should exceed what the law required. I think there is a reflection on the heart if everyone is trying to give the bare minimum to God. It is not the amount as much as the motive and heart that God values.

For some people this is a process to give 10%, and they give maybe 5% now , but everytime they hear about them being disobedient in giving 10% a great wrath of condemnation will fall on them and this will not encourage them to give anything any more.

My wife has a problem with this now and she say she can give because she don`t give in faith or love and is not cheerful about it at this time so what should she do??

Should she give out of legalism, and stress??